(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 6001 到 6100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Seasonal water contents of living trees 立木季節含水率
Seasoned wood 乾燥材
Seasoning 乾燥
Seasoning -crack 乾裂
Seasoning by leaching of wood 樹液抽出乾燥法
Seasoning in saturated steam 飽和蒸汽乾燥法
Seasoning of wood 木材乾燥
Second class standard 第二代上木
Second growth 後生樹
Secondary compartment line 區劃副線
Secondary felling 後伐
Secondary growth 第二期生長
Secondary insect 第二次蟲害
Secondary meristem 後生分生組織
Secondary parasite 第二次寄生性昆蟲
Secondary phloem 後生韌皮部
Secondary root 後生根
Secondary stand 副林木
Secondary succession 第二次植物社會演進
Secondary thickening 第二期肥厚層
Secondary tissue 後生組織
Secondary wall 後生壁
Secondary wood 後生材部
Secondary xylem 後生木質部
Secretion 樹液
Section 斷面,切片
Sectional area table 圓面積表
Sectional measurement 區分求積法
Sedentary soil 定積土
Sediment trap 除垢瓣
Seed 種子
Seed control station 種子檢驗所
Seed cutting 下種伐
Seed dried with skin 帶皮乾燥種子
Seed drill 播種行列
Seed felling 下種伐
Seed forest 喬林
Seed shedding 下種
Seed system 喬林作業
Seed testing station 種子檢驗所
Seed-bearer 母樹
Seed-bed 發芽床,播種床
Seed-board 播種板
Seed-cleaning 種子精選
Seed-coat 種皮
Seed-horn 播種角
Seed-husking 脫粒
Seed-husking establishment 脫粒設置
Seed-kiln 脫粒乾燥室
Seed-lath 播種板條
Seed-quantity 播種量
Seed-shell 種皮
Seed-test 種子試驗
Seed-time 播種期
Seed-tree 母樹
Seed-tree method 傘伐作業
Seed-year 結實年
Seeding 播種,下種,播種造林
Seeding cutting 下種伐
Seeding felling 下種伐,初次伐採
Seeding stage 下種伐
Seeding-growth 天然幼樹
Seeding-lash 播種繩
Seeding-trough 播種?
Seedling 實生苗(高3呎以下)
Seedling 苗木,實生苗
Seedling forest system 喬林作業
Seedling-forest 喬林
Seedling-plant 實生苗
Seedsman 種子商
Sekunda 幼皮
Selection border cutting method 帶狀擇伐作業
Selection cutting 擇伐式間伐
Selection felling 擇伐式間伐
Selection forest 擇伐林
Selection method 擇伐作業
Selection system 擇伐作業
Selection thinning 擇伐式?伐
Selection-system of natural regeneration 擇伐更新法
Self-acting plant 自動伏地索道
Self-contained thermostat 自制式整溫器
Self-fertilization 自花受精
Self-grafting 癒合
Self-loading skidder 低輪集材車
Self-pruning 天然脫枝
Self-reading rod 自讀照尺
Self-recording tide gauge 自記水位計
Self-sown seed 天然下種
Semi-bordered pit pair 半重紋孔對
Semi-circular spade 半圓鋤
Semi-conical spade 圓錐鋤
Semi-diffuse porous wood 半散孔材
Semi-ring porous wood 半環孔材
Semidrying oil 半乾性油
Semimature forest 半熟林
Semination sowing 天然下種
Seminatural vegetation 半天然植物?
Sensitive bulb 感應球
Sensitive to frost 易罹寒害
Sepal 萼片