(計算時間: 0.026秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 32801 到 32900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
straw 麥桿
straw braid 草辮
stray capacitance 雜散電容量
streak lightning 枝[狀]閃[電]
stream 流;河流
stream anchor [抵]流錨;中錨
stream chain 抵流錨錨鏈
stream current 水流
stream gage 河水位標
stream ice 狹長流冰
stream order 河流等級
stream piracy 河川襲奪
stream stocking 河川放養
streamer 閃流;流光
streamline 流線
streamline analysis 流線分析
streamline flow 流線流;層流
streamline rudder 流線型舵
streight-laid rope 散股撚製繩
strength beam; strong beam 加強梁
strength curve 強度曲線
strength deck 強度甲板
strength element 主力組
strength freeboard 強度乾舷
strength group 主力支隊
strength member 強度構件
strength of magnetic pole 磁極強度
strength test 強度試驗
strength unit 主力區隊
strengthening 加強
strengthening ring 加強環
stress 應力;壓迫
stress curve 應力曲線
stress fatigue 應力疲勞
stress relief heat treatment 應力消除熱處理
stress relieving 應力消除
stress rupture test 應力斷裂試驗
stress-strain curve 應力應變曲線
stress-strain diagram 應力應變圖
stretcher 架;足架{舢舨}
striaght lined vessel 直線型船
striations 雲紋
strike 碰觸[海床];罷工;打擊;出擊飛行{海軍軍語}
strike on a rock 觸礁
strike the bell 敲鐘
strikes cluase 罷工[保險]條款
strikes etc. risks 罷工等危險
strikes expenses 罷工費用
strikes, riots and civil commotion {= s. r. and c.c.}; strike, riots and civil commotions {= strikes etc. risks} 罷工、暴動及民眾騷擾
strikes, riots, civil commotion malicious damage {= s. r. c.c. and m.d.} 罷工、暴動、民眾騷擾及惡意行為
STRIKEX 打擊部隊演習
string bead; stringer bead 直線焊珠
string measure 剖材丈量法
stringer 縱材;舷緣板
stringer angle 舷緣板角鐵
stringer plate 縱梁板
strip ship 戰備拆除
strip sweeping 帶形掃雷法
stripe mackerel 扁鯖
striped black bass 條紋黑鱸
striped buoy 條紋浮標
striped mullet 紋鯔
stripped barracuda 達摩金梭魚
stripper 排氣器
stripper pump [= stripping pump] 殘油泵;收艙泵;掃艙泵
stripping charge 拆櫃費
stripping clause 剝落條款
stripping pump 收艙泵
stripping valve 掃艙閥
stripping; unstuffing 拆櫃
strobe light 閃光燈
stroke 閃擊;划槳步伐
stroke oar 尾槳{帶頭槳手}
stroke volume 衝程容積
stroke-bore ratio 衝程缸徑比
strong acid number {= SAN} 強酸值
strong back 艇蓋脊梁;天篷脊梁;舷門門閂;堵漏抵柱;艙蓋板擱梁
strong favorable current 強順流
strong gale 烈風
strong head current 強逆流
strong lead 強勢首席
strong market; hardening market 市況堅挺
strong point 據點
strong room 貴重貨物貨艙
strontium arsenite 亞砷酸鍶
strontium chlorate 氯酸鍶
strontium dioxide 二氧化鍶
strontium nitrate 硝酸鍶
strontium perchlorate 過氯酸鍶
strontium peroxide 過氧化鍶
strop 滑車箍;索兜;吊帶;帶環
struck submerged objects {= s.s.o.} 觸及水底物體
structural alterations 船體結構改變
structural member 構件
structural strength 結構強度
structure 結構;結構物
strum box 污水眼[板]箱;過濾箱
strut 支架;抗壓構件;支桿;支柱
strychnine 番木?鹼