(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 6101 到 6200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
coefficient 係數
coefficient of elasticity in shear 剪力彈性係數
coefficient of heat transfer 熱傳遞係數
coefficient of recombination 再結合係數
coefficient of reflection 反射係數
coefficient of restitution 恢復係數
coefficients for internal conversion 內轉換係數
coefficient, absorption 吸收係數
coefficient, amplitude 振幅係數
coefficient, apparent absorption 表觀吸收係數
coefficient, atomic absorption 原子吸收係數
coefficient, Auger 鄂惹係數
coefficient, barometric 氣壓係數
coefficient, boiling 沸騰係數
coefficient, Compton absorption 康卜吞吸收係數
coefficient, conversion 轉換係數
coefficient, coupling 耦合係數
coefficient, danger 危險係數
coefficient, decay 衰變係數
coefficient, density temperature 密度溫度係數
coefficient, detection 偵檢係數
coefficient, diffusion 擴散係數
coefficient, disintegration 蛻變係數
coefficient, distribution 分布係數
coefficient, electronic ionization 電子游離係數
coefficient, film heat-transfer 膜熱傳遞係數
coefficient, film mass-transfer 膜質量轉移係數
coefficient, fractional parentage 支譜係數
coefficient, heat-transfer 傳熱遞係數
coefficient, internal-conversion 內轉換係數
coefficient, ionization 游離係數
coefficient, K-conversion K層轉換係數
coefficient, linear absorption 線吸收係數
coefficient, mass absorption 質量吸收係數
coefficient, mass-transfer 質量轉移係數
coefficient, narrow-beam absorption 窄束吸收係數
coefficient, negative temperature 負溫度係數
coefficient, overall heat-transfer 總熱傳遞係數
coefficient, pair-production 成對產生係數
coefficient, partial coversion 部分轉換係數
coefficient, partition 分配係數
coefficient, Racah 瑞卡係數
coefficient, reactivity temperature 反應度溫度係數
coefficient, recombination 復合係數
coefficient, reflection 反射係數
coefficient, retention 保持係數
coefficient, scale 水垢﹝熱阻﹞係數
coefficient, sticking 附著係數
coefficient, temperature 溫度係數
coefficient, temperature power 溫度功率係數
coefficient, threshold 低限係數
coefficient, total absorption 總吸收係數
coefficient, transmission 透射係數
coefficient, Virial 均功係數;維里係數
coefficient, void 空泡係數
coextract 共同萃取
coffin, fuel 燃料護箱
cognizant division 有關各課
coherent cross-section 相干截面
coherent neutron scattering 相干中子散射
coherent radiation 相干輻射
coherent scattering 相干散射
coherent scattering cross section 相干散射截面
coherently scattering region 相干散射區域
cohesion (一)內聚性(二)內聚力
cohesive energy 內聚能量
cohesive force; cohesion 內聚力
coil 線圈
coil form 線圈型
coil, collapse 壓縮線圈
coil, cooling 冷卻線圈
coil, deflecting 致偏線圈
coil, deflection 致偏線圈
coil, doughnut 環形線圈
coil, field 磁場線圈
coil, magnet 電磁線圈
coil, magnet exciting 勵磁線圈
coil, magnetizing 磁化線圈
coil, orbit-centering 軌道定心線圈
coil, orbit-shift 軌道位移線圈
coil, probe 探針線圈
coil, toroidal 環式線圈
coincidence 符合
coincidence amplifier 符合放大器
coincidence analyzer 符合分析器
coincidence array 符合陣列;重合排列
coincidence beta-and-gamma rays 符合貝他、加馬射線
coincidence breakage 符合遮斷
coincidence circuit 符合電路
coincidence connection 符合連接
coincidence correction 符合修正
coincidence count 符合計數
coincidence counter 符合計數器
coincidence counting 符合計數
coincidence detection 符合偵檢
coincidence detector 符合偵檢器
coincidence equipment 符合設備
coincidence experiment 符合實驗
coincidence loss 符合損失
coincidence method 符合方法