(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 28601 到 28700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
rhizosolenia sp. 月形矽藻
rho-rho navigation system 雙距離定位[導航]系統
rhombic antenna 菱形天線
rhumb bearing 恆向方位
rhumb line bearing {= RLB} 恒向線方位
rhumb line distance 恆向線距離
rhumb line sailing 恒向線航法
RIAL 修訂後之軍機配賦表
ribband 支材
ribbon in; ice ribbon 帶狀冰
ribbon microphone 帶式微音器
ribbonfish 白帶魚;瘦帶
ribut 呂伯特颮
RIC 可修軍品代號
rice field fish culture 稻田養魚
rice straw fibre 稻蒿纖維{漁業用天然纖維的一種}
rice-field eel 鱔魚
rice-fish rotation 稻魚輪作
rich feeding area 豐富餌料區域
riddled condition; flooded condition 浸水船況
ride down 滑下{使落到正確位置}
ride out 港外避風;頂風錨泊
rider clause 黏附條款
rider keel 騎龍骨{木船}
rider keelson 騎內龍骨
rider plate 騎板
ridge [礁]脊
ridge formula 海嶺定則
ridge pole 天遮杆;天篷橫梁
ridge rope 天遮索;脊索
ridge waveguide 凹形波導
ridged profile 起伏斷面海灘
riding anchor 著力錨
riding light [= anchor light] 碇泊燈;錨燈
riding lights 錨泊燈
riding one point anchors 一字力錨
riding stopper 拋錨制鏈器;鏈掣
riding to single anchor 單錨泊
riding to two anchors [八字]雙錨泊
riding turn 受力索
rifle 步槍來復線
rifle gas grenade 毒氣槍榴彈
rifle incendiary grenade 燒夷槍榴彈
rifle powder 步槍火藥
rifle smoke grenade 煙幕槍榴彈
rift in clouds 雲隙
rig 立格風;裝置;移置船具;索具
rig square 橫帆型
rig to 裝配桅帆
rigged oar 櫓槳{划、櫓兩用}
rigger 索具工
rigger's screw 挾繩鉗
rigging 索具;整理吊桿
rigging plan 索具布置圖
right and true delivery 確切卸交量
right arm rating {rate} 資深兵類{兵階}
right ascension of meridian 子午線赤經
right ascension {= RA} 赤經
right cabotage [= cabotage] 沿海航運權;沿海貿易權
right flank ship 右翼船[艦]
right for sailing 開航權
right hand engine 右轉動力機
right hand propeller; right handed propeller 右旋螺槳
right hand screw [= right handed screw] 右旋螺槳;右旋螺絲
right handed thread 右旋螺紋
right laid 右搓
right of approach 登臨權
right of claim 請求權;求償權
right of contribution 分攤責任
right of fishery 捕魚權
right of hot pursuit 緊追權
right of innocent passage 無害通過權
right of insurance against carrier 保險人對運送人之追償權
right of management of coastal strip 海岸帶管理權
right of navigation 航行權
right of navigation in inland water 內河航行權
right of notary 公證權
right of passage 通行權
right of passage between archipelagoes 群島間通過權
right of passenger 旅客權利
right of priority 優先權
right of protection 保護權
right of recourse 追索權
right of recovery 追償權
right of retention 拘留權;保留權
right of search 搜索權;搜查權
right of seizure 扣押權
right of visit and search 臨檢搜索權
right sphere 正天球
right-hand rotation diesel engine 右轉柴油機
right-hand rule 右手定則
right-handed turning 右轉
righting arm curve; righting lever curve 扶正力臂曲線
righting arm [= righting lever] 復原[力]臂;扶正[力]臂
righting couple 扶正力偶
righting moment 扶正力矩
rights of carrier 運送人免責權
rights of subrogation; subrogation 代位求償權
rights to take tenders 招標權