(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 50556 筆資料,顯示第 49701 到 49800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
wear resisting cast iron 耐磨鑄鐵
wear-resistant rail 耐磨鋼軌
wear-resistivity 耐磨性
wearing depth 磨耗量
wearing of rail 鋼軌磨耗
wearing-our limit 磨耗限度
weather 天氣,氣候
weather advisory 氣象諮詢
weather analysis 天氣分析
weather beam 氣象偵察波束
weather categories 氣候分類
weather center 氣象中心
weather forecast 天氣預報
weather map 天氣圖
weather minimum 最低天氣標準
weather modification 天氣改造
weather observation 天氣觀察
Weather Proof Type 全天候型
weather radar 氣象雷達
weather reconnaissance 氣候偵察
weather satellite 氣象衛星
weather shake 乾裂縫
weather station 氣象台
weather type 天氣類型
weather-abort 天氣無效架次
weathercock 風標
weathercock stability 方向穩定性
weathercocking 風性,風標效應
weathering resistance 耐候性
weave 編織
weaver 護航機
web average burning-surface area 分隔平均燃燒表面積(固體火箭)
web joint 腹板接合
web lashing 繫帶綑綁器
web reinforcement bar 腹部鋼筋
web splices 腹板接片
webbing 編織材料
wedge 楔,尖劈
wedge angle 楔角
wedge diaphragm valve 楔形隔膜閥
wedge effect 楔形效應
wedge inlet 楔形進氣道
wedge-catch system 楔心套
weed control 除草
weed killer 除草藥
weed mower 割草機
weep drain 洩水孔
Weibull wind-speed distribution 威布爾風速分佈
weighing batcher 稱量配料器
weighing rain-gauge 衡重雨量計
weighing transducer 稱量傳感器
weight adjustment device 重量調整裝置
weight and balance sheet 載重平衡表
weight balancet 載重平衡
weight barometer 衡重氣壓表
weight breakdown 重量分配
weight bridge 地磅
weight correction value 重量修正值
weight filling 重量裝填法
weight nominal value 重量標稱值
weight of rail 鋼軌重量
weight on wheels 著陸重量
weight schedule 載重程序表,重量明細表
weight sorter 重量選別機
weight tolerance 重量容差
weight-and-balance engineer 衡重工程師
weight-dial combination 砝碼字盤組合
weight-dial system 砝碼字盤系統
weight-operated gripper 重力式握爪
weighted average efficiency 加權平均效率
weighted average head 加權平均水頭
weighted sound pressure level; sound level 加權音壓位準;聲音位準
weighting network 加權網路
weightlessness, zero gravity weight 失重
weir diaphragm valve 堰隔膜閥
weir type flowmeter 堰式流量計
weir type flowmeter 堰式流量計
Weiss universal joint 韋式萬向接頭
weld corrosion 熔接腐蝕
weld defects 銲接缺陷
weld defects 焊接缺陷
weld geometry inconsistency 焊接部位不整
weld interface 銲接介面
weld reinforcement 銲接加強層
weld repair 銲補
weld root 銲根
weld trimming 焊接修整
weld zone 銲接區
weldability test 銲接性試驗
welded bellows 銲接伸縮囊
welded bond 焊接聯軌線
welded disk rotor 銲接式盤型轉子
welded flange 銲接凸緣
welded patch 焊接補片
welded rail end batter 焊接鋼軌末端沉陷
welded spiral finned tube heat exchanger 銲接螺旋鰭管熱交換器
welded steel chain 銲接鋼鏈
welded stud 銲接螺栓
welded turnout 焊接之道岔
welders lifting platform 銲工升降平台