(計算時間: 0.020秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 34101 到 34200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
stangnation point 滯留點
stanton number 司坦通數
star 跡花;星裂
star cluster 跡花叢集
star production 跡花產生
star-produced component 跡花產生成分
star-producing radiation 跡花產生輻射
star-shaped slug 星形塊
Stark broadening 史他克加寬
Stark effect 史他克效應
start pulse 起動脈衝
start time 起動時間
start-stop type 起動停止型
start-sup time 起動時間
start-up accident 起動事故
start-up and hot standby 起動及熱機待命
start-up fission chamber 起動分裂腔
start-up mode 起動方式
start-up period 起動周期
start-up plate 起動板
start-up system 起動系統
starter unit 起動器
starting circuit breaker 起動電路斷路器
starting inventory 起始存量
starting material 起始材料
starting plate 起動板
starting potential 起動電位
starting sequence 起動次序
starting source 起動源
starting time 起動時間
starting voltage 起動電壓
startup 開爐;工廠試車;起動
startup power range 起動功率範圍
startup power testing 起動功率試驗
startup range 起動範圍
startup signal generator 起動信號發生器
startup source 起動源
startup test 起動試驗
startup test phase 起動試驗階段
startup transformer 起動壓變壓器
startup vacuum pump 起動真空泵
startup vacuum pump system 起動真空泵系統
startup vents 起動通風
startup/hot standby mode 起動/熱機備用型態
startup, blind 無儀表起動
startup, cold 冷態起動
star, capture 捕獲跡花
star, cosmic-ray 宇宙射線跡花〔星裂〕
star, disintegration 蛻變跡花
star, hard-shower 硬射叢跡花
star, meson-induced 介子誘發跡花
star, meson-produced 介子產生跡花
star, nuclear 核跡花
star, proton-produced 質子產生跡花
star, two-pronged 雙線跡花
stassite 磷酸鉛鈾礦
state 狀態
state function 狀態函數
state of activation 活化狀態
state of aggregation 凝聚態
states in shell model 殼層模型內狀態
state, above-critical 超臨界狀態
state, active 活性狀態
state, attractive 吸引態
state, bare 裸態
state, bound 束縛態
state, capturing 捕獲態
state, charge 帶電狀態
state, chemically reactive 化學反應態
state, compound 複合態
state, continuous 連續態
state, critical 臨界狀態
state, crystalline 晶態
state, degenerate 縮退態
state, discrete 不連續狀態
state, discrete energy 不連續狀態
state, electronic 電子狀態
state, empty 空態
state, energy 能態
state, equilibrium 平衡態
state, even 偶態
state, excited 激發態
state, favored 有利狀態
state, final 終態
state, ground 基態
state, higher 高能狀態
state, initial 起始狀熊
state, interacting 交互作用狀態
state, isomeric 異構物狀態
state, liquid-expanded 液體膨脹狀態
state, low-excited 低激態
state, low-lying 低能狀態
state, lower 低態
state, many-particle 多粒子狀態
state, negtive-energy 負能狀態
state, non-degenerate 非縮退態
state, non-equilibrium 非平衡態
state, normal 常態
state, occupied 占有態