(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 24301 到 24400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
office of maritime administration 航政主管機關
officer candidate 候補軍官
officer conductingthe exercise {= OCE} 操演指揮官
officer in charge {= O-in-C; OIC} 主管官
officer in tactical command {= OTC} 戰術指揮官
officer scheduling the exercise {= OSE} 操演計畫官
officer's call 軍官集合號令
officer-of-the-deck [艙面]值更官
official C/P form 正式租船契約;正式傭船契約
official log 公務日誌;正式航海日誌
official log book 法定航海日誌
official number 船舶[登記]號數
official speed trial [= official trial] 速率公試;正式[速率]試航
official trial 正式試航
offset 偏位;支距
offset cam 偏位凸輪
offset crank shaft 偏位曲柄軸
offset cylinder 偏位汽缸
offset dimension 偏位尺寸
offset fire control 偏向射控
offset intercept 布置攔截
offset link 偏位聯桿
offset pipe 偏位管
offset socket wrench 套頭彎筒扳鉗
offset tracking 偏向追瞄
offsets 船線坐標
offsets table 船線坐標表
offshore 離岸
offshore anchor 離岸錨
offshore area 近海區域
offshore barrier 島灘;離岸沙洲
offshore connection 近海連接
offshore current 離岸流
offshore drilling operation 近海鑽探作業
offshore islands 近海島嶼;離島
offshore mooring 離岸繫泊
offshore navigation 近海航行
offshore oil rig 離岸鑽油平臺
offshore patrol 外海巡邏
offshore platform 近海平臺
offshore reef 離岸礁
offshore survey 近海測量
offshore tanker berth 離岸油船船席
offshore terminal 近海裝卸站
offshore tracks 外航路
offshore wind 離岸風
ogival buoy 雙拱形浮標;雙彎頂部浮標
ogive 交錯骨{水產};砲彈;彈兵部
ohm 歐姆
Ohm's law 歐姆定律
ohmic drop 歐姆降下
ohmic loss 歐姆損失
ohmic resistance 歐姆電阻;直流電阻
ohmmeter 電阻計;歐姆計
oil atomizer 油霧化器
oil baffle 擋油板
oil bag 油袋
oil barge; oil lighter 油駁船
oil boom 攔油索
oil booster pump 增壓油泵
oil brake 油軔
oil bunker 燃油櫃
oil burn 油燒;油酵
oil burned boiler 燃油鍋爐
oil burner 油燃燒器
oil burning arrangement 燃油裝置
oil burning unit 燃油器
oil burning vessel 燃油船
oil cake 油餅
oil can; oil pot 油壺
oil capacitor 油[介]質電容器
oil carrier [= oil tanker] 油船;油輪
oil circuit breaker 油斷路器
oil cleaner 去油器
oil compression cable 油壓電纜
oil consumption 耗油量
oil container 存油器
oil contamination; oil pollution 油污
oil content meter 油[類]含量計
oil cooled piston 油冷活塞
oil cooled transformer 油冷變壓器
oil cooled valve 油冷閥
oil cooler 油冷卻器
oil cooling 油冷[法]
oil cooling pump 油冷卻泵
oil cooling tank 冷油櫃
oil cup 油杯
oil damage 油污毀損
oil damping 油阻尼
oil defusing pump 油擴散泵
oil discharge monitoring and control system 油料排洩偵控系統;油料排洩偵測與控制系統
oil drain tank 排油櫃
oil drilling rigs 鑽油設備
oil drip pan 承油盤
oil engine 油機
oil feeder 給油器
oil fence 攔油柵;油牆
oil filling pipe 加油管
oil filling port 加油孔