(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 25601 到 25700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
pendulum anemometer 擺式風速計
pendulum relay 擺垂式繼電器
penetration 貫穿;滲透
penetration frequency 貫穿頻率
penifent snow 融凝雪
penilia schmackeri 休馬克氏枝水蚤
peninsula 半島
penknife ice 刀[狀]冰
pennant 三角測風羽;旒旗;小旗
pent achloroethane; pentalin 五氯乙烷
penta acetate 五醋酸鹽
pentaborane 五硼烷
pentad 一候;五日
pentaerythrite tetranitrate 四硝酸季成四醋
pentagrid converter 五柵變頻管
pentamethylheptane 五甲基庚烷
pentane 戊烷
pentolite 彭特來炸藥
peproleum crude oil 石油原油
pepsin 胃液素
peptone [= peptones] 消化蛋白;煉類
per diem 日費;出差費
per like day [延遲費]非連續計算日
per package limitation 每件貨物賠償責任限制
per standard compass 依標準羅經
per steering compass 依操舵羅經
percentage conductivity 傳導係數百分率
percentage line drop 線路電壓降百分率
percentage loss 損失百分率
percentage modulation 調變百分率;調變度
percentage of depreciation 折舊比率
percentage of log correction 計程儀修正率
perch 淺灘標;鱸魚{日本產}
perchlorate 過氯酸鹽
perchloric acid 過氯酸
perchloroethylene; tetrachloroethylene 四氯乙烯
perchloromethylmerc ptan 過氯甲硫醇
perchloryl fluoride 氟化高氯醯
percomorph liver oil 混合高單位魚肝魚
percussion 撞擊
percussion fuse 擊發引信;撞發引信
percussion welding [衝擊]鍛熔接
percussiong firing 擊發{發射}
percussive test; drop test 墜落試驗
perfect scavening 完全掃氣
perforated crib breakwater 透水框式防波堤
perforated panel 鑿孔面板
perforated plate 多孔板
perforating telegram 打孔電報
perforation 穿孔
perforator 鑿孔機
performance characteristics 功能特性
performance chart 性能圖;性能表
performance curve 性能曲線
performance index 性能指數
performance monitor 性能監視器;性能監測器
performance of competence 稱職;適任
performance standard 性能標準
performance test 性能試驗
performance verification test 性能審認試驗
performeter period signal 動作監視器句號
perfumery product inflammable liquid 香料製品易燃液體
pergelation 冰凍[作用]
pergelisol table 冰凍面
perhumid climate 常濕氣候
pericenter 近心點
peridinium sp. 鐘形雙鞭藻
perigean tide 近地潮;近月潮
perigee 月近點;近月點
perigee tide 月近大潮
periglacial 冰緣
perihelion 近日點
perihelion distance 近日距
peril insured against {= p.i.a.} 承保之危險事故
perils of the sea 海上風險;海難事故
period 週期
period charter market; period market 遠期傭船市場
period delay mechanixm {= PDM} 定時延遲機械
period measurement system 定期測量系統
period of encounter 遭遇週期
period of hire 租期
period of responsibility of carrier 運送人責任期
period of rolling; rolling period 橫搖週期
period; period policy; term policy 定期保險單
periodic duty 週期性工作
periodic motion 週期運動
periodic survey; periodical survey 定期檢驗
periodic test 定期測試
periodic variation 週期變化
periodic wind 週期風
periodical annual survey of hull 船體歲檢
periodical classification survey 定期船級檢驗
periodical inspection 定期檢查
periodical survey of cargo gear 貨物裝卸設備定期檢驗
periodical survey of hull 定期船體檢驗
periodicity 週期性;定期性
peripheral equipment 周邊設備;輔助設備