(計算時間: 0.011秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 28301 到 28400 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
repeated starting sequence 重複起動程序
repeated stress 覆變應力
repeater 增壓機;轉發器;複示器
repeater mode 重發器模式
repeating coil 轉續線圈
repeating installation 轉發裝置
repeller 斥距極
rephasing 重行定相
replacement clause 重置條款
replacement of machinery 機器重置
replemoshment approach ship 再補給接船
replenishment at sea {= RAS}; replenishment control ship; underway replenishment {= UNREP} 海上整補
replenishment course 整補航向
replenishment delivery ship 再補給輸送船
replenishment distance abeam 整補橫距
replenishment distance astern 整補縱距
replenishment group 整補支隊
replenishment speed 整補航速
replenishment station 整補站
reply 回答
report 報告
report for duty 報到應遣
report of clearance 結關報告
reporting day 起裝通知日
reporting form basis 保額通知基礎
reporting officer {= REPTOF} 船運報告官
reporting point {= RP} 報告點
reporting procedures 報告程序
representation 陳述
reprinted chart 再版海圖
reproduction 增殖;再生產量
reproduction curve 再生產曲線
reproductive potential 生殖潛力
republished chart 再發行海圖
repudiation of contract 契約之片面廢棄
repulsion 推斥;斥力
repulsion motor 推斥電動機
REQPER 請求准許{海軍軍語}
request form 查詢表
request note 提前卸貨申請;卸貨申請單
required operational capabilities 要求之作業能力
requisition 徵用
requlation lights 規定號燈
res nullius {nobody's responsibility} 無人負責任{拉丁}
rescue 救難
rescue basket 救生吊籃
rescue coordination center{= RCC} 救難協調中心
rescue destroyer 救難驅逐艦
rescue detail 救護隊
rescue litler 救生擔架
rescue seat 救生吊座
rescue signal light 救難信號[火焰]
rescue sling 救生吊帶
rescue subcenter {= RSC} 搜救站
rescue unit {= RU} 救助單位
reseating 重修閥座
resemblance 相似性
reservation 保留事項
reservation line 保留界
reserve account 準備金帳戶
reserve antenna 備用天線
reserve buoyancy 預留浮力
reserve capacity 後備容量;庫儲量
reserve coal bunker; spare coal bunker 備用煤艙
reserve fleet 後備艦隊
reserve oil bunker; spare oil bunker 備用油櫃
reserve on board 候令生效密件
reserve receiver 備用接收機
reserve supplies 儲備補給品
reserve transmitter 備用發射機
reserve; stand-by service 備用
reserves 預備隊;儲備品;後備軍人
reservoir 水庫;貯水池;貯庫
reset 重置;複歸
resetting key 重置鍵
reshabar 雷夏巴風;黑風
reshipment 補運貨;[船貨的]重裝、轉載
residence telephone 住宅電話
residual capacity 殘餘電容
residual deviation 殘餘自差
residual dynamical stability 剩餘動穩度
residual electric charge 殘餘電荷
residual flux 殘磁[通]
residual fuel oil; residual oil 殘油
residual oil standard discharge connection 殘油標準排洩接頭
residual righting lever 剩餘扶正力臂
residual stress 殘留應力
residual voltage 殘餘電壓
residuary resistance 剩餘阻力;殘餘阻力
residue cargo 留船未卸貨
residues 殘留物
resilience 彈性能
resin solution 樹脂溶液
resistance 抵抗力;抗病性;阻力;電阻;熔接
resistance alloy 金屬膜電阻
resistance attenuator 電阻衰減器
resistance brazing 電阻硬焊
resistance commutation 電阻整流