(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 2401 到 2500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Fore limb (or Thoracic limb) 前肢;上肢
Forearm 臂;前膊
Forebrain 前腦
Fornix of cerebrum 大腦穹窿
Fornix of vagina 陰道穹窿
Fossa of lacrimal gland 淚腺窩
Fourth carpal bone 第四腕骨
Fourth ventricle 第四腦室
Free border 遊離緣
Frenulum of tongue 舌繫帶
Friction ridge 阻棱
Frontal bone 額骨
Frontal fontanelle 額囟
Frontal lobe 額葉
Frontal muscle 額肌
Frontal nerve 額神經
Frontal organ (or Brow spot) 額器
Frontal plate 額板
Frontal pole 額極
Frontal process 額突
Frontal process (Maxilla) 額突【上頜骨】
Frontal sinus 額竇
Frontal spine 額棘
Frontal surface 額面
Frontal suture 額縫
Frontal vein 額靜脈
Frontal-palatine suture 額?縫
Fronto-lacrimal suture 額淚縫
Fronto-maxillary suture 額頜縫
Fronto-parietal bone 額頂骨
Fsay 耳毛
Fulcrum 棘狀鱗
Fundus (uterus) 子宮底
Fundus gland region 胃底腺區
Fundus glands 胃底腺
Fundus of stomach 胃底
Fungiform papilla 菌狀乳突
Funicular part 索部【屬頸韌帶】
Funnel-like fossa 淚囊窩
Furcula 叉骨【與Wishbone,Merrythought bone 所指相同】
Gall bladder 膽囊
Gall capillaries 細膽管
Gall duct (or Bile duct; Choledochal duct) 膽管
Galserian fissure (or Petrotympanic fissure) 岩鼓溝
Ganglia of sympathetic trunk (or Chain ganglia) 鍊結
Ganoid scale 硬鱗
Ganoid stage 硬鱗類期
Ganoin (Ganoine) 閃光質
Ganoine layer 閃光層
G?rtner's duct (or Canals of G?rtner; Longitudinal duct of epo?phoron) 卵巢冠縱管
Gasserian ganglion (or Semilunar ganglion) 半月神經結
Gastric artery 胃動脈
Gastric glands 胃腺
Gastric impression 胃壓痕
Gastric lymph gland 胃淋巴腺
Gastric plexus 胃【神經】叢
Gastric vein 胃靜脈
Gastro-colic omentum 胃結繫膜【即大胃系膜】
Gastro-duodenal vein 胃指腸靜脈
Gastro-epiploic arteries 胃繫膜動脈
Gastro-hepatic artery 胃肝動脈
Gastro-hepatic ligament (or Gastro-hepatic omentum) 胃肝韌帶【屬小胃繫膜】
Gastro-hepatic omentum (or Gastro-hepatic ligament) 胃肝韌帶【屬小胃繫膜】
Gastro-hepato-duodenal ligament 胃肝指腸韌帶【屬小胃繫膜】
Gastro-pancreatic fold 胃胰褶
Gastro-phrenic ligament 胃膈韌帶
Gastrocentrous vertebrae 腹椎
Gastrocnemius muscle 腓肚肌
Gastroduodenal artery 胃指腸動脈
Gastrolienal ligament (or Gastrosplenic omentum; Gastrosplenic ligament) 胃脾繫膜;胃脾韌帶
Gastrosplenic artery 胃脾動脈
Gastrosplenic ligament (or Gastrolienal ligament; Gastrosplenic omentum) 胃脾繫膜;胃脾韌帶
Gastrosplenic omentum (or Gastrosplenic ligament; Gastrolienal ligament) 胃脾繫膜;胃脾韌帶
Gastrosplenic vein 胃脾靜脈
Gemellus muscle 孖肌
Geniculate ganglion 膝結;膝形【神經】結
Geniohyoid muscle 頦舌骨肌
Genital artery 生殖動脈
Genital cleft 生殖裂
Genital fold 生殖褶
Genital organs 生殖器
Genital ridge 生殖脊
Genital sinus 生殖【靜脈】竇
Genital tubercle 生殖結
Genital vein 生殖器靜脈
Genitofemoral nerve 殖股神經
Genual fissure 胼膝溝
Gephyrocercal tail 擬圓尾
Germ gland (or Gonad; Sexual gland) 生殖腺
Germinative layer 發生層【與 Malpighian layer,Mucous layer 所指相同】
Gill arch (or Branchial arch) 鰓弧
Gill cleft (or Visceral cleft; Branchial cleft; Gill slit) 鰓裂
Gill filament (or Branchial filament) 鰓絲
Gill remnant 鰓痕
Gill slit (or Visceral cleft; Gill cleft; Branchial cleft) 鰓裂
Gill system (or Branchial system) 鰓系
Gill-cover (or Opercular apparatus; Gill-flap) 鰓蓋
Gill-flap (or Gill-cover; Opercular apparatus) 鰓蓋
Girdle bone 帶骨
Gizzard 砂囊