(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 28101 到 28200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
refrigerated room 冷凍室
refrigerated vehicle 冷藏車
refrigerating capacity 冷凍[能]量
refrigerating chamber 冷藏室
refrigerating cycle 再循環
refrigerating effect per brake horse power 單位制動馬力冷凍效能
refrigerating effect per unit swept volume 單位氣缸容積冷凍效能
refrigerating machine 冰機;冷凍機
refrigerating machine; refrigerator 冷凍機
refrigerating medium pump 冷媒泵
refrigerating plant 冷凍設備;冷凍廠
refrigeration 冷凍;冷凍法
refrigeration agent 冷凍劑;冷媒
refrigeration system 冷凍系統
refrigerator oil 冷凍油
refrograde wave 後退波
REFTRA 複訓{海軍軍語}
refund; refund of claim 退還賠款
regelation 再凍
regenerating heat exchanger 蓄熱式熱交換器
regeneration; reproduction 再生
regenerative braking; supersynchronous braking 再生制動
regenerative control 再生控制
regenerative cycle 再生循環;再生週
regenerative cycle gas turbine 再生循環燃氣渦輪機
regenerative feed water heater 再熱給水加熱器
regenerative repeater 再生式轉發器;再生式增壓機
regenerative steam turbine 再生蒸汽渦輪機
regenerator 回熱器;再生器
regenrated scale 再生鱗
regional broadcast 區域廣播
regions 頭胸甲區
register 註冊;登記;登記控發器;記發器;記錄器
register book [= registered mail book] 船名錄;登記簿
register capacity 暫存器容量
register of cargo handling gear of ship 船舶貨物裝卸設備登記簿
Register of Shipping of the USSR {= RS} [= USSR Register of Shipping] 蘇聯驗船協會;蘇俄驗船協會
register of shipping; ship classification society 船級機構
register tonnage 登記噸位
registered breadth 登記寬度
registered depth 登記深度
registered horsepower 登記馬力
registered length 登記長度
registering weather vane 風向記錄器
registration of alteration 變更登記
registration of withdrawal 撤銷登記
Registro Italiano [= Registro Italiano Navale] {= RI} 義大利驗船協會;義大利船舶登記協會;義大利船舶登記局
registry certificate 船籍登記證書
regression of nodes 交點退行
regular 常備海軍
regular discharge 常態放電
regular distortion 常態失真
regular liner 定期班船
regular maintenance 定期保養
regular repair 定期檢修
regular wave 規則波
regulated stream flow 調整流量
regulating lock light 調整閘燈
regulating rheostat 調節變阻器
regulating rod 調整桿
regulating station 調節站
regulating transformer [有載時]電壓調整器
regulating valve 調節閥
regulating winding 調整繞組
regulation 調整
regulation clothing 規定服裝
regulation curve 調整曲線
regulations for ship formation movement 船艦編隊運動規則
regulations of fishery harbor 漁港規則
regulator 調整器;整時計
rehabilitation plan 復員計畫;性能重建計畫
reheat 再熱;重熱
reheat boiler 再熱鍋爐;重熱鍋爐
reheat chamber 再熱室;重熱室
reheat cycle 再熱循環;重熱循環
reheat factor 再熱因數;重熱因數
reheat steam turbine 再熱式蒸汽渦輪機
reheater 再熱器;重熱器
reheating furnace 再熱爐;重熱爐
reheating turbine 再熱式渦輪機;重熱式渦輪機
Reid vapor pressure 瑞德蒸氣壓
reinforced concrete 鋼筋混凝土
reinforced concrete caisson 鋼筋混凝土沈箱
reinforced concrete pile 鋼筋混凝土樁
reinforced concrete trestle type wharf 鋼筋混凝土棧橋式碼頭
reinforced concrete vessel 鋼筋混凝土船
reinforced hatchway coaming 加強艙口緣圍
reinforced rib 加強肋
REINSD or reinsd 原保險人
reinstatement {= reinst.} 自動恢復原保額
reinsurance clause 再保險條款
reinsurance common account {= r.i.c.c.}; reinsurance of joint account {= r.o.j.a.} 再保險共同帳戶
reinsurance of cargo 貨物再保險
reinsurance of hull 船舶再保險
reinsurance offices Association {= ROA} 再保險公司協會
reinsurance treaty 再保險合約
reinsurance waiver clause 再保險加費或退費放棄條款
rejection of abandonment 推絕委付
rejection risks 貨物拒收險
rejector circuit 拒斥電路;除波電路