(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 2001 到 2100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Dorsal gastric vein 背胃靜脈
Dorsal gray column (or Dorsal column) 背灰柱
Dorsal intercostal vein 背肋間靜脈
Dorsal intermediate groove (or Posterior intermediate sulcus) 背間溝;後間溝
Dorsal interosseous artery 背骨間動脈
Dorsal larynx 背喉
Dorsal ligament (hock joint) (or Oblique ligament) 背跗韌帶
Dorsal lingual vein 背舌靜脈
Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus 背長束
Dorsal longitudinal ligament (or Superior common ligament) 背長韌帶
Dorsal longitudinal sinus (or Dorsal sagittal sinus) 背直【靜脈】竇
Dorsal lymph sac 背淋巴囊
Dorsal meatus of nose (or Superior meatus of nose) 上鼻道
Dorsal median fissure 背正中裂
Dorsal median groove (or Dorsal median sulcus) 背正中溝
Dorsal median septum 背正中隔;後正中隔
Dorsal median septum (or Dorsal skeletogenous septum) 骨質背隔
Dorsal median sulcus (or Dorsal median groove) 背正中溝
Dorsal mediastinal lymph gland 背縱隔淋巴腺
Dorsal mesentery 背臟繫膜
Dorsal mesocardium 背心繫膜
Dorsal metacarpal arteries 掌背動脈
Dorsal metatarsal arteries 內蹠背動脈
Dorsal motor nucleus 背運動巢
Dorsal muscles 背肌
Dorsal nasal artery 鼻樑動脈
Dorsal nasal vein 鼻樑靜脈
Dorsal nerve of penis 陰莖背神經
Dorsal oesophageal trunk 背咽(神經)幹
Dorsal pancreas 背胰
Dorsal part of pons 橋腦背部
Dorsal petrosal sinuses 岩上【靜脈】竇
Dorsal process of otostapes 耳蹬背突
Dorsal ramus (or Dorsal branch) 背枝
Dorsal rib 背肋【與 Intermuscular rib: True rib 所指相同】
Dorsal root 背根
Dorsal sacral foramen 背薦孔【與 Posterior sacral foramen 所指相同】
Dorsal sacro-iliac ligament 背薦胯韌帶
Dorsal sagittal sinus (or Dorsal longitudinal sinus) 上直【靜脈】竇
Dorsal sellae 背鞍
Dorsal semicircular canal (or Anterior canal; Anterior vertical semicircular canal; Dorsal canal) 上半規管;前半規管
Dorsal sensory nucleus (or Nucleus of ala cinerea) 灰白翼巢
Dorsal septum 背隔
Dorsal set 背組
Dorsal shield 背盾
Dorsal sinus 背【靜脈】竇
Dorsal skeletogenous septum (or Dorsal median septum) 骨質背隔
Dorsal spinal nerves (or Thoracic nerves) 胸神經
Dorsal thoracic nerve (or Long thoracic nerve) 背胸神經
Dorsal trunk 背【淋巴】幹
Dorsal tubercle 背結
Dorsal turbinate bone (or Superior turbinated bone; Superior nasal concha) 上鼻甲骨
Dorsal turbinate crest 背甲脊
Dorsal turbinate fold 背鼻甲褶
Dorsal veno-tymphatic sinus 背靜脈淋巴竇
Dorsal vertebrae 胸椎【與 Thoracic vertebrae 所指同為一物】
Dorsibronchus 背枝氣管
Dorso-lateral groove (or Dorso-lateral sulcus; Posterior lateral sulcus) 背側溝;後側溝
Dorso-lateral sulcus (or Dorso-lateral groove; Posterior lateral sulcus) 背側溝;後側溝
Dorso-lateral surface (or Convex surface) 大腦凸面
Dorso-scapular ligament 背髆韌帶
Dorsum of penis 陰莖背
Dorsum of tongue 舌背
Down feather (or Downy; Plumule) 絨羽
Downy (or Down feather; Plumule) 絨羽
Dromaeognathous 固頜型
Duct of Cuvier (or Cuvierian veins) Cuvier 導管【即總主靜脈】
Duct of epididymis 副睪管
Duct of Ravinus (or Sublingual ducts) 舌下腺管
Dumb-bell bone (or Dumb-bell-shaped bone) 啞鈴骨【即前鋤骨】
Dumb-bell-shaped bone (or Dumb-bell bone) 啞鈴骨【即前鋤骨】
Duodenal artery 十二指腸動脈
Duodenal glands (Brunner's) 指腸線
Duodenal impression 指腸壓痕
Duodenal lymph gland 十二指腸淋巴腺
Duodenal vein 十二指腸靜脈
Duodenum 十二指腸【簡稱指腸】
Duplex uterus 雙子宮
Dura mater 韌膜
Eardrum (or Tympanic membrane) 鼓膜
Ectale 肢外片
Ectepicondylar foramen 外上髁孔【與 Radial foramen 所指相同】
Ectethmoid 外篩骨
Ectethmoid cartilage 外篩軟骨
Ectobronchus 外枝氣管
Ectocuneiform (or External cuneiform; Lateral cuneiform) 外楔骨【即第三楔骨】
Ectolateral fissure 外側溝
Ectomarginal fissure 外緣溝
Ecton 肢外桿
Ectopterygoid 外翼骨
Ectosylvian fissure 外 Sylvii 溝
Ectosylvian gyrus 外 Sylvii 回
Ectoturbinals (or Ectoturbinates) 外鼻甲板
Ectoturbinates (or Ectoturbinals) 外鼻甲板
Ectotympanic bone 外鼓骨
Efferent branchial artery 出鰓動脈
Efferent duct 出鰓管
Efferent ductules (testis) 睪丸輸出管
Efferent splanchnic fibers 出臟纖維