(計算時間: 0.010秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 30701 到 30800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
short range navigation {= shoran} 短程航儀;短程導航
short rate 短期保險費率
short shipment 短裝
short shipped 貨物短裝
short shunt 短並聯;內並聯
short splice 短[編]接
short stay 短鏈錨泊
short stowage 短件填裝
short stowage cargo 填空貨
short supply 供應短缺
short term 短期保險
short term leasement 短期租賃
short time delay 短延時
short timer 任期即將屆滿者
short ton; net ton 短噸
short wave 短波
short-circuit 短路;捷路
short-circuit current 短路電流
short-circuit impedance 短路阻抗
short-circuit powerfactor 短路功率因數
short-circuit test 短路試驗
short-circuit winding 短路繞組
short-cut route 捷徑航路
short-line connection 短纜繫結
short-long flashing light 短長聯閃光
short-range forecast; short-range weather forecast 短期[天氣]預報
short-time correlation 短時相關
short-time current 短時[間]電流
short-time duty 短暫工作
shortage and/or non-delivery {= s and/or n.d.} 短少及/或未送達
shortage {= short.} 短少
shorten sail; to close reef 縮帆
shortlanded and/or overlanded report 短卸及/或溢卸報告
shortlanded cargo 短卸貨
shortnose sper-fish 小旗魚
shot [錨鏈]節
shot line return bag 射索回收袋
shot of chain 錨鏈一節{通常為15噚}
shotgun DD 槍砲驅逐艦
shoulder 水線肩;根面{焊接}
shoulder bolt 凸肩螺栓
shoulder eyebolt 凸肩環首螺栓
shoulder mark 肩章
shove off; breast off 撐開
shovelnose-ray 飯匙鯊;犁頭鯊
shred cloud 碎片雲
shredded wood 木片
shricking sixties 六十度哮風帶
shrimp body cramp 蝦體彎症
shrimp fish 蝦魚
shrimp fluke 蝦吸蟲病
shrimp trawl fisheries 蝦拖網漁業
shrimp trawlers; shrimp trawling net 蝦曳網
shrink fit 收縮配合
shrink joint 收縮結合
shrink ring of commutator 整流子縮緊環
shrink-on 紅套
shrinkage allowance 收縮裕度;收縮容度
shrinkage crack 收縮裂痕
shrinkage fit 收縮配合;紅套
shrinkage percentage 縮結率;收縮率
shrinkage stress 收縮應力
shrinking 收縮
shroud 桅牽索;牽索{橫向}
shroud laid rope 四股右搓繩
shroud plate 輪齒側板
shroud ring 覆環
shrouded impeller 罩筒葉輪
shrouded propeller 罩筒螺槳
shuck 去殼
shuga ice; sludge; slush 雪泥冰
shunt 分路;並聯;分流器
shunt box 分路箱
shunt capacitor 分路電容器;引路電容器
shunt circuit 分[流電]路
shunt coil 分流線圈
shunt excited antenna 並聯激勵電天線
shunt fed antenna 並聯饋電天線
shunt feedback amplifier 並聯反饋放大器
shunt field 分激[磁]場
shunt field coil 分激線圈
shunt generator 分激發電機
shunt loss 分路損失
shunt motor 分激電動機
shunt reactor 分路電抗器
shunt resistance 分路電阻
shunt winding 分路繞組;分捲
shunted capacitor 並聯電容器
shunting indicator 並聯指示器
shut down 轉動停止;停機
shut out 退貨
shut out cargo 退關貨物
shut shipping cargo 短裝貨物
shut-out cargo 退裝貨
shuttle form pusher train 梭形推頂船隊
shuttle tanker 梭運油輪
shuttle valve 梭閥
shuttle vessel 近海接駁
sibling species 兩似種;兄弟種
sick bay 醫療室