(計算時間: 0.016秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 46801 到 46900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cup angle 圓錐外圈角
cup chuck 杯形夾頭
cup drawing 圓筒拉深
cup grease 杯脂
cup head bolt 蕈形頭螺栓
cup head pin 蕈形頭銷
cup head rivet 蕈形頭鉚釘
cup head screw 蕈形頭螺釘
cup head wood screw 蕈形頭木螺釘
cup packing 杯形襯墊
cup small inside diameter 圓錐小內徑
cup square neck bolt 馬車螺栓
cup type piston 杯形活塞
cup valve(bell-shaped valve) 杯形閥,鐘形閥
cup wheel 杯形磨輪
cupola 熔鐵爐
cupola blower 熔鐵爐鼓風機
cupola charge 熔鐵爐加料
cupola charging machine 熔鐵爐加料機
cupola furnace 熔鐵爐
cupola tender 熔鐵爐工
cupping test 凹壓試驗
cupriferous pyrite 含銅黃鐵礦
cuprite 赤銅礦
cupro-nickel 銅鎳
cupula 吸盤,小杯
curb angle 鑲邊角鐵
curb weight 完整車重
curbstone 邊緣石
curdled sky 魚鱗天
curve compensation 曲線補正;曲線坡度折減率
curvelining calculator 曲線整修計算機
curves in the same sense 同方向之曲線
curvic coupling 彎曲聯結器
curvilinear coordinate recorder 曲線坐標記錄器
curvilinear coordinate system 曲線座標系
cut-off altitude 切斷高度
cut-off cock 停供旋塞
cut-off governing 停供調速法
cut-off governor 停供調速器
cut-off high 切斷高壓
cut-off line 短路線
cut-off low 切斷低壓
cut-off port 止燃孔
cut-off ratio 停汽比,停供比
cut-off valve 停供閥,停汽閥
cut-off wall 截水牆
cut-off wheel 切斷砂輪,切斷砂輪機
cut-out 切斷
cut-out cock 切換旋塞
cut-out relay 斷流用繼電器
cut-out switch 斷流開關
cut-out valve 截止閥
cut-spike driver 打道釘機
cutoff governer 停供調節器
cutoff velocity 截止速度
cutter 刀具,銑刀,切斷器
cutter arbor 銑刀心軸
cutter blower 切斷式吹送機
cutter driving torque 切刀驅動扭矩
cutter file 截削銼
cutter grinder 銑刀磨床
cutter grinding wheel 銑刀磨輪
cutter holder 刀具夾
cutter nippers 剪鉗
cutter pressure angle 刀具壓力角
cutter relieving 讓刀
cutters 剪切部
cuttig action 切削動作
cutting 路塹
cutting 切斷
cutting ability 切削效能
cutting and milling system 切銑系統
cutting and swaging plier 壓剪斷鉗
cutting angle 切削角
cutting attachment 切削附件
cutting blow pipe 切削用吹管
cutting chisel 截鏨
cutting compound 切削用劑
cutting condition 切削條件
cutting depth 切削深度
cutting dies 切削模具
cutting dynamics 切削力學
cutting edge angle 刃角
cutting edge normal plane 切削刃法平面
cutting edge with external bevel 雙斜刃
cutting edge without external bevel 單斜刃
cutting edges 刃口
cyanide bath 氰化池,氰化浴
cyanide hardening 氰硬化法
cyanide poisoning 氰化物中毒
cyanide pot 氰化罐
cyaniding 氰化,氰化法
cyaniding steel 氰化用鋼
cyanogen 氰氣(劇毒)
cyanometry 天空藍度(測定)術
cyanosis 蒼藍症,發疳
cybernetics 攝控學
cycle 循環,週
cycle counting method 迴圈計數法