(計算時間: 0.009秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 5701 到 5800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
butadiene 丁二烯
butane 丁烷
butane nitrile 丁基?
butanedione 丁二銅
butchery 肉庫
butene; butylene 丁烯
butt 對接;對頭
butt joint 對接
butt resistance welding 對接電阻熔焊
butt riveting 對接鉚接;對鉚
butt seam welding 對[接沿]縫熔焊
butt strap 搭板
butt turning 頂岸迴轉
butt weld 對接熔焊
butter of antimony 銻脂;銻膏
butter of arsenic 砷脂;砷膏
butterfish 肉魚;東洋鯧;瓜子鯧
butterfly clack; valve 蝶形閥
butterfly fish 蝶魚
butterfly nut 蝶形螺帽;元寶螺帽
butterfly nut; thumb nut 翼形螺帽
Butterworth heater 洗艙水加熱器
Butterworth hole 洗艙孔
Butterworth pump; tank cleaning pump 洗艙泵
Butterworth tank cleaning system 巴氏貨油艙清洗系統
Butterworth tank cleaning system machine 巴氏洗艙器
butting percentage 罐鉤罐蓋捲入率
buttock line 縱剖面線
button head rivet; round head rivet; snap head rivet 圓頭鉚釘
button switch; push button switch; push-button switch 按鈕開關
buttress threaded screw 鋸齒形螺釘
butyl acetates 乙酸丁酯
butyl acetates secondary 二基乙酸丁醋
butyl acrylate 丙烯酸丁酯
butyl alcohol; butanol 丁醇
butyl amine normal 正丁胺
butyl benzene 丁苯
butyl bromide normal 正溴丁烷
butyl chloride normal 正氯丁烷
butyl ether 丁醚
butyl formate normal 正甲酸丁酯
butyl isopropylbenzene 丁基異丙苯
butyl trichlorosilane 丁基三氯甲矽烷
butyrapenyde 丁醛
butyrone 庚酮
butyronitrile 丁?
butyroyl chloride 丁醯氯
buyer's interest 買方利益
Buys Ballot's law 達斯貝羅定律
buzz 蜂鳴;鳴聲
buzzer 蜂鳴器
buzzer excitation 蜂音激發
buzzer modulation 蜂音調變
buzzer wavemeter 蜂音波長計
by direction {= BYDIR} 代行;奉令代行簽署
by head; down by the head 首重
by other means {= BOM} 用其他方法
by point 偏點
by run; with a run 盡量鬆
by stern; down by the stern 尾重
by the board [= overboard; to go by the board] 落水;漂失
by the head; trim by bow; trim by head; trim by stem 艏俯
by the run 鬆脫;快鬆
by the stern; trim by stern 艉俯
by the wind 逆戧
by wind [= close hauled; on the wind] 搶風{橫向來風};鈍角逆風
by-pass 旁路
by-pass capacitor 旁路電容器
by-pass pipe 旁通管
by-pass resister 旁路電阻器
by-path system 分徑制;旁路制
C 航向;羅經;修正
C & R 建造;修理;護航;航路;船隊與航線
C strake C板列
C Underwriter 核保人簽名
C weather 目視飛行天氣
C-battery 丙電池;C電池
C-bias 丙偏壓;C偏壓
C-enamel C塗料
CA 民事;重型巡洋艇
cab 鍊;電纜
caballa [秘魯沿岸的]鯖魚
cabin 房艙;艙間
cabin deck paint 室內甲板漆
cabin fan 房艙風扇;艙室通風機
cabin luggage; personal luggage 隨身行李
cabin passenger 房艙乘客
cabin plan 房艙布置圖
cabin store 房艙用具間
cabin ventilator 房艙通風機
cabin wall ventilator 艙壁通風器
cable [電]纜;電報;錨鏈;鏈{長度單位=1/10海里}
cable address 電報掛號
cable bracket; cable rack 電纜架
cable buoy 電纜浮標
cable burying machine 埋纜機
cable cutter 切纜機
cable duct 電纜槽
cable gram 海底電報
cable grapnel 撈纜機