(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 2301 到 2400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Eye-brows 眉毛
Eyeball 眼球
Eyeball group 眼球組
Facial artery 面動脈【即外頜動脈(Arteria maxillaris externa)】
Facial bones 面骨【即咽顱】
Facial canal 面神經管
Facial canal (or Aqueduct of Fallopius) 面神經管
Facial crest 面脊
Facial cutaneous muscle 面皮肌
Facial foramen 面神經孔
Facial group 顏面組
Facial muscle 面肌
Facial nerve 面神經
Facial nucleus 面巢
Facial surface 頰面
Falciform bone 鎌骨
Falciform ligament of liver 肝鎌狀韌帶
Falciform process 鎌狀突
Fallopian tube (or Uterine tube) 喇叭管
False nipple 假乳頭
False rib 假肋【與 Subperitoneal rib,Ventral rib 所指相同】
False vertebrae 假椎【即動椎】
False vocal cord 假聲帶
Falx of cerebellum 小腦鐮
Falx of cerebrum 大腦鐮
Fascia of ball 眼球肌膜
Fascia of forearm 臂肌膜
Fascia of leg 脛肌膜
Fat body 脂肪體【見兩棲類】
Fauces (or Throat) 咽門
Feather follicle 羽囊
Feather germ 羽胚
Feather papilla 羽乳突
Feather pulp 羽髓
Feather space 裸區
Feather tract 羽區
Female genital organs 雌性生殖器;女性生殖器
Female urethra 雌性尿道;女性尿道
Femoral artery 股動脈【即外胯動脈】
Femoral lymph-sac 股淋巴囊
Femoral nerve (or Crural nerve) 股神經
Femoral plate 股板
Femoral scute 股盾
Femoral vein 股靜脈
Femoro-patellar articulation 股膝關節
Femoro-tibia articulation 股脛關節
Femur (or Thigh bone) 股骨
Fenestra of cochlea 耳蝸窩;圓窗
Fenestra of vestibule 前庭窗【即橢圓窗】
Fenestral recess 窗窩
Fetlock joint 距關節【見馬類】
Fibers of Purkinje Purkinje 纖維
Fibriated fold 繖褶
Fibro-cartilage 纖維軟骨
Fibrous layer 纖維層
Fibrous ring 纖維環
Fibrous sheath of tendon 腱纖維鞘
Fibrous tunic 眼纖維膜
Fibula (or Calf bone) 腓骨
Fibular tarsal bone (or Fibulare) 腓側跗骨
Fibulare (or Fibular tarsal bone) 腓側跗骨
Fifth ventricle 假腦室;第五腦室
Filiform papilla 絲狀乳突
Filoplumes 纖羽
Fin ray (or Pterygiophore (Pterygophore)) 鰭條
Fin-membrane 鰭膜
Finger print 指紋
Finlet 小鰭
First carpal bone 第一腕骨
First convoluted tubule 首回旋管
First cuneiform 第一楔骨
First intercostal artery 第一肋間動脈
First part (duodenum) 指腸前段
First phalanx 第一指節骨
First phalanx (Proximal phalanx) 第一趾節骨
Fissure (brain) (or Sulcus (brain)) 腦溝
Fixed small intestine 固定小腸【十二指腸】
Fixed vertebrae 固定椎骨
Flat bone 扁骨
Flexion 屈曲
Flexor surface (or Tendon surface ) 屈腱面
Flight feathers (or Wing quills; Remiges) 飛羽;翼羽
Floating rib 浮肋
Floccular fossa 小腦鬈窩
Flocculus 小腦鬈
Floor plate 底板
Foetal lung 胎肺
Foliate papilla 葉狀乳突
Follicles (or Alveoli; Pulmonary alveoli; Ail cells) 肺胞
Follicular fluid (or Liquor of follicle) 卵胞液
Foltz theory (or Theory of Foltz) Foltz 說【對邊肢體?原說之另一派】
Foot bones 足骨
Foot cell (or Sertoli's cell) 足細胞
Foramen of winslow (or Epiploic foramen) 胃繫膜孔