(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 17789 筆資料,顯示第 3401 到 3500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
conditional distribution 條件分布
conditional equilibrium 條件平衡
conditional instability 條件不穩度
conditional instability of the second kind (CISK) 第二類條件不穩度
conditional linear regression 條件線性迴歸
conditional mean 條件平均
conditional sampling 條件取樣
conditional symmetric instability 條件對稱不穩度
conditional unstable (atmosphere) 條件不穩度[大氣]
conditioned climate 人造氣候
conditions of readiness 警戒狀態
conductance 電導
conduction 傳導
conduction current 傳導電流
conductive equilibrium 傳導平衡
conductivity 傳導性;傳導係數;傳導率
conductivity coefficient 傳導係數
conductivity current 傳導電流
conductor 導體
cone 風袋
cone angle 圓錐角
cone of depression 洩降圓錐
cone of influence 洩降圓錐
cone of visibility 能見圓錐
cone of vision 視界圓錐
cone radiometer 圓錐輻射計
confidence band 可信區間
confidence coefficient 可信係數
confidence interval 可信區間
confidence level 可信基準
confidence limits 可信限
confluence 合流
confluence asymptote 合流漸近線
confluent 合流[的]
confluent thermal ridge 合流型溫度脊
confluent thermal trough 合流型溫度槽
conformal conic projection 正形圓錐投影
conformal map 正形地圖
conformal projection 正形投影
confused sea 暴濤
congelation 凍結
congelifraction 凍裂
congeliturbation 凍攪
congestus 濃[雲]
conic section 圓錐曲線
conical beam 錐形波束
conical hail 錐形雹
conical marine raingauge 錐形船用雨量器
conical scanning 錐形掃描
conical-head thermometer 錐頭溫度計
coniferous 針葉[的]
conimeter 測塵計
coning 錐形擴展
coniology 微塵學
coniscope 測塵器
conjugate matrices 共軛矩陣
conjugate points 共軛點
conjugate-power law 共軛冪律
connate water 原生水
conservation 保守;守恆
conservation of absolute angular momentum 絕對角動量保守;絕對角動量守恆
conservation of absolute momentum 絕對動量保守;絕對動量守恆
conservation of absolute vorticity 絕對渦度保守;絕對渦度守恆
conservation of angular momentum 角動量保守;角動量守恆
conservation of area 面積保守;面積守恆
conservation of energy 能量保守;能量守恆
conservation of mass 質量保守;質量守恆
conservation of momentum 動量保守;動量守恆
conservation of potential vorticity 位渦保守;位渦守恆
conservation of vorticity 渦度保守;渦度守恆
conservatism 保守性;守恆性
conservative difference scheme 保守差分法
conservative element 保守要素
conservative field 保守場
conservative operator 保守算子
conservative property 保守性
conservative scattering 保守散射
conservative scheme 保守法
consistency check 一致性檢驗
console 控制台
consolidated ice 固結冰
constancy 恆定度
constant absolute vorticity trajectory (CAVT) 等絕對渦度軌跡
constant altitude plane position indicator (CAPPI) 等高面位置指示器
constant electron density surface 等電子密度面
constant flux (layer) 等通量[層]
constant humidity line 等溼線
constant of the cone 圓錐常數
constant temperature line 等溫線
constant temperature surface 等溫面
constant thickness line 等厚度線
constant wind 恆定風
constant-height balloon 等高氣球
constant-height chart 等高面圖
constant-height surface 等高面
constant-level balloon 等壓面氣球
constant-level chart 等高面圖
constant-level surface 等高面
constant-pressure air thermometer 等壓氣溫計