(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 49701 到 49800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
taut suspension galvanometer 緊懸式電流計
tax office 國稅局
taxi light 滑行道燈,滑行燈
taxi phase 滑行階段
taxi way shoulder 滑行道肩
taxing 滑行
taxing drag 滑行阻力
taxing guidance system 滑行引導系統
taxing instruction 滑行指示
taxing speed 滑行速率
taxiway 滑行道
vertical displacement of track 軌道向上位移
vertical dive 垂直俯衝
vertical divergence 垂直發散
vertical dynamic balance method 垂直動態均衡法
vertical easement curve 豎曲線;垂直緩和曲線
vertical ejector rack 垂直彈射架
vertical elevator 垂直升降機;垂直電梯
vertical envelopment 垂直包圍
vertical falling-film absorber 垂直降膜式吸收器
vertical falling-film generator 垂直降膜式產生器
vertical fin 直尾翅
vertical force of tire 輪胎垂直力
vertigo 暈眩,懼高症
vertigon 錯覺訓練機
vertipad 垂直起降點
very high frequency omnidirectional radio range 極高頻全(多)向導航台
very high frequency/direction-finding 極高頻定向
very high speed integrated circuit 特高速積體電路
very hot starting 極熱起動
very important person 極重要人員
very long range 特遠程
very long welded track 長焊鋼軌軌道;無接頭軌道
very low frequency 特低頻
very short range 特短程
vesperalis stratocumulus 向夕層積雲
vestibul-ocular reflex 視平衡反視
vestibular function 平衡作用
VFR freeway 目視非管制航路
VFR over-the-top 雲上目視飛行
VFR radar advisory 目視飛行雷達諮詢
VFR separation standards 目視飛行隔離標準
VFR terminal area chart 目視飛行航站區域圖
VFR terminal minimums 目視飛行終點最低限
VFR weather 目視飛行天氣
VHF Direction-Finding Station 極高頻測向台
VHF homing adapter 極高頻歸航接合器
VHF omni-directional radio and tactical air navigation (VOR/Tacan) 極高頻全(多)向導航太康台
VHF omnidirectional radio range 極高頻全(多)向導航台
VHF omnirange receiver 極高頻全向接收機
VHF/UHF direction finder 極高頻/超高頻定向器
viaduct 高架橋;陸橋
vibrating conveyor 振動運送機
vibrating feeder 振動給料機
vibrating fluidized drier 振動流化床乾燥機
vibrating head 振動頭
vibrating reed instrument 振動簧片儀器
vibrating screen 振動篩
vibrating screen driven by out-of-balance motors 不平衡馬達驅動振動篩
vibrating screen with double or more out-of-balance drive 兩個或多個非平衡驅動的振動篩
vibrating screen with eccentric drive 偏心驅動振動篩
vibrating screen with out-of-balance drive 非平衡驅動振動篩
vibrating screen with push-rod drive 推桿驅動振動篩
vibrating sieve 振動篩
vibrating spring accelerometer 振弦式加速度計
vibrating stoker 振動爐排
vibrating viscometer 振動黏度計
vibrating wire drawing force meter 振弦式拉力計
vibrating wire tensiometer 振弦式張力計
vibrating wire torque measuring instrument 振弦式扭矩量測儀
vibrating-type regulator 振動式調節器
vibration 振動
vibration analyzer 振動分析儀
vibration applied to paticular parts of human body 人體特定局部振動
vibration compaction 震動夯實;震動壓實
vibration compation 震動夯實;震動壓實
vibration control 振動控制
vibration controller 振動控制器
vibration frequency 振動頻率
vibration frequency meter 振動頻率計
vibration galvanometer 振動電流表
vibration generator 振動產生器
vibration generator 振動產生器
vibration generator system 振動產生器系統
vibration generator system 振動產生系統;振動台
vibration indicator 振動指示器
vibration insulation 震動隔離
vibration isolator 隔振器
vibro-impact 撞振
vibrometer 振動計,音波壓力測定器
vibropendulous error 振動誤差
vicarious learning 代償學習
vice 虎鉗
vice body 鉗身
vice for grinding machine 磨床用虎鉗
vice president 副總統;副總裁;副議長
vickers hardness 維克氏硬度
Vickers hardness tester 維克氏硬度計
victor airway 勝利者航路
video compression 視訊壓縮