(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 6401 到 6500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
condenser tube bank 凝結器管排列
condenser vacuum 凝結器真空
condenser water priming system 凝結器水箱主系統
condenser-type ionization chamber 電容器式游離腔
condenser, dump 排出冷凝器
condenser, dynamic 動態電容器
condenser, filter 濾器冷凝器
condenser, recombiner 復合電容器
condenser, reflux 分凝器;逆流冷凝器
condenser, vibrating 振動電容器
condenser, vibration-reed 振簧電容器
condenser, X-meter 電容器X射線計
condensing chamber 電容腔;凝結腔
condensing electroscope 電容驗電器
condensing mode 凝結模態
condition 條件
conditional probability 有條件機率
conditional release 有條件釋出
conditioning 調節
conditioning effect 調節效應
conditioning, air 空氣調節
conditions, alpha-active 阿伐活性狀態
conditions, bombarding 撞擊條件
conditions, continuity boundary 連續界面條件
conditions, coolant 冷卻條件
conditions, cooradinate 坐標條件
conditions, critical 臨界條件
conditions, criticality 臨界性條件
conditions, field boundary 場邊界條件
conditions, flow 流動條件
conditions, hard 硬性條件
conditions, in-pile 堆內條件
conditions, laminar 層流狀態
conditions, load 負載條件
conditions, operating 運轉狀況
conditions, point 擇點條件
conditions, reactor 反應器狀態
conditions, shut-down 停機狀態
conditions, steady-state 穩態條件
conditions, steam 蒸汽條件
conditions, target 靶條件
conditions, turbulent 擾動狀態
conditions, unsafety 不安全條件
condition, accident 事故條件
condition, black-boundary 黑界條件
condition, Bohr's frequency 波耳頻率條件
condition, Bragg 布勒格條件
condition, causality 因果律條件
condition, continuity 連續性條件
condition, equilibrium 平衡條件
condition, frequency 頻率條件
condition, hot 工作狀態;熱狀態
condition, inversion 逆溫條件
condition, lapse 溫度直減條件
condition, nonreactive 非工作狀態
condition, quantum 量子狀態
condition, safety 安全狀態
conductance 電導
conducting history 傳導沿革
conducting particles 傳導粒子
conducting shell 傳導殼層
conduction 傳導
conduction band 傳導帶
conduction current 傳導電流
conduction electron 傳導電子
conduction of heat 熱傳導
conduction pump 傳導泵
conduction, electronic 電子傳導
conduction, hole 電洞傳導
conduction, ionic 離子傳導
conduction, thermionic 熱離子傳導
conductivity (一)傳導性(二)傳導係數
conductivity analysis 傳導係數分析
conductivity cell 傳導性晶格
conductivity electron 傳導性電子
conductivity instrumentation 傳導性儀表應用
conductivity moinitor 傳導性偵測器
conductivity signal 傳導性信號
conductivity, bombardment 撞擊傳導係數
conductivity, heat (一)導熱性(二)導熱係數
conductivity, high 高傳導性;高導電性
conductivity, thermal (一)導熱性(二)導熱係數
conductor 導體
cone 錐體
cone of radiation 輻射錐體
cone, collimating 準直錐體
cone, escape 散逸錐
cone, lose 損耗錐
cone, shadow 影錐
cone, Stormer 施特默錐
conference 會議
confidence 置信
confidence level 置信度
configuration (一)位形(二)組態
configuration control 組態控制
configuration interaction 組態交互作用
configuration, electronic 電子位形;電子組態
configuration, nucleonic 核子組態
confine 約束;侷限
confined explosion 侷限爆炸