(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 46901 到 47000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cycle crack growth rate 週期性裂紋成長率
cycle diagram 循環線圖
cycle efficiency 循環效率
cycle flow 循環流動
cycle of action 動作循環
cycle of motion 運動循環
cycle of operation 操作循環
Cycle time 週期
cyclic action 循環動作
cyclic control stick 週期變矩桿
cyclic damp heat test 交變濕熱試驗
cyclic efficiency of machinery 機械的循環效率
cyclic flow 循環流動
cyclic loading 循環負載
cyclic operation 循環操作
cyclic period of maintenance work 養護週期
cyclic pitch 週期變矩
cyclic pitch control (rotorcraft) 週期變矩操縱(旋翼機)
cyclic rate 循環率
cyclic slip 循環滑移
cyclic temperature loading fatigue 循環溫度負載疲勞
cyclinder condensation 汽缸凝結
cycling 循環
cycling operation 循環運行
cyclogenesis 氣旋生長
cycloid [wheel] tooth 燼[輪]齒
cycloidal cam 燼凸輪,燼轗
cycloidal gear 燼齒輪
cycloidal gear pair with small teeth difference 小齒差擺線齒輪對
cycloidal gear with compound profile 複合齒形擺線齒輪
cycloidal mass spectrometer 擺線質譜計
cycloidal pin gear speed reducer 擺線插銷齒輪減速器
cycloidal pinion 燼小齒輪
cycloidal profile 擺線輪廓
cycloidal system 燼制
cycloiropia 旋轉斜視
cyclolysis 氣旋消滅
cyclometer 轉數計
cyclometry 測圓法
cyclone 氣旋,旋風
cyclone burner 旋風燃燒器
cyclone cellar 防風窖
cyclone combustion 旋風燃燒
cyclone dust collector 旋風集塵器
cyclone exhauster 旋風排氣器
cyclone family 氣旋群
cyclone furnace 旋風爐
cyclone path 氣旋路徑
cyclone separator 旋風分離器
cyclone wave 氣旋波
cylinder accessory 氣缸附件
cylinder air starting 氣缸氣起動
cylinder arrangement 氣(汽)缸排列
cylinder band 氣缸排
cylinder bank 汽缸排
cylinder block 氣缸體
cylinder block end piece 氣缸體端件
cylinder bore diameter 氣缸內徑
cylinder bore gauge 汽缸內徑規
cylinder bore [diameter] 蒸汽缸內徑
cylinder boring machine 搪缸機
cylinder bush (ing) 氣缸襯套(筒)
cylinder by-pass valve 氣缸旁通閥
cylinder clothing(cylinder lagging) 汽缸包衣
cylinder cock 汽缸旋塞
cylinder condensate 缸內凝結水
cylinder condensation 缸內凝結
cylinder cooling fin 汽缸冷卻散熱片
cylinder cover top 氣缸蓋上層
cylinder cowl 氣缸整流罩
cylinder drain cock 汽缸洩水旋塞
cylinder efficiency 氣缸效率
cylinder expansion indicator 氣缸膨脹指示器
cylinder feed 汽缸進汽量
cylinder fin 汽缸散熱片
cylinder friction coupling 圓柱摩擦聯結器
cylinder gage 缸徑規
cylinder gate 圓筒閥
cylinder guide 氣缸導引
cylinder head 缸蓋,缸頭
cylinder head bolt 缸頭用螺栓
cylinder head connection 缸製接法
cylinder head gasket 氣缸蓋墊片
cylinder head ring gasket 氣缸蓋密封環;氣缸頭環墊片
cylinder head stud 缸頭用螺椿
cylinder honing machine 缸筒搪磨機
cylinder lagging (cylinder clothing) 汽缸包衣
cylinder lapping machine 缸筒研光機
cylinder machine 圓筒抄紙機
cylinder offset 氣缸偏置
cylinder oil 汽缸油
cylinder press 圓筒式印刷機
cylinder ratio 氣缸容積比
cylinder saddle 汽缸鞍
cylinder spacer 氣缸隔片;氣缸墊片
cylinder type forage harvester 圓筒式青飼料收穫機
cylinder type separator 圓筒式選別器
cylinder wall temperature 缸壁溫度
cylinder wheel 氣缸輪