(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 1601 到 1700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Cloacal artery 泄殖腔動脈
Cloacal chamber (or Cloaca) 洩殖腔
Cloacal coeca (or Cloacal diverticula) 洩殖盲囊【見鳥類】
Cloacal diverticula (or Cloacal coeca) 洩殖盲囊【見鳥類】
Cloacal plate 洩殖板
Cloacal vein 泄殖腔靜脈
Closed root 閉根齒型
Closed type 閉鎖型
Cnemial process 脛突
Coccygeal articulation 尾椎關節
Coccygeal ganglion 尾神經結
Coccygeal muscle (or Caudal muscle) 尾骨肌【即內尾展肌】
Coccygeal nerves (or Caudal spinal nerves) 尾神經
Coccygeal vertebrae (or Caudal vertebrae; Tail vertebrae) 尾椎
Coccyx 尾骨
Coccyx (or Urostyle) 尾桿
Cochlea 耳蝸
Cochlea tibiae 脛蝸
Cochlear duct 耳蝸管
Cochlear fenestra 蝸窗
Cochlear prominence 鼻甲隆起
Cochlear recess 耳蝸窩
Coeliac artery 腹腔動脈
Coeliac ganglion 腹腔神經結
Coeliac lymph gland 體腔淋巴腺
Coeliac plexus 腹腔【神經】叢
Coeliaco-mesenteric artery 腹腔繫膜動脈
Coeliaco-mesenteric ganglion 腹腔腸繫膜神經結
Coelodont teeth 虛齒
Coelomoduct 體腔管
Coffin bone 蹄骨
Coffin joint 蹄關節
Colic artery 結腸動脈
Colic coeca (or Intestinal diverticulum) 腸盲囊【即盲腸】
Colic impression 結腸壓痕
Colic lymph gland 結腸淋巴腺
Colic mesentery (or Mesocolon) 結腸繫膜
Collar bone (or Clavicle) 鎖骨
Collateral fissure 副溝【即外緣溝】
Collateral ligaments 側韌帶
Collateral radial artery 橈副動脈
Collateral sesamoidean ligament 側子骨韌帶
Collateral vessel 副血管
Collecting tubule 集管
Colliculi (or Quadrigeminal bodies) 四疊體
Colon 結腸
Colon labyrinths 結腸迴
Columella 耳柱骨
Columellar chain 耳柱鍊
Column of fornix 穹窿柱
Column of Rolando 側楔狀朿
Common bile-duct 總膽管
Common brachiocephalic trunk 總頭肱動脈【即前大動脈】
Common cardinal vein (or Median cardinal vein) 總主靜脈
Common carotid artery 總頸動脈
Common digital artery 總指動脈【即淺掌動脈】
Common digital extensor muscle 總指伸肌
Common iliac vein 總胯靜脈
Common interosseous artery 骨間總動脈
Common interosseous vein 總骨間靜脈
Common labial vein 總脣靜脈
Common meatus 總鼻道
Common trabecula 會桁
Common ventricle 前腦室
Common volar digital vein 總掌心指靜脈
Communicating branch 交通枝
Compact substance 密骨質
Complementare 補骨【與 Coronoid 所指相同】
Complete mammae (Pectoral-pelvic mammae) 胸腹乳
Composite joint (or Compound joint) 複關節
Compound joint (or Composite joint) 複關節
Concha of auricle 耳殼
Conchae (or Turbinals) 鼻甲骨
Conchal cartilage (or Auricular cartilage) 耳殼軟骨
Concresence theory 結合齒論
Condylar foramen 髁孔
Condyle of mandible 下頜髁
Condyle of temporal bone 顳髁
Condyloid artery 枕髁動脈
Condyloid canal; Posterior condyloid foramen 後髁管
Condyloid crest 髁脊
Condyloid fossa 髁窩
Condyloid process 髁狀突【即下頜髁】
Condyloid vein 枕髁靜脈
Conical papillae 圓錐乳突
Conjugal ligament 接合韌帶
Conjugate diameter (or Sacro-pubic diameter) 直徑(骨盤)
Conjunctiva 結膜
Conjunctival sac 結膜囊
Connecting tubule 連接管
Constrictor vestibuli muscle 前庭縮肌【即直腸陰道肌】
Contour feather 廓羽;翨
Convex surface (or Dorso-lateral surface) 大腦凸面
Convoluted part 回旋部
Convolution of brain 腦回
Copes rhachitomous vertebrae (or Rachitomous vertebrae) 棘狀椎骨【與 Temnos-pondylous所指相同】
Coprodaeum 糞道
Copula (or Hyoid copula) 聯桁【即基舌軟骨】
Coraco-clavicular artery 喙鎖動脈
Coraco-scapula 鳥膊骨