(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 5501 到 5600 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cleanup sludge mixing pump 清除污泥混合物泵
cleanup sludge system 清除污泥系統
cleanup system ﹝爐水﹞清除系統
cleanup system sampling hood 清除系統取樣蓋
clearance 餘隙
clearance studies 餘隙研究
clearance, control-rod 控制棒餘隙
clearance, L 機密等級
clearance, Q 絕對機密等級
clearing field; sweeping field ﹝霧室﹞掃清場
Clementine 克列門丁﹝美國汞冷卻鈽反應器名稱﹞
cleveite 鈰鈾礦
clinical dosimeter 醫用劑量計
Clinton Laboratorys 克林頓實驗室﹝美國﹞
Clinton Works 克林頓工廠;克林頓實驗室﹝美國﹞
clipper circuit 削波電路
clipper; clipping circuit 削波器;削波電路
clipper, delay-line 遲延線削波器
clipping 削波
clipping circuit 削波電路
clipping time 削波時間﹝常數﹞
clipping, pulse 脈衝削波
clock 時鐘
clock pulse 時鐘脈衝
clockwise 順時計
clock, atomic 原子鐘
clog 阻塞
close collision 密碰撞
close packing 密集
close shield 密閉系統
close-in fall-out 近距落塵
close-packed lattice 密集架格
close-packed structure 密集結構
closed circuit 閉合電路
closed cooling system 密閉冷卻系統
closed cooling water path 密閉冷卻水通路
closed cycle 密閉循環
closed cycle reactor 閉﹝闔﹞環反應器
closed cycle reactor system 閉﹝闔﹞循環反應器系統
closed ionization chamber 密閉游離腔
closed loop 密閉迴路
closed loop control 閉環控制
closed loop gain 閉環增益
closed nuclear shell 閉闔核殼
closed sand filter 密閉砂濾器
closed separating funnel 密閉分液漏斗
closed shell; completed shell 閉合殼層;滿﹝充﹞殼﹝層﹞
closed system 密閉系統
closed-cycle gas-cooled reactor 閉循環氣冷反應器
closed-cycle system 閉循環系統
closed-loop cooling system 閉環冷卻系統
closed-shell atom 滿殼原子
closed-shell-pulse-one nucleus 超-核;滿殼加-核
closely packed reactor 密集架格反應器
closely spaced lattic 密集架格
closing time 閉合時間
closure 封閉
closure flange 封閉凸緣
closure head 封﹝密﹞閉蓋
closure stud 封閉螺栓
closure studs and nuts 封閉螺栓和螺帽
closure washer 封閉墊圈
closure, shell 殼層填滿
closure, subshell 次殼層填滿
clothing 衣服
clothing decontamination 衣服除污
clothing monitor 衣服偵檢器
clothing protective 衣服防護
clothing, laboratory 實驗服
clothing, protective 防護衣
cloud amount 雲量
cloud chamber distortion 霧室畸變
cloud chamber track; cloud track 霧?
cloud chamber; expansion chamber 霧室
cloud column 霧柱
cloud crystal ball model 雲晶球模型
cloud form 雲型
cloud gamma dose 雲中加馬劑量
cloud of electrons 電子雲
cloud track; cloud chamber track 霧?
cloud-chamber distortion 霧室畸變
cloud-chamber photograph 霧室照片
cloudy model 雲模型
cloud, charge 電荷雲
cloud, continuous 連續雲霧
cloud, electron 電子雲
cloud, ion 離子雲
cloud, mushroom 蕈狀雲
cloud, radioactive 放射性雲
cloud, space-charge 空間電荷雲
clover leaf 蓿苜葉式曲線
clover leaf cyclotron 蓿苜葉式迴旋加速器
clumped fuel 成塊燃料
clumping 塊組
clump, fuel 燃料塊
Clusius column 克路秀士柱
Clusius thermal diffusion apparatus 克路秀士熱擴散器
cluster 叢集; 團