(計算時間: 0.018秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 28701 到 28800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
rarefication 稀薄化
Rashing column 拉西塔
raster 光柵
ratcher-type device 棘輪式裝置
ratchetting 棘輪
rate (一)定額(二)程度
rate boron counting 硼(腔)計數率
rate core spray flow 額定核(爐)心噴水流量
rate of depletion 耗乏率
rate of diffusion 擴散率
rate of discharge 放電率
rate of disintegration 蛻變率
rate of exchange 交換率
rate of inflow 流入率
rate pulse(-repetition) 脈衝重複率
rate-of-rise heat activated divice 升高熱率引動裝置
rated capacity 額定容量
rated current 額定電流
rated flow 額定流量
rated flow control line 額定流量控制管線
rated frequency 額定頻率
rated heat balance 額定熱平衡
rated impulse-with-stand voltage 額定抗擊電壓
rated neutron flux 額定中子通率
rated operating condition 額定運轉狀態
rated output 額定輸出
rated output power 額定輸出功率
rated pattern 額定模式
rated power condition 額定功率狀態
rated pressure 額定壓力
rated speed 額定速率
rated steam flow 額定蒸汽流量
rated steam flow rate 額定蒸汽流量率
rated temperature 額定溫度
rated thermal power 額定熱功率
rated voltage 額定電壓
rated watt consumption 額定瓦特消耗
ratemeter 數率
ratemeter, instantaneous roentgen 瞬時侖琴數率計
rate, absolute disintegration 絕對蛻變率
rate, backgroud counting 背景計數率
rate, breakpoint counting 斷點計數率
rate, breeding 滋生率
rate, capture 捕獲率
rate, chance 機會率
rate, coincidence(-counting) 符合計數率
rate, collection 聚集率;收集率
rate, collision 碰撞率
rate, corrosion 腐蝕率
rate, count(ing) 計數率
rate, decay 衷變率
rate, detection 偵檢率
rate, diffusion 擴散率
rate, disintegration 蛻變率
rate, dosage 劑量率
rate, dose 劑量率
rate, emission 發射率
rate, exchange 交換率
rate, exposure 曝露率
rate, failure 失效率
rate, fallout dose 落塵劑量率
rate, feed 補給率
rate, fission 分裂率
rate, fission counting 分裂計數率
rate, flow 流率
rate, foil counting 箔計數率
rate, formation 形成率
rate, heat 熱功率
rate, interest 利率
rate, ionization 游離率
rate, isotopic-exchange 同位素交換率
rate, leakage 洩漏率
rate, mortality 死亡率
rate, of energy loss 能量損失率
rate, open-beam counting 開束計數率
rate, production 產生率
rate, radiation 輻射率
rate, radiation decomosition 輻射分解率
rate, radioactivedecay 放射性衰變率
rate, reaction 反應率
rate, reactivity insertion 反應度加入率
rate, recovery 復原率;回收率
rate, recurrence 重現率
rate, resolving-time coincidence 分解時間符合率
rate, saturation disintegration 飽和蛻變率
rate, scram 急停率
rate, single-channel(counting) 單頻路計數率
rate, spontaneous fission 自發分裂率
rate, tolerance dose 耐受劑量率
rate, trigger repetition 觸發器重複率
rate, turnover 迴轉速度;循環速度
rate, uptake 吸取率
rate, weight 重量(流)率
rate,destruction 破壞率
rather strong 強震
rating 定等級
rating flux 通率定額
rating, accuracy 精確度
rating, continuous 連續定額
rating, dissipation 耗散功率