(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 1801 到 1900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Cruciate interdigital ligament (or Distal interdigital ligament) 趾間十字韌帶
Cruciate sesamoidean ligaments 十字子骨韌帶【與 Deep sesamoidean ligament 所指相同】
Cruciate sulcus (or Cruciate fissure) 十字溝
Crura of clitoris 陰蒂腳
Crura of penis 陰莖腳
Crural lymph-sac 脛淋巴囊
Crural nerve (or Femoral nerve) 股神經
Crural vein 脛靜脈
Crus of fornix 穹窿腳
Cryptorchidism (or Cryptorchism) 隱睪
Cryptorchism (or Cryptorchidism) 隱睪
Crystalline lens 晶狀體
Ctenoid scale 櫛鱗
Cubital lymph gland 肱淋巴腺
Cubitals 尺羽【與 Secondaries 所指相同】
Cuboid (fourth and fifth tarsales fused) 骰骨
Cuneiform bone 楔骨;楔狀骨
Cuneiform cartilages 楔狀軟骨
Cuneiform processes 楔狀突
Cupulae 軟骨鋒
Cusp 齒鋒
Cutaneous artery 皮動脈
Cutaneous branch 外肱皮神經
Cutaneous gland 皮腺
Cutaneous muscle 皮肌【即體被肌】
Cutaneous nerve of neck 頸皮神經
Cutaneous vein 皮靜脈
Cutaneus magnus vein 大皮靜脈
Cuticular ridge 褶緣
Cutis papilla (or Dermal papilla) 皮乳突
Cuvierian veins (or Duct of Cuvier) Cuvies 導管【即總主靜脈】
Cycloid scale 圓鱗
Cyclospondylous vertebra 單環椎骨
Cyclostoma 圓口
Cystern of chyle 乳糜池
Cystic artery 膽囊動脈
Cystic duct 膽囊管
Cystic vein 膽囊靜脈
Dactylia 肢梢節
Dartos coat 肉膜
Decidacous teeth 脫齒【與 Milk teeth 兩名詞之意義相同】
Deciduous canines 脫性犬齒
Deciduous incisor 脫性門齒
Deciduous premolars 脫性前臼齒
Decussation of fillet 裾交叉
Deep artery of penis 陰莖深動脈
Deep auricular artery 深耳動脈
Deep auricular muscles (Rotator muscles) 深耳肌
Deep brachial artery 深肱動脈
Deep branch 深【神經】枝
Deep cerebral artery 深大腦動脈
Deep cerebral vein 深大腦靜脈
Deep cervical artery 深頸動脈
Deep cervical vein 深頸靜脈
Deep digital flexor muscle 深趾屈肌
Deep digital flexor muscle 深指屈肌
Deep facial vein 深面靜脈
Deep fascia 深肌膜
Deep femoral artery 深股動脈
Deep femoral vein 深股靜脈
Deep flexor muscle 深屈肌
Deep inguinal lymph gland 深鼠蹊淋巴腺
Deep metacarpal vein 深掌靜脈
Deep metatarsal vein 內深蹠底靜脈
Deep ophthalmic nerve 深眼神經
Deep palmar branch 深掌【神經】枝
Deep pectoral muscle 深胸肌
Deep peroneal nerve (or Anterior tibial nerve) 深腓神經
Deep plantar arch 深蹠底靜脈弧
Deep plantar metatarsal arteries 深蹠動脈
Deep sesamoidean ligament 深子骨韌帶【與 Cruciate sesamoidean ligaments 所指相同】
Deep temporal artery 深顳?動脈
Deep temporal nerve 深顳神經
Deferent duct 輸精管
Deferential fold 輸精管褶
Deltoid muscle 三角肌
Deltoid ridge (or Deltoid tuberosity) 三角肌隆起
Deltoid tuberosity (or Deltoid ridge) 三角肌隆起
Demifacets 半關節面
Dental alveoli 齒槽
Dental formula 齒式
Dental groove 齒溝
Dental lamina 齒葉
Dental papilla 齒乳突
Dental patterns 齒型
Dental plate 齒板
Dental sac 齒囊
Dental vein (or Inferior alveoler vein) 下齒槽靜脈
Dentary (Dentale) 齒骨
Denticulate ligament 齒狀韌帶
Dentine 齒質
Dentine forming layer 齒質形成層
Dentine layer 齒質層
Dentition 齒系
Depressor nerve 低壓神經
Dermal bone 膜骨【與 Membrane bone, Investing bone 所指相同】
Dermal denticle (or Dermal teeth) 皮齒【與 Placoid scale 所指相同】
Dermal ectethmoid 膜外篩骨
Dermal exoskeleton 真皮外骨骼
Dermal fin ray 皮鰭條【屬外骨骼】