(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 15201 到 15300 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
FSK 頻率轉換鍵
FSMT 艦隊現用水雷測
FSO 艦隊支援作戰
FSS 火力支援站
FT 砲臺
FTC 假目標罐;超前時間常數;部隊描跡協調官;艦隊訓練組
FTGSVC 向艦隊訓練支隊提供所需勤務支援
fuchsin 一品紅菜
fucitol 海藻醇;黑角菜
fucose 海藻醣;岩藻醣
fucosterol 海藻固醇
fuel 燃料
fuel cell 燃料電池
fuel consumption 燃料消耗量;燃油消耗量
fuel consumption per ton nautical mile 每噸浬燃油消耗量
fuel element 燃料元素
fuel harbor 燃料加添港
fuel injection advance angle 噴油提前角
fuel injection pump 燃油噴射泵
fuel injection valve cooling pump 燃料噴射閥冷卻泵
fuel oil atomizer 燃油霧化器
fuel oil barge 燃油駁船
fuel oil clarrifier 潔油機
fuel oil consumption 燃油消耗量;耗油量
fuel oil filling pipe 燃油注入管
fuel oil filter 燃油過濾器
fuel oil heater 燃油加熱器
fuel oil homogenizer 燃油均化器
fuel oil priming pump 起動注油泵
fuel oil pump 燃油泵
fuel oil purifier; purifier 淨油機
fuel oil separator 燃油淨油機
fuel oil service pump 常用燃油泵
fuel oil settling tank 澄油櫃;燃油澄清櫃
fuel oil system 燃油系統
fuel oil tank [= oil fuel storage tank; oill fuel tank] 燃油艙;燃油櫃
fuel oil transfer pump 燃油輸送泵
fuel pyrophoric 燃料引火劑
fuel ship; AO 油船
fuel supply advance angle 供油提前角
fuel valve 燃油閥;燃料閥
fuel valve dribbling 燃油閥滴漏
fueling at sea {= FAS} 海上加油
fueling barge 加油駁船
fueling port 加油港
fueling-at-sea station {= FAS} 加油整補站
Fujihara effect 藤原效應
fuketsul; wind cave 風穴
full and complete cargo; full capacity 滿載貨
full and down 完全滿載
full bag 全付裝備
full balanced rudder 全平衡舵
full built-up crankshaft 全組合曲軸
full capacity 滿載量
full cargo 整船貨
full cargo condition; full load condition 滿載船況
full carrier emission 全載波發射
full cellular container ship 艙格式全貨櫃船
full container load {= FCL}; full container-load cargo {= FCL cargo} 整櫃貨
full container ship 全貨櫃船
full contract value or full completed value {= f.c.v.} 全部契約價值或全部完成價值
full dressing ship 掛滿旗船舶
full duplex 全雙工
full ended 豐滿艏艉
full fillet weld 全填角焊
full form; fullness 肥型
full interest admitted {= f.i.a.} 全部利益經認可
full landing area mark 全降區標誌
full load 滿載[重];滿載重量;全負荷
full moon 滿月
full operation capability {= FOC} 完全運作能力
full operational capability program 全負荷作戰能力計畫程式
full operational status 完全運作狀況
full pitch winding 全距繞組
full power 全功率;全馬力
full power trial 全[馬]力試?
full premium if lost from a peril insured against {= f.p.i.l.p.i.a.}; full premium if lost from an insured peril {= f.p.i.l.i.p.} 如因被保險事故而滅失仍須繳付全額保險費
full premium if lost {= f.p.i.l.} 如滅失仍須繳付全額保險費
full reach and burden 全部載位
full returns 註銷或停航均可退費
full rigged 裝備完整的船
full rigged ship 全帆纜船
full salvo {torpedo control} 全齊放{魚雷管制}
full scale 滿刻度
full scantling 全寸法
full scantling vessel 重結構船
full ship 寬船;肥型船
full signed line {= f.s.l.} 全部簽單業務
full size of net 實際組具
full speed 全速[率]
full speed trial 全速試?
full strength 全強度
full terms 全部費用條件;全部條件承保
full tide 滿潮
full tonnage [船東責任互保協會]入會船舶之最高登記總噸位
full trailer container ship 拖車式全貨櫃船
full truck load {= FTL} 整車貨
full voltage starting motor 全壓啟動電動機
full wave 全波
full welding 全熔焊;重熔焊