(計算時間: 0.016秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 15301 到 15400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
full written line {= f.w.l.} 全部承受業務{再保險術語}
full-arisen sea; full-developed sea 全發海
full-load adjustment 滿載調整
full-load current 滿載電流
full-load efficiency 滿載效率
full-wave rectification 全波整流
full-wave rectifier tube 全波整流管
Fuller cell 福勒電池
fulll and by 滿帆搶風
fulll and down 安全滿載
fulll rudder; hard over 滿舵
fully arisen wave 成熟浪
fully cavitating propeller 全空蝕推進器{高速艇}
fully distributed cost 全攤成本
fully hydraulic 全浮力[塢底]
fully relief 無浮力[塢底]
fully submerger foil 全潛式水翼{水翼船}
fully-rough flow 全激流
fulminate of mercury 雷酸汞
fume 煙;微粒污染物
fumigation 船艙消毒;燻艙消毒;燻蒸消毒;煙燻法;燻蒸法
fumigation certificate 燻艙證書
Fumigation exemption Certificate 免燻艙證書
fumigator 煙燻器;燻蒸器
fuming liquid arsenic 發煙液體砷
fuming sulphuric acid; oleum 發煙硫酸
fuming tin chloride 發煙氯化錫
fumulus 縞狀[雲]
function 專長;作用;功用;功能;函數
function block 功能方塊
function diagram 功能圖
function table 函數表
function test 功能試驗
functional block diagram 功能方塊圖
functional tiaining 任務訓練
fundamental fuel lower calorific value 基本燃料低熱值
fundamental harmonic {first harmonic} 基諧波{一次諧波}
fundamental tone 基音調
fungicide 殺黴劑
fungicides; germicide 殺菌劑
fungus test 黴菌試驗
funnel apron 煙囪[貫穿處]裙板
funnel area 煙囪面積
funnel bonnet; funnel cap 煙囪裙板
funnel casing 煙囪外殼
funnel cloud 漏斗雲
funnel draft [= funnel draught; nature ventilation; natural draft; natural draught; natural ventilation] 自然送風;自然通風
funnel guy [= funnel shroud; funnel stay] 煙囪牽索;煙囪牽條
funnel hood 煙囪蓋
funnel mark 煙囪標誌
funnel paint 煙囪漆
funnel umbrella 煙囪罩
funnelling 狹管效應;衖堂風
fur seal 膃肭獸
fur-point bearing 四點方位
furan ?喃
furfural 糠醛
furfuryl alcohol ?喃甲醇
furfurylamine ?喃甲胺
furiani 富里雅尼風
Furious fifties 咆哮50度
furnace 爐;爐膛
furnace brazing 爐熱硬焊
furnace deformation indicator 爐膛變形指示器
furnace door 爐門
furnace throat 爐喉
furnace volume 爐內容積
furniture 船上出航設備
furniture stain 傢具著色劑
further agreed 同意附加補償
further outlook 短期[天氣]展望
furunculosis 癤腸病
fuse 熔線;[電路]保險絲;熔斷器;炸藥引信
fuse alarm 熔線示警器;熔線警報;熔線警號
fuse board; fuse panel 熔線板
fuse igniter; fuse igniters; fuse lighter 引信點火器
fuse tube 熔線管
fused calcium resinate 熔合樹脂酸鈣
fused carbolic acid 熔合石碳酸
fused cobalt resinate 融合樹脂酸鈷
fusel oil 雜醇油
fusible alloy 易熔合金;易熔金屬
fusible disconnection switch 熔線切離開關
fusible metal 易熔金屬
fusible plug [可]熔塞
fusing current 熔斷電流
fusion welding 熔化熔接
futtock 中間肋骨{木船}
futtock rigging 繫纜肋材{帆船}
fuze 信管;引信
fuze time 引信時間
fuzes 引信
FWC 艦隊氣象中心;部隊武器協調官
fwd. 在船首;向船首
FWS 艦隊工作調查
FWSG 艦隊工作調查組
FXP 艦隊操演書刊之簡稱
FXR [反音嚮魚雷]噪音器之代字
fyke net 長袋網
fyke net fishery 張網漁業