(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
(Sulcus anterior) 前溝
(Sulcus falcialis) 鐮溝
(Sulcus ligamenti) 韌帶溝
(Sulcus muscularis) 肌溝
(Sulcus omasi) 重瓣溝
(Sulcus posterior) 後溝
(Sulcus postrhinalis) 後嗅溝
(Sulcus rhinalis anterior) 前嗅溝
(Sulcus rhinalis posterior) 後嗅溝
(Sulcus rhinalis) 嗅溝
(Suspensorium) 懸骨
(Sustentaculum tali) 載距突
(Sutura harmonia) 符合縫
(Symphysis) 結締聯合
(Synchondrosis ) 軟骨聯合
(Syndesmosis) 韌帶聯合
(Systema nervorum automaticum) 自動神經系
(Systema nervorum cerebo-spinalis) 腦脊神經系
(Systema nervorum entericum) 內在神經系
(Systema nervorum parasympatheticum) 副交感神經系
(Tabula vitrea) 內葉
(Taenia semi-circularis) 半規帶
(Tapetum fibrosum) 纖維毯
(Tarsus) 支瞼板
(Tegmen cranii) 顱蓋
Acrodont dentition 端齒系
Acromiodeltoid muscle 肩?三角肌
Acromion process 肩?突
Acromiotrapezius muscle 肩?斜方肌【即上斜方肌(M. trapezius superior)】
Acropodium (or Metapodium) 肢梢
Actinost 鰭條支骨
Acustico-facial trunk 聽面【神經】幹
Acustico-lateral area 聽覺平衡區
Adduction 內收
Adipose capsule 脂囊
Adipose fin 脂鰭
Adlacrimal 副淚骨【即上眶骨】
Adnasal 副鼻骨
Adrenal arteries 副腎動脈
Adrenal body (or Adrenal gland) 副腎腺【與 Suprarenals; Suprarenal body; Suprarenal gland; Suprarenal capsule 所指相同】
Adrenal gland (or Adrenal body) 副腎腺【與 Suprarenals; Suprarenal body; Suprarenal gland; Suprarenal capsule 所指相同】
Adrenal organs 副腎器官
Adrenal plexuses 副腎【神經】叢
Adrenal veins (or Suprarenal veins) 副腎靜脈
Adreno-lumbar artery 副腎腰動脈
Adreno-lumbar vein 副腎腰靜脈
Adult dentition 恆齒系
Advehent vein 入腎靜脈
Aegitognathous 楔頜型
Aesthesiology 感官學
Afferent branchial artery 入鰓動脈
Afferent duct 入鰓管
Afferent splanchnic fibers 入臟纖維
After-shaft (or Hyporachis) 副羽
Aggregated nodules (or Peyer's patches) 集合淋巴結
Ail cells (or Alveoli; Pulmonary alveoli; Follicles) 肺胞
Air bladder (or Pneumatic cyst; Pneumatocyst)
Air sac (or Pneumatic sac) 氣囊
Alae of nose (or Wings of nose; Side of nose) 鼻翼
Alar canal (or Subsphenoid canal; Pterygoid foramen) 翼孔
Alar cartilage 翼狀軟骨
Alar fold 翼狀褶
Alar ligament (or Check ligament) 翼狀韌帶
Alary cartilage 翼狀軟骨
Albugineous coat 蛋白膜
Alimentary canal (or Digestive tract) 消化管
Alinasal process 鼻側突
Alisphenoid 翼蝶骨
Alisphenoid cartilage 翼蝶軟骨【即蝶側軟骨】
Allantoic artery 尿囊動脈
Allantoic bladder (or Allantois) 尿囊
Allantoic vein 尿囊靜脈
Allantois (or Allantoic bladder) 尿囊
Alveolar border 齒槽緣
Alveolar border (or Alveolar process ) 齒槽突
Alveolar ducts 肺胞管
Alveolar foramen 齒槽孔
Alveolar process (or Alveolar border) 齒槽突
Alveolar tuberosity 齒槽結
Alveolar vein 齒槽靜脈
Alveole 齒槽
Alveoli (or Pulmonary alveoli; Follicles; Ail cells) 肺胞
Ambiens 棲肌【見鳥類】
Ambiguous nucleus 模糊巢
Ammons-horn (or Hippocampal horn) 海馬角
Amniote stage 羊膜類期
Amphiarthrosis (or Mixed articulation) 雙關節
Amphibian stage 兩棲類期
Amphicoelous vertebrae 兩凹椎骨
Amphiplatyan (Amphyplatyan) 兩平椎骨
Amphirhinal 雙鼻孔
Amphistylic 兩接柱
Ampulla 耳罍
Ampulla of deferent duct 輸精管罍
Ampulla of Lorenzini Lorenzini罍
Ampulla of rectum 直腸膨部
Ampulla of Savi Savi罍
Amygdaloid nucleus 杏仁巢
Anal canal (Anal part of rectum )(or Anal groove) 肛管