(計算時間: 0.014秒, 共找到 37329 筆資料,顯示第 6401 到 6500 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
cat block 吊錨滑車
cat ice; rind ice; shell ice 殼冰
cat walk 窄道
cat whisker 觸鬚
cat's nose 貓鼻風
cat's paw 貓爪風
cat; weight 起錨
catadioptric lens 反射折射透射鏡
catadromous fish 降河魚;下海魚
catadromous migration 降河洄游;下海洄游
catafront; katafront 下滑鋒
catalog 目錄
catalog of charts and publications 航海圖書目錄
catalysts 催化劑;觸媒;硬化劑{FRP及GRP}
catalyzer 觸媒
catamaran 浮筏;雙體或三體船;防碰躉船;連體船;筏{英}
cataphalanx; kataphalanx 冷鋒面
catapult 彈射器
catastrophe excess of loss 巨災超額賠款
catathermometer 冷卻率溫度計
catch 集水量;漁獲物
catch a crab 划空槳;槳入水過深
catch a turn 繞往
catch and pull throught 用力划
catch control 漁獲限制
catch etc exclusion clause 漁撈物等除外條款
catch limit 捕獲限制
catch per boat 單位船漁獲量
catch per cruise 每航次漁獲量
catch per unit of effort 單位努力漁獲量
catch rotation 輪捕法
catchability coefficient; efficiency of unit effort 漁獲能率
catchability per unit of effort 單位努力漁獲率
catchable stock 可能漁獲資源
catchead 吊錨桿{已不常用};倉庫吊杆
catcher boat 漁獲船
catching rate; fishing index; fishing rate 漁獲率
catchment area 集水區
catchment basin 集水窪地
catchment glacier 漂雪冰河
categories of nonmilitary ships 非軍用船[隻]分類
catenary 垂鍊曲線
catenary anchor leg mooring 懸垂法錨泊{鑽油臺}
cathode choke coil 陰極抗流圈
cathode current 陰極電流
cathode feedback amplifier 陰極回授放大器;陰極反饋放大器
cathode follower; cathode coupled stage 陰極隨耦器
cathode glow 陰極[電]輝
cathode injection 陰極注射
cathode lens 陰極稜鏡
cathode ray oscilloscope; cathode ray oscillograph 陰極[射線]示波器
cathode ray tube modulation meter 陰極射線管調變計
cathode [= catelectrode; kathode; negative electrode; negative pole] 陰極;負極
cathode-coupling 陰極耦合
cathode-lumine-scence 陰極射線激發光
cathode-modulation 陰極調變
cathode-ray direction finding 陰極射線測向
cathode-ray HF direction finder 陰極射線[高頻]測向儀
cathode-ray tube display 陰極射線管顯示器
cathode-ray tube {= CRT} 陰極射線管
cathodic protection 陰極防蝕;陰極防鏽
catoptric lens 反射透鏡
catspaw 貓爪結;貓爪風{一陣強風}
cattle carrier [= cattle ship] 牲畜運送船;牲口船
cattle container 牲口櫃
cattle fittings 運牲畜裝置
cattle ship 牲畜船
Cauchy theorem 柯西定理
caudal fin 尾鰭
caudal keel 尾柄隆起骨
caudal peduncle 尾柄;尾鰭
caudal vertebra 尾椎骨
cauliflower cloud 花菜雲
caulking 填隙;填縫
caulking chisel; chinsing iron; horsing iron 捻縫鑿
caulking groove 填隙槽
caulking hammer 捻縫鎚
caulking mallet 填棉或麻絲之鎚;捻縫[木]鎚
caulking piece; shim 填隙片
caulking strip 填隙條
caulking tool; fuller; fullering tool 捻縫工具
causa causans 直接有效原因{拉丁}
causality 因果關係
cause beyond control 不能控制之原因
cause proxima 主力近因{拉丁}
causeway 棧橋;堤道;過水道
causeway launching area 棧橋泛水
caustic alkali liquids 苛性鹼液體
caustic antimony 苛性銻
caustic brittleness ?脆性
caustic oil of arsenic 苛性砷油
caustic potash 苛性鉀
caustic soda 苛性鈉;苛性蘇打
caution area 慎航區;警覺地區
cautionary signal 警示號誌
cavaliers 卡伐利風期
cavally 鯖類
caver; kaver 卡佛風
caviar 鹽漬魚卵