(計算時間: 0.002秒, 共找到 2085 筆資料,顯示第 101 到 200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
centro polygon 瞬心多邊形
centrode 極心線,瞬心線
centrode tangent 極心線切線,瞬心線切線
centroid 形心
chain 鏈,鏈條
chain drive 鏈條傳動
chain hoist 鏈吊車
chain pitch 鏈節〔距〕
chain tensioner 緊鏈器
chain tightener 緊鏈器
change point 變構點
change point mechanism 可變構機構
characteristic 特徵的
characteristic mode 固有模態(振動)
characteristic mode 特徵模態,固有模態(振動)
characteristic number 特徵數,示性數
Chebyshev minimax theorem Chebyshev極小極大原理
Chebyshev polynomial Chebyshev多項式
Chebyshev spacing of precision points 精確點之Chebyshev分佈
chordal action 弦線作用
chrome-tanned belt 鉻鞣製皮帶
chronometer escapement 精密時計擒縱器
circle of curvature 曲率圓
circle point 圓周點
circle-point 圓周點
circle-point circle 圓周點圓
circle-point curve 圓周點曲線
circling-point curve 瞬時圓周點曲線
circular arc cam 圓弧確動凸輪
circular arc cam 圓弧凸輪
circular cubic 圓點三次曲線
circular curve 圓點曲線
circular motion 圓周運動
circular pitch 周節〔距〕
circular pitch 周節
circular point 圓點
circular quartic 圓點四次曲線
clearance 間隙,餘隙,底隙
clearance circle 底隙圓
clearance circle 底隙圓(齒輪)
click 掣子,扣夾
close joint chain 緊節鏈
close-loop control system 閉迴路控制系統
closed chain 閉鏈,封閉鏈
closed curve 閉曲線
closed curve 閉曲線,封閉曲線
closed kinematic chain 閉運動鏈,封閉運動鏈
closed spherical curve 球面閉曲線
closed-form solution 閉合解
closed-loop 閉迴路
closed-loop control 閉迴路控制
closed-loop control system 閉迴路控制系統
closed-loop harmonic response 閉迴路諧波響應
closed-loop harmonic response 控制比,閉迴路諧波響應
closure of a kinematic pair 運動對之閉合
closure of kinematic pair 運動對之閉合
clutch 離合器
coarse pitch 粗牙(螺紋),粗齒(齒輪)徑節
coefficient 係數
coefficient of friction 摩擦係數
coefficient of kinetic friction 動摩擦係數
coefficient of non-uniformity of motion 不等速動係數
coefficient of non-uniformity of motion 不等速運動係數
coefficient of profile shifting 齒廓移位係數
coefficient of restitution 恢復係數
coefficient of static friction 靜摩擦係數
cognate 同族的
cognate linkages 同族連桿組
cognate mechanism 同族機構
coil chain 套環鏈
collar 軸環
collineation axis 直射軸線
collineation great circle 直射大圓(球面)
Columb friction Columb摩擦
command 指令
compatibility equation 相容方程式
complex 複數
complex excitation 複數激勵,複數激發
complex excitation 複數激勵
complex linkage mechanism 複合連桿機構
complex number 複數
complex response 1.複數響應,複合響應 2.諧波響應
complex response 1.複數響應;2.阻尼線性系統之諧波響應
compliance 順從性
component 分量
compound 複式
compound gear 複式齒輪
compound gear train 複式齒輪系
compound pendulum 複擺
compound screw 複式螺旋
compound gear train 複系齒輪系
compound pendulum 複擺
compound screw 複式螺旋
compression 壓縮
compression member 壓縮件
compression period 壓縮期
compression wave 壓縮波,應力波