(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 7954 筆資料,顯示第 7701 到 7800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Winter aspect 冬景
Winter frost 冬霜
Winter jasmine(Jasminum nudiflorum, Lindl.) 迎春花
Winter mushroom (Callybia velutides, Sacc.) 冬蕈
Winter oak 冬櫟
Winter spore 冬孢子
Winter-kill 凍死
Winter-killing 寒害
Winter-moth(G metra brumata) 尺蠖蛾
Wintergreen oil 冬綠油
Wire tramway 輕便鐵索路
Wire transportation 鐵索運搬
Wire worms" 切根蟲
Wire-gauge 鐵絲測徑計
Wire-rope 鐵索
Wirerope transportation 鐵索運搬
Wirerope way of double rope 複線鐵索道
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis virginiana, L.) 美國金縷梅
Witche's besom 天狗巢病
Witche's broom 天狗巢病
Withy (Salix fragilis, L.) 刺毛柳
Wolf tree 殺勢障木
Wolline 木毛
Wolman process 鹽類注入防腐法
Wood 木材,木部
Wood -ash 木灰
Wood acid 木酸
Wood carviny by sand blast 噴砂彫刻
Wood cellulose 木質纖維素
Wood chemistry 木材化學
Wood chopper 伐木伕
Wood color 材色
Wood conversion 製材
Wood cotton-tree(Bombax ceiba, Linn.) 木棉樹
Wood cutter implements 伐木用具
Wood drying 木材乾燥
Wood fibre board 木纖維板
Wood for agricultural purpos's 農業用材
Wood for children's toys 玩具材
Wood for cleavage 劈材
Wood for furniture 家具材
Wood for hydraulic works 水工木
Wood for pianoforte 鋼琴用材
Wood for shingles 屋頂板用材
Wood for too's and implements 器具材
Wood for turnery 鏇作用材
Wood gas 木瓦斯
Wood granted to officials free of charge 免費薪材
Wood oil tree(Aleurites montana, Wils.) 木油樹(五爪桐)
Wood pasture 林 放牧
Wood pavement 木道
Wood planner 鉋木機
Wood planning-machine 鉋木機
Wood preservation 木材防腐
Wood preservatives 木材防腐劑
Wood produce 木材收穫
Wood refuse 廢材,木屑,鉋花
Wood seasoning 木材乾燥
Wood staining 木材著色
Wood substance 材質
Wood sugar 木材糖
Wood technology 木材工藝學
Wood transport by water 木材水運
Wood used for bridge building 橋梁材
Wood used for bridges 橋梁材
Wood used in foundation's buildings 基礎工材
Wood used in machinery 器械材
Wood waste 廢材
Wood with radial bands 輻射孔材
Wood working 木工事業
Wood(s) 森林,木材,林分
Wood-assortment 材種
Wood-beetle 木蠹蛾
Wood-bending 曲木
Wood-block 鋪木
Wood-boring insect 穿孔性昆蟲
Wood-carving 木材彫刻
Wood-charcoal 木炭
Wood-chopper's wage 伐木工資
Wood-contractor 木材包商
Wood-creosote oil 木?油
Wood-cutter 伐木伕
Wood-depot 貯材場
Wood-destroying fungus 腐朽菌
Wood-famine 木荒
Wood-fibre 木纖維
Wood-flour 木粉
Wood-foreman 工頭
Wood-fretter 木蠹蛾
Wood-gum 樹膠
Wood-market 木材市場
Wood-mosaic 嵌木細工
Wood-oil 桐油
Wood-parenchyma 木質柔組織,木材柔組織
Wood-parenchymatous cell 木材柔組織,木細胞
Wood-parenchyme fibre 木材柔組織
Wood-pipe 木管
Wood-plant 木本植物
Wood-price 材價
Wood-pulp 木漿