(計算時間: 0.018秒, 共找到 38458 筆資料,顯示第 8101 到 8200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cross-assembler 借用組合程式
cross-contamination 交錯污染
cross-field spectrometer 正交場譜儀
cross-fire radiography 交叉放射照相術
cross-firing ﹝射線﹞交叉照射
cross-flow fuel element 叉流燃料元件
cross-link 交叉連接
cross-linking 交叉連接
cross-linking agent 交連劑
cross-linking of polymers 高分子的交連
cross-over (nuclear energy level) 交越﹝核能階﹞
cross-over pipe 上聯管
cross-over steam line 交叉蒸氣管
cross-over timing 交越定時
cross-over transition 交越過渡
cross-section 截面
cross-section for nuclear fission 核分裂截面
cross-section for scattering 散射截面
cross-section of a nuclear reaction 核反應截面
cross-section scale 截面標度
cross-section, 1/v 1/v截面
cross-section, 1/v capture 1/v捕獲截面
cross-section, absolute 絕對截面
cross-section, absorption 吸收截面
cross-section, activation 活化截面
cross-section, annihilation 互毀截面
cross-section, atenuation 衰減截面
cross-section, atomic 原子截面
cross-section, average 平均截面
cross-section, bound (-atom) 束縛﹝原子﹞截面
cross-section, bound coherent 束縛相干截面
cross-section, bulk 總截面
cross-section, capture 捕獲截面
cross-section, circular 圓截面
cross-section, classical scattering 古典散射截面
cross-section, coherent scattering 相干散射截面
cross-section, cold 低溫截面;冷中子截面
cross-section, collision 碰撞截面
cross-section, compound 複合截面
cross-section, Compton 康卜吞截面
cross-section, detailed 特定截面
cross-section, differential 微分截面
cross-section, differential scattering 微分散射截面
cross-section, effective 有效截面
cross-section, effective removal 有效移除截面
cross-section, elastic 彈性﹝散射﹞截面
cross-section, elastic-scattering 彈性散射截面
cross-section, energy-absorption 能量吸收截面
cross-section, epithermal scattering 超熱中子散射截面
cross-section, equivalent 等值截面
cross-section, excess 剩餘截面
cross-section, excitation 激發截面
cross-section, fast 快中子截面
cross-section, fast activation 快中子活化截面
cross-section, fast fission 快中子分裂截面
cross-section, fast-neutron 快中子截面
cross-section, fertile 可孕截面
cross-section, fission 分裂截面
cross-section, flux-averaged 通率平均截面
cross-section, flux-weighed 通率加權截面
cross-section, free-atom 自由原子截面
cross-section, free-atom scattering 自由原子散射截面
cross-section, gamma 加馬截面
cross-section, geometrical 幾何截面
cross-section, group-averaged 群平均截面
cross-section, group-removal 群移除截面
cross-section, high-energy 高能截面
cross-section, hot 熱截面;高能截面
cross-section, inelastic 非彈性﹝散射﹞截面
cross-section, inelastic removal 非彈性移除截面
cross-section, inelastic-scattering 非彈性散射截面
cross-section, initial 初始截面
cross-section, integrated 積分截面
cross-section, interaction 交互作用截面
cross-section, isotopic 同位素截面
cross-section, isotopic activation 同位素活化截面
cross-section, Klein-Nishina 克來因-仁科截面
cross-section, low-energy 低能截面
cross-section, macroscopic 巨觀截面
cross-section, microscopic 微觀截面
cross-section, mono-energetic 單一能量截面
cross-section, neutron 中子截面
cross-section, neutron-absorption 中子吸收截面
cross-section, neutron-capture 中子捕獲截面
cross-section, neutron-removal 中子移除截面
cross-section, neutron-transmission 中子透射截面
cross-section, neutron-transport 中子遷移截面
cross-section, non-elastic 非彈性﹝散射﹞截面
cross-section, nuclear 核截面
cross-section, nuclear geometrical 核幾何截面
cross-section, oxygen-removal 氧移除截面
cross-section, pair 偶截面
cross-section, pair-annihilation 成對互毀截面
cross-section, pair-generation 成對產生截面
cross-section, pair-production 成對發生截面
cross-section, parasitic 寄生截面
cross-section, partial 部分截面
cross-section, peak 尖峰截面
cross-section, photo 光截面
cross-section, photo-electric 光電吸收截面