(計算時間: 0.016秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 12701 到 12800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
exchange, cation 陽離子交換
exchange, charge 電荷交換
exchange, chemical 化學交換
exchange, continuous 連續交換
exchange, energy 能量交換
exchange, fuel-sodium (heat) 燃料-鈉熱交換
exchange, fuel-water (heat) 燃料-水熱交換
exchange, heat 熱交換
exchange, interlattice 晶格內交換
exchange, ion 離子交換
exchange, isotope 同位素交換
exchange, isotopic 同位素交換
exchange, meson 介子交換
exchange, sodium-water (heat) 鈉-水【熱】交換
exchanging scattering 互換散射
excitability 激發率
excitation 激發
excitation band 激發【能】帶
excitation cross-section 激發截面
excitation curve 激發曲線
excitation detectors 激發式偵檢器
excitation energy 激發能
excitation field 激發場
excitation frequency 激發頻率
excitation functions 激發函數;激發功能
excitation loss 激發損失
excitation number 激發數
excitation of a gas 氣體激發
excitation potential 激發位能
excitation probability 激發機率
excitation switchgear 激發開關設備
excitation, atomic 原子激發
excitation, collision 碰撞激發
excitation, Coulomb 庫侖激發
excitation, discrete 不連續激發
excitation, electric 電激發
excitation, electronic 電子激發
excitation, extra 過激
excitation, field 場激發
excitation, fission 分裂激發
excitation, impact 撞擊激發
excitation, impulse 脈衝激發
excitation, inelastic-scattering 非彈性散射激發
excitation, molecular 分子激發
excitation, nuclear 核激發
excitation, nucleonic 核子激發
excitation, radiation 輻射激發
excitation, radiative 輻射激發
excitation, residual 剩餘激發
excitation, resonant 共振激發
excitation, rotational 旋轉激發
excitation, shock 撞擊激發
excitation, single-particle 單粒子激發
excitation, step-by-step 階梯式激發
excitation, thermal 熱激發
excite 激發
excited atom 激發原子
excited field voltmeter 激發場伏特計
excited ion 激發離子
excited level 激發能階
excited nucleus 激發核
excited state 激發態
excited-atom density 激發原子密度
exciting current 激發電流
exciting field 激發場
exciting force 激發力
exciting irradiation 激發照射
exciting isotope 激發同位素
exciting power 激發功率
exciting winding 激發線圈
exciton 激子
exciton voltage 勵磁電壓
excluded region 禁區
exclusion (1)不相容(2)排斥
exclusion area 禁區;禁建區
exclusion area control 禁區管制
exclusion boundary 禁區邊界
exclusion or function 排斥或函數
exclusion principle 不相容原理
excreta 排泄物
excretion monitoring 排泄偵測
excretion of radioactive materials 放射性物質之排泄
excretion pathway studies 排泄途徑研究
excursion 脫羈
excursion, nuclear 核脫羈
excursion, power 功率脫羈
excursion, pressure 壓力脫羈
excursion, reactivity 反應度脫羈
excursion, temperature 溫度脫羈
exemption 豁免
exfoliation 分層
exhaled air 呼出空氣
exhaust air system 排氣系統
exhaust blower 排氣鼓風機
exhaust casing 排氣殼
exhaust diaphragm 排氣膜片
exhaust duct 排氣道
exhaust fan 排氣風扇
exhaust gas 排氣
exhaust header 排氣集管