(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
force balance transducer 力平衡換能器
force closed cam mechanism 力封閉的凸輪機構
force combat air patrol 威力護航
force diagram 力圖,力線圖
force draught cooling tower 強制通風冷卻塔
force feed 壓力進給法
force feed system 壓力進給系統
force feed type sower 強制式散佈機
force function 力函數
force main 壓力幹線
force model 測力模型
force of constraint 拘束力
force of friction 摩擦力
force of gravity 重力
force of restitution 恢復力
force polygon 力多邊形
force pump 壓力泵
force ratio 力比
force rendezvous 武力會合點
force sensing element 力感測元件
force test 測力試驗
force transducer 力訊號轉換器
force wind 風力
force-feed cooling in a dual-circuit system 雙循環強制冷卻
force-feed cooling in a single-circuit system 單循環強制冷卻
force-sensing controller 力量感測控制器
forced circulation 強制循環,壓流循環
forced convection 強制對流
forced damped vibration 強制阻尼振動
forced draft 強力通風
forced drainage 強迫排洩
forced feed lubrication 強制進給潤滑
forced hunting 強制追逐
forced landing 迫降
forced lubricating pump 壓力潤滑泵
forced oscillation 強制振盪
forced outage 強迫停運
forced outage hours 強迫停運時數
forced reversing 強迫反向
forced shutdown 強迫停運
forced torsional vibration 強迫扭轉振動
forced vortex [motion] 強制渦動
forced wave 強制波
forced-air hardening 風冷淬火
forced-circulation air cooler 強制循環空氣冷卻器
forcing function 強制函數
forcing open of trailing switch 擠開背向轉轍器
forcing pump (force pump) 壓力泵
forcing spindle 壓緊軸
fore blow 空吹
fore cooler 預冷器
fore-and-aft level 前後水平
forebody 前機身
forebody chine 前機身邊條
forebody strake 前機身輔助翼
forebody vortex 前機身渦旋
forecast 預報
forecast period 預報期
forecast reversal test 預報正反校驗
forecast verification 預報校驗
foreflap 前緣襟翼
forehand welding 前傾熔接法
forehearth 前爐
foreign air carrier 外籍航空公司,外籍航空運送人
foreign military sales 對外軍售
foreign object damage 外物損傷
foreplane 前置翼面
forerunner 前湧
foresight 前視
forest edge 森林邊緣
forest railway 森林鐵路
forest wind 森林風
forest-tramway 森林軌道
forestry 造林
forestry tractor 林業用曳引機
Forge crane 鍛造起重機
forge fan 鍛爐風扇
forge fire 鍛爐用火
forge scale 鍛鐵銹皮
forge scrap 鍛造廢料
forge shop 鍛工場,鍛爐
forge test 鍛造試驗
forge tongs 鍛工鉗
forge weld 鍛接
forge welded flue 鍛接煙管
forge welding 鍛接
forgeability 可鍛性
forged steel 鍛鋼
forged tool 鍛製刀具
forgetting error 遺忘錯誤
forging 鍛造,鍛件
forging alloy 鍛用合金
forging and stamping 鍛壓
forging and stamping 鍛壓
forging brass 鍛用黃銅
forging crane 鍛造用起重機
forging die 鍛造模
forging die steel 鍛模鋼
forging dies 鍛模