(計算時間: 0.019秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 34301 到 34400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
statistical from band spectra 帶譜的統計
statistical mechanics 統計力學
statistical method 統計方法
statistical model 統計模型
statistical of counting 計數的統計
statistical sensitivity 統計靈敏度
statistical separation process 統計分離法
statistical straggling 統計的歧離
statistical surver 統計研究
statistical theory 統計理論
statistical theory of errors 誤差的統計理論
statistical thermo dynamics 統計熱力學
statistical uncertainty 統計不準量
statistical weight 統計權重
statistical-weight factor 統計權重因數
statistics 統計學
statistics, Bose-Einstein 波司-愛因斯坦統計法
statistics, Einstein-Bose 波司-愛因斯坦統計法
statistics, Fermi 費米統計法
statistics, Fermi-Dirac 費米-狄悅克統計法
statistics, quantum 量子統計學
statitron 靜電加速器
stator ampere 定子電流
stator pump 定子泵
STD&A (startup test design and analysis) 起動試驗設計和分析
steady background 穩定背景
steady beam 穩定射柱
steady flow 平穩流
steady operation 穩定運轉
steady power 穩定功率
steady primary fissions 穩定原始分裂
steady source 穩定源
steady state 穩定態
steady state cosmology 穩態宇宙學
steady state deviation 穩態偏差
steady state error 穩態誤差
steady state operation 穩定態運轉
steady stream 穩定流
steady-flow reactor 平穩流反應器
steady-state concentration 穩定態濃度;平衡濃度
steady-state conditions 穩定態
steady-state cycle 穩定態循環
steady-state density 穩定態密度
steady-state fuelconversion ratio 穩定態燃料轉化比
steady-state oscillations 穩定態振盪
steady-state output 穩定態輸出
steady-state poisoning 平衡中毒;穩定態中毒
steady-state pressure 穩定態壓力
steady-state response 穩定態靈敏度
steady-state system 穩定態系統
steady-state temperature 穩定態溫度
steady-state value 穩定態值
steam 蒸汽
steam blanket 蒸汽圍包;蒸汽層
steam blowdown 蒸氣沖放
steam boiler 蒸汽鍋爐
steam chamber 汽櫃;汽室
steam condenser 蒸汽凝結器
steam condensing 蒸汽凝結
steam conditions 蒸汽參數
steam cycle 蒸汽循環
steam demand 蒸汽需量
steam diluent 稀釋蒸汽
steam distillation 蒸汽蒸餾
steam dome 蒸汽圓頂室
steam dome pressure 蒸汽圓頂室壓力
steam dryer 蒸汽乾燥器
steam dryer panel 蒸汽乾燥器間架
steam dryer skirk 蒸汽乾燥器裙板〔邊緣〕
steam dump 蒸汽傾洩
steam ejector 蒸汽噴射器
steam extraction 蒸汽排放
steam filled counter 充〔蒸〕汽計數器
steam flow measurement 蒸汽流量測量
steam flow restrictor 蒸汽流限制器
steam generating reactor 產〔生蒸〕汽反應器
steam generation 蒸汽發生
steam generator 蒸汽產生器;蒸汽鍋爐
steam generator blowdown system 蒸汽發生器沖放系統
steam generator level control system 蒸汽發生器沖放系統
steam line 蒸汽管路
steam line plug 蒸汽管塞
steam line repture 蒸汽管破裂
steam outlet 蒸汽出口
steam outlet nozzle 蒸汽出口噴嘴
steam plant 蒸汽〔工〕廠
steam power plant 蒸汽動力廠
steam quality 蒸汽〔乾度〕品質
steam quality level 蒸汽品質位準
steam radiation 水蒸汽輻射
steam reheat stage 蒸汽重熱階段
steam seal evaporator 蒸汽密封蒸發器
steam seal exhauster fan 蒸汽密封排氣扇
steam seal header 蒸汽密封管
steam seal regulator 蒸汽密封調節器
steam sealing system 汽封系統
steam separator 汽水分離器
steam separator assembly 蒸汽分離器組件
steam separator standpipe 蒸汽分離器豎管
steam space detector 蒸汽間隔偵檢器