(計算時間: 0.012秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 33601 到 33700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
tactical minefield; tactical mining 戰術性雷區
tactical reserve 戰術預備隊
tactical search 戰術搜察
tactical signal 戰術信號
tactical support center {= TSC} 戰術支援中心
tactical trial 迴旋試航
tactical troops 戰術部隊
tactical unit 戰術單位
tactical-logistical group {= Tac-log group} 戰術後勤組
tactically significant weapon effects 有戰術意義的武器效果
tactics 戰術
tactics distance 戰術距離
TADM 戰術原子爆破彈藥
tag [對魚等的]標識
tag-needle 針形標籤
taiga climate; Taiga climate 寒林氣候
tail 帶索滑車
tail on 船尾擱淺;拉[繩索]
tail rope 尾索
tail shaft packing 艉軸填料{迫緊}
tail up 尾向上游
tail wind 尾風;順風
tain or taining damage 燻染損;腐損;污損
taint 魚腥味
take a turn; to catch a turn 繞挽
take aback 霎時頂風逼退
take charge 失去控制;無法控制;開始負責指揮
take delivery 收貨
take down 登記入帳
take in 收進
take in the slack; take up the slack 逢鬆收緊
take lead 壓鉛絲
take soundings 測深
taking inward pilot {= TIP} 進港引水人上船
tale quale or tel quel {= TQ} 裝船情況
tale quale {= t.q.} 現狀條件
talik 不凍層
talker 通話手
tallow cock 獸脂旋塞
tally clerk; tally sheet; tallyclerk; tallyman 理貨員
tally sheet 理貨單
tally-ho 空戰時目視看見目標
tally; tallying 理貨
tamia culture medium 塔米亞氏培養基
tandem compound engine 串列複式動力機
tandem engine 串列動力機
tandem loading system 串列裝卸系統
tandem propeller 串聯螺槳
tandem rudder 串聯舵
tangent arcs 外切弧;外切珥
tangent screw 正切;螺絲
tangential component 切[線方]向分量
tangential stress 切線應力
tangle 纏結
Tango 字母「T」
tank 箱;櫃;艙
tank bottom water 艙底水
tank circuit 儲能電路;屯克電路
tank cleaning facilities 清艙設施
tank container 槽[貨]櫃
tank experiment 船模試驗
tank scale 油艙計量表;水艙計量表
tank side bracket [二]重底外側腋板
tank side frame 艙側肋骨
tank survey 櫃艙檢驗
tank test 艙櫃試壓;船模試驗
tank top plate 重底頂板;櫃艙頂板
tank type stabilizer 櫃型穩定器
tank washing machine 洗艙機
tank washing opening 洗艙開口
tank washing water 洗艙水
tank-cleaning plant 洗艙裝置
tankage 儲油庫
tanker 油輪;運油艦;輸油艦;液體船
tanker B/L 油輪載貨證券
tanker owner's voluntary agreement concerning for oil pollution {= TOVACOP}; tanker owner's agreement concerning liability for oil pollution {= TOVALOP} 油輪船東油污責任自願協定
tanker piping system 液貨船管路系統
tannin 鞣質;單寧
tap 螺絲攻;分接[頭]
tap bolt 帶頭螺栓;植入螺栓
tap changer 分接[頭]
tap rivet 螺栓鉚釘;螺樁鉚釘
tap stock 螺絲攻把手
tap wrench 螺絲攻扳鉗
tape cable 帶形電纜
taper 楔形;推拔
taper bolt [= tapered bolt] 推拔螺栓;錐形螺栓
taper bush 推拔套襯
taper gauge 斜度計;推拔規
taper pin 推拔銷
Tapes japonica 花蛤
tapeworm 條蟲
tappert rod 挺桿
tappet gear 挺桿裝置
tappet rod 推桿
taps 熄燈號
TAR 預備軍官或士官
tar 水兵;船員;焦油
tardy attack 遲延攻擊
tare and tret 皮重及耗損