(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 401 到 500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
accepted weight estimate 認可之重量估計
accepting authority 艦船接收機構
acceptor [= accepter] 受體;接收器
ACCESS 海上消耗費用及成效檢驗系統
access 出入口;進入口
access door 出入門;進入門
access hole 出入孔;進入孔
access opening 出入口
accessibility 可達性
accessorial charge 附屬費用
accessories clause 附件條款
accessory cloud 附屬雲
accessory control unit 輔助控制器
accessory risk 附件險
accessory scale 輔鱗
accessory; attachment 附件{附屬裝置}
accident boat 應急艇{郵船用}
accident {= acc.}; casualty; fortuitous accident; fortuity 意外事故
accidental discharge 事故性油污
accidental error 偶然誤差
accidents in loading 裝載時意外事故
acclimation fever 水土病{魚病}
accommodation 泊船處;起居設備
accommodation deck; berth deck 住艙甲板
accommodation ladder winch 舷梯絞機
accommodation ladder; gangway ladder 舷梯
accommodation line 優惠業務
accommodation plan 起居設備布置圖
accommodation quarter [= accommodation space] 住艙;起居艙
accommodation space 起居艙空間
account sales 售貨憑證
account {= a/c} 帳戶;帳單
accounting authority 帳務機構
accounting authority identification code {= AAIC} 帳務機構識別碼
accounting year 會計年度
accretion efficiency 撞凍效率
accretion [= coagulation] 撞凍;積冰
accumulated rate [累]積差率
accumulated temperature 積溫
accumulation 積冰;積冰量;儲積;堆積物
accumulation area 積冰區
accumulation forms 海岸沖積模式
accumulation test 蓄壓試驗
accumulative hours 累積時數
accumulator 蓄力器;蓄液器
accumulator battery; electric accumulator 蓄電池
accumulator; secondary battery 蓄電器
accuracy 準確度
accuracy control {= AC} 精度控制
accuracy of position 船位精度
ACEL 空勤裝備實驗室
aceptance sampling 抽樣檢查
acessibility 可及性;可接近性
acetal 縮醛
acetal resin 樹脂
acetaldehyde diethyl acetal 亞乙二乙醚
acetaldehyde oxime 乙?
acetaldehyde; aldehyde; caproic aldehyde 乙醛
acetaldol 丁醛醇
acetate of amyl 醋酸戊酯
acetate rayon 醋酸纖維人造絹
acetic acid 醋酸
acetic acid allyl ester; allyl acetate 醋酸丙烯酯
acetic anhydride 乙酐
acetic ester 醋酸乙酯
acetone 已安定
acetone oils 丙酮油類
acetone; methyl acetone 丙酮
acetonitrile 乙?
acetyl acetone 丙酮乙醯
acetyl acetone peroxide 過氧化丙酮乙醯
acetyl benzoyl peroxide 過氧化苯乙醯
acetyl bromide 溴化乙醯
acetyl chloride 氯化乙醯
acetyl fiber 醋酸纖維
acetyl methyl carbinol 乙醯甲基甲醇
acetylene 乙炔
acetylene accumulator [= acetylene cylinder] 乙炔氣筒;乙炔貯槽
acetylene buoy 乙炔浮標
acetylene dichloride 二氯乙炔
acetylene lamp 乙炔燈
acetylene welding 乙炔熔接;乙炔氣焊
acey-deucy 海軍旗
Achermer 水婁一星
achromatic 消色
achromatic eyepiece 消色目鏡
achromatic lens 清色透鏡;消色鏡片
achromatic telescope 清色望遠鏡;消色望遠鏡
aciation electro-nicsman {= AL} 航空電儀士
acicular nebula 針狀星雲
acid brittleness 酸脆性
acid butyl phosphate 酸式磷酸丁酯
acid dyestuff; acidic dye 酸性塗料
acid electrolyte 酸性電解質
acid fish meal 酸性魚肥
acid mixtures; mixed acid {containing sulphuric and nitric acid} 混合酸{含硫酸及硝酸之混合液}
acid process 酸性[煉鋼]法
acid proof 耐酸;抗酸
acid resisting steel 耐酸鋼
acid sludge 酸泥;酸渣