(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 36201 到 36300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
thorium C 釷C
thorium C'' 釷C'
thorium content meter 釷含量計
thorium cycle 釷循環
thorium D 釷D
thorium decay series 釷衰變系
thorium family 釷族
thorium fission 釷分裂
thorium fluoride 氟化釷
thorium metal 釷金屬
thorium nitrate 硝酸釷
thorium ore 釷礦物
thorium oxide 氧化釷
thorium poisoning 釷毒害
thorium reactor 釷反應器
thorium series 釷系
thorium sponge 釷海綿
thorium X 釷X
thorium-lead ages 釷鉛年代
thorium-uranium alloy 釷髡X金
thorogummite; nicolayite 矽酸壽A礦
thoron 【气+土】〔氡的同位素〕
thorotungstite 鎢酸稀釷礦
thorouranita 釷鈾礦
thoruraninte 釷晶質鈾礦
thread 螺紋
threaded plug 螺紋栓
three crystal scintillation spectrom 三晶閃爍譜計
three element 三元
three-F bomb 三F彈
three-group theory 三群理論
three-way valve 三通閥
threshold 低限;閥
threshold collision 低限碰撞
threshold dose 低限劑量
threshold energy 低限能
threshold frequency 低限頻率
threshold kinetic energy 低限動能
threshold limit 低限限度
threshold of detectability 偵檢性低限
threshold of luminescence 發光低限
threshold of reaction 反應低限
threshold of sensitivity 靈敏度低限
threshold potential 低限勢能
threshold reaction 低限反應
threshold sensitivity 低限靈敏度
threshold valve 低限值
threshold voltage 低限電壓
threshold wavelength 低限波長
threshold, counting 計數低限
threshold, detector 偵檢器低限
threshold, discriminating 鑑別低限
threshold, explosive 爆炸低限
threshold, fission 分裂低限
threshold, frequency 頻率低限
threshold, Geiger 蓋革低限
threshold, high-energy 高能低限
threshold, inelasticscattering 非彈性散射低限
threshold, meson 介子低限
threshold, neutron 中子低限
threshold, observed 觀察低限
threshold, operating 操作低限
threshold, photoelectric 光電效應低限
threshold, photofission 光致分裂低限
threshold, photonuclear 光致核〔反應〕低限
threshold, radiationdamage 輻射損害低限
threshold, reverse 逆〔反應〕低限
threshold, scattering 散射低限
thrombocyle count 血小板計數
thrombocyte; platelet 血小板
throttle bushing 節流襯管
throttle pressure 節流〔閥〕壓力
throttle valve 節流閥
throttle valve topside 節流閥頂部
throttling valve 節流閥
through tube 貫穿管
through-hole 貫穿孔
through-wall flow 穿壁流
throughout 生產量
throw away 拋棄
throwaway cycle 拋棄式循環
thrust bearing 止推軸承
thrust bearing temperature 止推軸承溫度
thrust bearing wear 止推軸承磨耗
thucholite 鈾釷礦
thyratron 閘流管
thyroid 甲狀腺
thyroid cancer localization 甲狀腺癌定位
thyroid cancer treatment 甲狀腺癌治療
thyroid dose 甲狀腺劑量
thyroid exposure 甲狀腺曝露
thyroid function dose 甲狀腺功能劑量
thyroid scanning 甲狀腺掃描
thyroid seeker 趨甲狀腺物
thyroxine 甲狀腺素
TI (temperature indicator) 溫度指示器
TIC (temperature indicating controller) 溫度指示控制器
TID (Technical Information Division) 〔美國原子能委員會〕技術資料組
tidal level 潮位