(計算時間: 0.013秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 30401 到 30500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
sheet packing 填料片
sheet pile 板樁
sheet pile breakwater 板樁式防波堤
sheet pile cofferdam 板樁圍堰
sheet pile cullular type breakwater 板樁井角式防波堤
sheet pile type wharf 板樁式碼頭
sheet steel 鋼皮;薄鋼板
sheet zinc 鋅皮;薄鋅板
shelding efficiency 屏蔽效率
shelf 海棚
shelf continental 大陸海棚
shelf deposit 海棚沈殿物
shelf ice; tented ice 棚冰
shell [船]殼
shell and tube condenser 殼管式冷凝器
shell charcoal 殼核炭
shell expansion plan 外板展開圖
shell flange 外板鉚接緣材
shell lime 貝灰
shell lug 吊板耳;外板短角鐵
shell room 砲彈庫
shell-and-tube condenser 管殼式冷凝器
shell-and-tube exchanger 殼管式交換器
shellac 蟲膠
shellfish 貝類及甲殼類
shells 介殼
shelter 遮蓋;遮蓬;百葉箱
shelter deck 遮蔽甲板
shelter deck vessel; shelter decker; sheltered deck vessel 遮蔽甲板船
shelter revulsion 隱棲透導法
shelter-belt 防風帶
shelting harbor 避風港
shield 護板;蓋板;風檔
shield arc electrode 被覆電弧焊條
shield arc welding 被覆電弧焊
shielded arc welding 被覆電弧熔接
shielded thermocouple 遮蔽式電熱鍋
shielded tube 遮蔽管
shielding 屏蔽;鎧裝
shielding material 遮蔽材
shielding wire 屏蔽線
shift 移泊;風轉向
shift ballast 活動壓載物
shift berth; shifting berth; shifting of ship 移泊
shift colors 艦旗移位換旗艦
shift of butts 對縫錯開
shift target 轉移目標
shifting angle of grain 穀類移動角
shifting ballast 移動壓載物
shifting bar 移動沙洲
shifting board 移動[隔艙]板;隔艙板;防移板;防動板
shifting board stanchion 移動板柱;防動板柱
shifting charge 移泊費
shifting guy system 雙鉤合吊系統{吊桿}
shifting of cargo 翻艙;貨物移動
shifting pump 撥送泵
shifting spanner 活動扳手
shifting weight method 移重法
shifts 換班制
shim rod 填隙棒
shimmer; terrestrial scintillation 地面閃鑠
shingle ballast 砂石壓載
shingle beach 石子灘
shingles 小卵石
ship 船;艦
ship and goods {= s.g.} 船舶及貨物
ship block method {welding} 船[體分]段熔焊法;船[體分]段焊接法
ship bottom alignment check 船底校準
ship breaker 拆船業
ship breaker 拆船商
ship broker 船舶經紀人
ship business 船舶[通信]業務
ship caisson 船式沈箱
ship carriage requirements 船舶配備要求
ship certificate; ship's papers 船舶證書
ship chandler 船舶供應商
ship characteristics 軍艦特性
ship class mark 船級標誌
ship collision 船舶碰撞
ship collision prevention 船舶避碰
ship control 艦船管制
ship convertion 船舶改裝
ship domain 船舶領域
ship earth station identification {= SES ID} 船舶衛星電臺識別碼
ship earth station {= SES} 衛星船舶電臺;船舶衛星電臺;船舶地面臺
ship elevator; ship lift 升船機
ship formation course alteration 艦艇編隊轉向
ship formation movement 艦艇編隊運動
ship formation pattern 艦艇編隊隊形
ship handing 艦艇操縱術;駕駛術
ship hoist 起船閘
ship improvement guide {= SIG} 艦艇攻進指南
ship induced magnetism 船體感應磁
ship magnetism 船磁
ship maneuver 船舶運動
ship mechanical ventilation 船舶機械通風
ship mortgage 船舶抵押權
ship movement service 船舶移動業務
ship natural ventilation 船舶自然通風
ship oars [槳]上槳叉