(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 2101 到 2200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Egg teeth 卵齒
Eggs (or ova; ovules)
Eisler theory (or Theory of Eisler) Eisler 說【對邊肢體同原說之一派】
Ejaculatory duct 射精管
Ejaculatory orifice 射精孔
Elastic cartilage 彈性軟骨
Elastic membrane (Larynx) 彈性膜
Elbow 肘節
Elbow join 肘關節
Elbow muscle 肘肌
Electrical plate 電板
Ellitical recess 橢圓窩
Embolomerous vertebrae 楔狀椎骨
Eminence of concha 耳殼隆起
Emissary vein 導血管
Enamel 琺瑯質;釉質
Enamel cap 琺瑯冠
Enamel layer (or Enamel organ) 琺瑯層;釉層
Enamel membrane 琺瑯膜;釉膜
Enamel organ (or Enamel layer) 琺瑯層;釉層
Enamel-pulp 琺瑯髓
Enciform process (or Xiphoid process) 劍突
End-brain 端腦
Endo-cuneiform (or Internal cuneiform; Medial cuneiform) 內楔骨【即第一楔骨】
Endocardium 內心層
Endochondral bone (骨色)內化骨【與 Primary bone 一名詞所指相同】
Endochondral bone formation (or Endochondral ossification; Chondral ossification) (骨色)內骨化
Endochondral ossification (or Chondral ossification; Endochondral bone formation) (骨色)內骨化
Endoconulid 下內?
Endocrine organ 內分泌器
Endolymph 內淋巴
Endolymph fossa (or Endolymphatic fossa) 內淋巴窩
Endolymphatic duct 內淋巴管
Endolymphatic fossa (or Endolymph fossa) 內淋巴窩
Endolymphatic space 內淋巴隙
Endosteum 骨髓膜
Endoturbinates (or Entoturbinals) 內鼻甲板
Ensiform appendix (or Xiphisternum) 劍胸骨【即後胸骨】
Ensiform cartilage (or Xiphoid cartilage) 劍狀軟骨
Entale 肢內片
Entepicondylar foramen 內上髁孔【與 Ulnar foramen 所指相同】
Entobronchus 內枝氣管
Entoglossum 舌內骨【此名詞與 Glossohyal 所指相同】
Entomarginal fissure 內緣溝
Enton 肢內桿
Entoplastron 內腹甲【?類之 Episternum】
Entopterygoid 內翼骨
Entoturbinals (or Endoturbinates) 內鼻甲板
Entotympanic bone (or Metatympanic bone) 內鼓骨
Entovarial canal 陷入卵巢溝
Eparterial bronchus 動脈上枝氣管
Epaxial muscle 軸上肌【即背肌】
Epi-hyal 上舌骨
Epi-hyal cartilage 上舌軟骨
Epi-otic process 上耳突
Epibranchial 上鰓軟骨
Epibranchial 上鰓骨
Epibranchial ganglion 鰓上神經結
Epicardium 外心層
Epicentrals 椎體側骨
Epicondyle 上髁
Epicoracoid 上烏喙骨
Epicoracoid cartilage 上烏喙軟骨
Epidermal exoskeleton 表皮外骨骼
Epidermal teeth 表皮齒
Epidermic wart 表皮疣
Epidermis 表皮
Epididymal border 副睪緣
Epididymis 副睪
Epidural cavity (or Epidural space) 韌膜上隙
Epidural space (or Epidural cavity) 韌膜上隙
Epigastric artery 腹壁動脈
Epigastric lymph gland 腹壁淋巴腺
Epigastric vein 腹壁靜脈
Epigastric zone 上腹
Epigastroid (or Epipubis) 上恥骨
Epiglotidean gland 會咽腺
Epiglottic cartilage 會咽軟骨
Epiglottis (or Stem of epiglottis) 會咽
Epilunatum 月上骨
Epimerals 椎體上骨
Epimere 上肌節
Epioptic fenestra 眼上窗
Epiotic 上耳骨
Epiphysel foramen 腦上腺孔【與 Pineal foramen 所指相同】
Epiphysial bar 腦上條
Epiphysial organ 腦上器
Epiphysis 腦上腺【即松果體】
Epiphysis 骨贅
Epiplastron 上腹甲
Epiploic foramen (or Foramen of Winslow) 胃繫膜孔
Epipubic process (or Prepubic process) 上恥突
Epipubis (or Epigastroid) 上恥骨
Epipyramis 上椎骨
Episkeletal muscle 骼上肌
Episkeletal set 骼上組【即背組】
Episternum 上胸骨
Epistropheus (or Axis) 樞椎骨(第二頸椎骨)
Epiterygoid 上翼骨
Epithalamus 上丘腦