(計算時間: 0.007秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 4101 到 4200 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
bearing force; bearing resistance; supporting force; supporting resistance 軸承力
bearing formation 方位隊形
bearing friction 軸承摩擦
bearing groove 軸承油槽
bearing housing 軸承殼
bearing indicator 方位指示器
bearing line 方位線
bearing lining 軸承裏襯
bearing load 軸承負荷
bearing metal 軸承合金
bearing neck 軸承頸
bearing pedestal 軸承臺
bearing pile 支樁
bearing plate 承板
bearing point 承點
bearing repeater 方位複示羅經
bearing resolution 方位解析度
bearing ring 軸承油環
bearing scraper 軸承括刀
bearing seal 軸承封
bearing shell 軸承外殼
bearing shim 軸承墊片
bearing signal 方位信號
bearing spring 托簧
bearing strength 軸承強度
bearing surface 軸承表面
bearing temperature 軸承溫度;承受溫度
bearing thrust 軸承推力
bearing; rudder gudgeon; rudder brace 軸承
bearm dirctive transmission 指向發送
beat 拍;音差;頻率差
beat frequency 拍頻;差頻
beat receiver 差頻接收
beat reception 差頻接收法
beat tone 拍音
Beaufort notation 蒲福[天氣]符號
Beaufort scale 蒲福氏風級
Beaufort wind scale 蒲福風級
belay 繫緊纜繩;縛緊纜繩
belaying cleat; cleat 繫索扣
belaying pin 止索栓
belf knife splitting machine; peeler 剝皮機
Bell 貝爾
bell 號鐘;鈴
bell and spigot joint; faucet joint 插承接合
bell book; engine telegraph book; telegraph book ?鐘[紀錄]簿
bell buoy 鐘聲浮標
bell button 鈴鈕;電鈴按鈕
bell crank 雙臂曲柄
bell crank lever 曲柄桿
bell pull 拉鈴把手
Bell receiver; Bell telephone receiver 貝爾收話器
bell screw 鐘形螺釘
Bell transmitter; Bell telephone transmitter 貝爾發話器
bell-shaped valve; cup valve 鐘形閥
bellhop 警鐘機;小艇離艦前叫鈴
bellies 胴網;身網
bellow type 風箱式
bellow-blow-pipe; gas-blow-pipe 煤氣吹管
bellows 風箱;空盒
belly line 筋網;腹網
belly stay 桅加強拉條
belly strap; belly sling 艇底兜索
belly; lower belly 腹網
below deck equipment {= BDE} 艙內設備
below decks 艙{主甲板以下各處總稱}
below minimum 最低限下
below normal 正常以下
belt 海峽地帶
belt conveyer [= belt conveyor; rotary conveyor] 帶式運送機;輸送帶{搬運裝置};運貨帶
belt coupling 皮帶聯結器
belt drive 帶傳動
belt fastener 帶扣
belt fork 帶叉
belt friction 帶摩擦
belt gear 帶傳動裝置
belt gripe 勒肚帶{艇}
belt guide 導帶器
belt hook clipper 帶鉤扣
belt joint; belt fastening 帶接合
belt of convergency 輻合帶
belt shifter 移帶叉
belt speeder 變速帶
beluga 白鯨
bench 狹長地塹
bench mark {= BM} 水準點;水準標;基準標誌
bench work 鉗工
bend 彎曲;彎管;結目;結索
bend of channel 航道彎曲度
bend on 繫住;增速
bending force 彎力
bending jackstay; jackstay 支索
bending machine 彎曲機
bending moment 彎[曲力]矩
bending shackle; end shackle 鏈錨卸扣
bending strength 彎曲強度
bending stress 彎曲應力;抗彎應力
bending test; bent test 彎曲試驗
bends 潛水病;減壓症
bends and hitches 繩結