(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 6013 筆資料,顯示第 5901 到 6000 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Vestibule of larynx 喉前庭
Vestibule of mouth 口前庭
Vestibule of omental cavity 胃繫膜腔前庭
Vestibule of vagina 陰道前庭
Vexillum (or Vane; Web) 羽片;?
Vibrissae 鼻毛
Vibrissae (or Whiskers)
Vidian canal (or Pterygoid canal) 翼管
Vidian nerve (or Nerve of pterygoid canal) 翼管神經
Viliform teeth 絨毛齒
Villus (複,Villi) 絨毛
Visceral arch 咽弧
Visceral branch (or Visceral nerve) 內臟神經
Visceral cleft (or Gill cleft; Branchial cleft; Gill slit) 鰓裂
Visceral cranium (or Splanchnocranium; Viscerocranium) 咽顱【即咽骨】
Visceral layer 臟層
Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (testis )(or Visceral portion of tunica vagindlis) 本鞘膜
Visceral lymph gland 臟壁淋巴腺
Visceral motor column 內臟運動柱
Visceral motor fiber 內臟運動纖維
Visceral muscle 臟肌【即平滑肌】
Visceral nerve (or Visceral branch) 內臟神經
Visceral pericardium 內臟圍心膜
Visceral peritoneum (Serosa) 內臟腹膜
Visceral pleura 內臟胸膜
Visceral portion of tunica vagindlis (or Visceral layer of tunica vaginalis (testis)) 本鞘膜
Visceral pouch 鰓囊
Visceral sensory column 內臟感覺柱
Visceral sensory fiber 內臟感覺纖維
Visceral skeleton 咽骨
Visceral vessel (or Splanchnic vessel) 內臟血管
Viscerocranium (or Splanchnocranium; Visceral cranium) 咽顱【即咽骨】
Vitelline artery 卵黃動脈
Vitelline vein 卵黃靜脈
Vitreodentine 透明齒質
Vitreous body (or Vitreous humor) 透明液
Vitreous humor (or Vitreous body) 透明液
Vitreous stroma 透明基質
Vocal cord (or True vocal cord) 聲帶
Vocal ligament 聲韌帶
Vocal lip 聲帶脣
Vocal muscle 聲帶肌
Vocal process 聲帶突
Vocal sac 聲囊【見兩棲類】
Volar antibrachial artery 掌臂動脈
Volar carpal ligament (or Palmar carpal ligament) 腕掌韌帶
Volar digital branch 掌指?神經?枝
Volar digital vein 掌指靜脈
Volar groove 掌溝
Volar interosseous artery 掌骨間動脈
Volar ligament 掌韌帶
Volar nerve (or Metacarpal nerve; Palmar branch) 掌神經
Voluntary muscle 隨意肌
Vomer 鋤骨
Vomerine teeth 鋤齒
Vomero-nasal organ (or Jacobson's organ) 鋤鼻器
Vomero-palatine 鋤?骨
Vomeronasal nerve 鋤鼻神經
Vortex vein 渦形靜脈
Vulvar cleft 陰門裂
Water cell 水桴【見駱駝】
Wax gland (or Ceruminous glands) 耳垢腺;盯?腺
Web (or Vexillum; Vane) 羽片;?
Weberian apparatus Weber 器
Wedge-shaped fasciculus 楔狀束
Wharton's duct (or Mandibular duct; Submaxillary duct) 頜下腺管
Whiskers (or Vibrissae)
White blood corpuscle 白血球
White body 白體
White commissure 白聯體
White matter (or White nerve substance) 白質
White nerve substance (or White matter) 白質
White ramus 白枝
Wilson's muscle (or Urethral muscle) 尿道肌
Windpipe (or Trachea) 氣管
Wing (atlas) 椎翼(寰椎骨)
Wing coverts (or Coverts;Tectrices) 覆羽
Wing of ilium 胯翼
Wing of vomer 鋤翼
Wing quills (or Remiges; Flight feathers) 飛羽;翼羽
Winged scapula 翼狀髆骨
Wings of nose (or Alae of nose; Side of nose) 鼻翼
Winter plumage 冬羽
Wirsung's duct (or Pancreatic duct) 胰管
Wishbone 願骨【與 Furcula; Merry thought bone 所指相同】
Wolf tooth 飢齒【指馬之第一前血齒】
Wolffian body Wolff 體【即中腎】
Wolffian duct Wolff 管【即中腎管】
Womb (or Uterus) 子宮
Worm-like process (or Vermiform appendix) 蚓突
Wormian bone (or Sutural bone) 縫間骨
Xiphiplastron 劍腹甲
Xiphisternal horn 劍胸角
Xiphisternal process 劍胸突
Xiphisternum (or Ensiform appendix) 劍胸骨【即後胸骨】
Xiphoid cartilage (or Ensiform cartilage) 劍狀軟骨
Xiphoid process (or Ensiform process) 劍突
Yellow ligaments 黃韌帶
Yellow marrow 黃髓