(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 1 到 100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
1st engineer; first engineer 大管輪
1st Mate; chief Mate; chief officer 大副
AC commutator motor 交流整流子電動機
actual elevation 實際高度
ADLM 空布地雷
aerosol 氣懸膠體
air clutch 氣力離合器
alloy 合金
aluminium alkyl halides 烷基鹵化鋁類
aluminum foil 鋁箔
approximate altitude 近似高度
APR 救護運輸艦
atmospheric window 大氣窗
audiometry 測聽術;聽力測定
augmentation 增值
automation 自動化
auxiliary device 輔助設施
barine's 巴林內風
beam antenna 束射[指向]天線
beam arm 梁臂
bebarkation schedule 換乘時程表
becket 把手索;滑車底環
becket bend; Luban's hitch; roband hitch; sheet bend 魯班[套]結
becket sheet bend 魯班結{俗};接繩結;套扣結
bed joint 基接
bed load 底移質
bed piece 床板
bed plate [= foundation; foundation plate; sole; sole bed; sole plate] 底板;座板;基板
beep 遙控飛機之操縱
before the wind; fair wind; favorable wind; following wind; going free; off the wind; running free; running large; tail wind 順風
beginning of morning twilight 曙光始
beheaded fish 去頭魚
behind efficiency; behind Propeller efficiency [螺]槳模隨艉效率
behind test; propeller experiment behind model [螺]槳模隨艉試驗
Beijing coordinate system 北京座標系統
being full signed line {= b.f.s.l.} 已全部實際承保業務
being full written line {= b.f.w.l.} 已全部約定承保業務
belat 貝拉風
belfry 鐘架
boat boom [= boat spar] 繫艇杆;軟墊杆
bonding fee 保稅費
bow 虹;艏
brine agitator 鹽水攪拌器
brine cooler 鹽水冷卻器
bunker coal 燃煤
C-scope C型顯示器
capillatus 髮狀雲
CAVU 天氣良好
chef 正廚
chief fisherman; fishing boss; fishing chief; fishing master 漁撈長
chub 白鰱
circle of right ascension 赤經圈
clean M/R 無批註船上收貨單
closed exhaust 密閉排氣
closed exhaust valve 密閉排氣閥
closed feed system 閉式給水系統
closed fire room; closed stoke hold 密閉[鍋]爐艙
closed fishing area; closed fishing ground; forbidden fishing zone 禁漁區
closed high 封閉高壓
closed isobars 封閉等壓線
closed line 實際承保責任額
closed loop control 閉環控制
closed low 封閉低壓
closed mission 任務終止
closed network 閉路網路
closed oscillation circuit 通路振盪電路
closed policy year 已結算之保險年度
closed sea; inland sea; inner sea; internal sea 內海
closed superstructure 圍閉艛
closed system 封閉系統
closed time; closed season 禁漁期
closed type fuel valve 密閉式燃料閥
closed type thrust bearing 密閉式推力軸承
closed user group 閉路用戶組;群內通信
closed-loop system 閉環系統
closed-type hydraulic system 閉式液壓系統
closely coupled circuit 密耦[合]電路
closest point approach {= CPA} 最近通過點{雷達測繪}
closest point of approach {= CPA} 最接近點
closing 承保人簽單
closing appliance 密閉用具;關閉裝置
closing circuit 閉合電路
closing coil 閉路線圈
closing cylinder; decoupling of cylinder 封缸
closing date 結關日
closing instructions 簽單指示
closing joint {weld} 封閉接頭{熔焊}
closing net 閉鎖式網具
closing piece 密閉板
closing plate 封閉板
closing slip 承保人通知單
closing to meeting maneuver 會合操船
closing weld 封閉熔焊
clothed net 織式網
cold shut-down 冷停機;冷停爐
cold smoking 冷燻
cold soldered 冷焊{假焊}
composite wire 複線
conjuction 天體會合
contract rate system 契約運價制