(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 25401 到 25500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
partial awning deck vessel 部分遮蓋甲板船
partial blockade 部分封鎖
partial bulkhead 部分艙壁
partial double bottom 部分[二]重底
partial eclipse 偏蝕
partial interest 部分利益
partial load 部分負荷
partial loss of freight 部分運費損失
partial loss of goods 部分貨物損失
partial loss of ship 部分船舶損失
partial loss {= p/l} 部分損失
partial mobilization 局部動員
partial obscuration 部分[天空]不明
partial poisoning 部分施毒
partial pressure 分壓力
partial radar aim 部分雷達瞄準
partial relief 減除部分浮力{乾船塢底}
partial reparis to shipand unreparied damage 船舶部分條理及未修理毀損
partial salve fire 部分齊放{砲塔或砲位}
partial superstructure 部分船艛
partially enclosed lifeboat 部分圍蔽救生艇
partially protected poop front bulkhead 艉樓前端防護艙壁
participating carrier 共運人;共運船
particle velocity 分子速度{波浪}
particular average and/or general average loss {= PA and/or GAL} 單獨海損及/或共同海損
particular average warranty 單獨海損保證
particular average {= PA} 單獨海損
particular cargo; special cargo 特種貨[物]
particular charge {= p/c} 單獨費用
particulate organic matter 微拉狀有機物質
parting agent 脫模劑{FRP}
partition bulkhead 隔間艙壁
partly cloudy 少雲
partly filled compartment 部分裝載艙間
parts 零件
parts list 零件明細表
parts per million {= ppm} 百萬分之一
party 班;隊
party line 合用線;同線
pasive homing guidance 被動歸向導引
pass 掃程;隘路;航道
pass a stopper 將繩索穿過後繫住
pass astern 通過[他船]船尾
pass down the line 重複所掛信號至後列各艦
pass down the line book {= PDL book} 值更官交更簿
pass sequence 焊道順序
pass the word 傳達命令
passage 航道;航程;通路;通行權;過境
passage money 乘船費
passage planning 航線設計
passage ticket; passenger ticket 客票
passager's luggage 旅客行李
passanger ship safety certificate 客船安全證書
passenger 旅客;乘客
passenger accommodation 旅客起居設備
passenger boat; passenger ship; passenger steamer; passenger vessel 客船
passenger fare 客票價
passenger liner 定期客輪;郵輪
passenger list; list of passengers 旅客名單
passenger manifest 乘客清單
passenger port 客運港;旅客港
passenger ship certificate 客船證書證
passenger steamer 客輪
passenger traffic 客運業務
passenger wharf 旅客碼頭
passenger's platform 旅客上下船平臺
passing honors [艦艇]相遇敬禮
passing shower; rain shower; shower 陣雨
passing through the rapids 通過湍流
passing underneath 潛越
passive acoustic torpedo {= PAT} 被動式音響魚雷
passive air defense 消極防空
passive defense 消極防禦
passive ECM 消極性電子反制措施
passive network 無源網路;被動網路
passive relay 無源繼電器
passive sonar 被動式聲納
passive sonar detection 被動式聲納偵測
passive underwater fire control feasibility study {= PUFFS} 被動式水中射控可行性研究
past weather 過去天氣
pasteurization 低溫殺菌法
patch 補板;補綴;點礁
patch cord 插線
patch panel 插線板
patch plug; plug 插頭
patch rocky 巖點礁
patch sand 砂點礁
patch shallow; shoal 淺點礁
patching 補網
patent anchor {stockless anchor} 無杆錨{山字錨}
patent eye; poured socket 鋼索眼圈
patent log 曳繩測程儀
path 狹水道;途徑
pathfinders 導航組;導航雷達
patrol boat signal 巡邏艇信號
patrol commander 巡邏指揮官
patrol craft escort {= PCE} 護航巡邏艦
patrol line 巡邏線
patrol screen 巡邏屏衛
patrol submarine chaser {= PC} 驅潛艦