(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 45101 到 45200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cockpit 座艙,駕駛艙
cockpit air intake 座艙進氣道
cockpit alert 座艙警戒
cockpit canopy 座艙罩
cockpit control unit 座艙控制單元
cockpit cowling 座艙整流罩
cockpit entry 駕駛艙項目
cockpit entry door 駕駛室入口門
cockpit flight signal 座艙飛行訊號
cockpit illumination 座艙照明
cockpit inspection 座艙檢查
cockpit light 座艙燈
cockpit looking aft 向後望去的駕駛艙
cockpit procedure trainer 駕駛艙操作訓練器
cockpit resource management 駕駛艙資源管理
cockpit roof 座艙頂
cockpit television set 座艙電視機
cockpit voice recorder 座艙通話記錄器
coco exercise 機場作戰演練
cocoon beater 打繭機
cocoon drying machine 繭乾燥機
cocoon harvester 收繭機
cocoon opener 開繭機
cocoon sorting machine 選繭機
cocuring 共成化,共硬化
code 法規,代號
code beacon 信號燈標
code beacon 信號指標
code block 字組
code division multiple access 碼分多重接取,碼分多工處理
code rate 編碼率
code sharing 共用代號
codem 編碼調變解調器
coding 編碼
coeffcient of expansion 膨脹係數
coefficient 係數
coefficient of absorption 吸收係數
coefficient of accommodation 調節係數
coefficient of air resistance 空氣阻力係數
coefficient of amplification 增幅係數
coefficient of capacitance 電容係數
coefficient of capacity 容量係數
coefficient of compressibility 壓縮係數
coefficient of compressibility 壓縮性係數
coefficient of contraction 收縮係數
coefficient of correlation 相關係數
coefficient of cosolidation 壓密係數
coefficient of coupling 聯結係數
coefficient of cubic expansion (coefficient of cubical expansion) 體膨脹係數
coefficient of damping 阻尼係數
Coefficient Of Derailment 出軌係數
coefficient of discharge 流量係數
coefficient of displacement 位移係數
coefficient of eddy viscosity 旋渦黏形係數
coefficient of electrostatic induction 靜電感應係數
coefficient of end fixity 柱端條件係數
coefficient of expansion 膨脹係數
coefficient of extension 伸長係數
coefficient of friction 摩擦係數
coefficient of heat convection 熱對流係數
coefficient of heat transmission 熱傳遞係數
coefficient of induction 感應係數
coefficient of kinetic friction 動摩擦係數
coefficient of linear contraction 線收縮係數
coefficient of linear expansion 線膨脹係數
coefficient of moisture absorption 吸濕係數
coefficient of moisture permeability 透濕係數
coefficient of mutual induction 互感係數
coefficient of non-uniformity of motion 不等速運動係數
coefficient of overall heat transmission 熱傳遞總係數
coefficient of performance 性能係數
coefficient of pipe friction 管摩擦係數
coefficient of radiation 輻射係數
coefficient of rebound 反彈係數
coefficient of resilience 彈性能係數
coefficient of resistance 阻力係數
coefficient of restitution 恢復係數
coefficient of riding quality 乘車舒適感係數
coefficient of rigidty(modulus of rigidity) 剛性係數
coefficient of rolling resistance 滾動阻力係數
coefficient of roughness 粗度係數
coefficient of run-off 流失係數
coefficient of speed fluctuation 速率波動係數
coefficient of surface friction 表面摩擦係數
coefficient of the proportion 比例係數
coefficient of thermal expansion 熱膨脹係數
coefficient of transparency 透明係數
coefficient of utilisation 使用係數
coefficient of variation 變動係數
coefficient of viscosity 黏度係數
coefficient of volume expansion 體膨脹係數
coefficient of water absorption 吸水係數
coefficient of water permeability 透水係數
coefficinet of traction 牽引係數
coeficient of rolling friction 滾動摩擦係數
coercive force 保磁力
coercive grip 螺旋手柄
coffer-dam 圍堰
cog 鑲齒
cog belt 鑲齒帶