(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 10959 筆資料,顯示第 7701 到 7800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
polarity 極性
polarity reversal 極性反向
polarity subchron 地磁極性亞期
polarity superchron 地磁極性超期
polarity transition 極性過渡帶
polarization 極化;極化作用 ;極化度;偏振化;偏振
polarogram 極譜
polarograph 極譜儀
polarographic analysis 極譜分析[法]
polarography 極譜法
polarometric titration 極譜滴定[法]
pollutant 污染物
pollutant concentration 污染物濃度
pollutant discharge 污染物排出
pollutant discharge under certain standard 污染物排放標準
pollutant dispersion 污染物擴散
pollutant disposal 污染物棄置
pollutant dynamics 污染物動力學
pollutant effect 污染物影響
pollutant identification 污染物?定
pollutant index 污染物指數
pollutant interaction 污染物交互作用
pollutant loading 污染物負荷
pollutant pathway 污染物傳播途徑
pollutant surveillance 污染物監測
pollutant target 污染物目標
polluted estuary 污染的河口
polluted seawater corrosion 污染海水腐蝕
polluted stream 污染的河流
polluted water alga 污染的水藻
polluted waters 污染水域
polluted waterway 污染的水道
polluting effect 污染效應
polluting material 污染物質
polluting property 污染特性
polluting strength 污染強度
polluting substance 污染物
pollution 污染
pollution abatement 污染消除
pollution abatement equipment 減輕污染的設備
pollution assessment 污染評估;污染評價
pollution capacity 污染能力
pollution condition 污染條件
pollution control 污染控制;污染防治
pollution control facility 污染控制設施
pollution control function 污染控制功能
pollution control instrumentation 污染控制儀器
pollution control technology 污染控制技術
pollution criterion 污染標準
pollution cycle 污染循環
pollution deposit 污染沉積物
pollution detection 污染檢測
pollution distribution 污染分佈
pollution effect 污染的後果、污染效應
pollution engineering technique 污染工程技術
pollution equivalent 污染當量
pollution hazard 污染危害
pollution index 污染指數
pollution indicator 污染指標
pollution intensity 污染強度
pollution level 污染程度
pollution liability 污染應負的責任
pollution load 污染負荷
pollution loading amount 污染負荷量
pollution management 污染管理
pollution measurement 污染測量
pollution mechanism 污染機制
pollution monitoring 污染監視;污染監測
pollution monitoring network 污染監測網
pollution nuisance 污染公害
pollution of estuary 河口污染
pollution of lake 湖泊污染
pollution of natural water 天染水污染
pollution of reservoir 水庫污染
pollution of river 河流污染
pollution of seawater 海水污染
pollution organism indicator 污染生物指標
pollution prediction 污染預測
pollution prevention and control ordinance 污染防治條例
pollution prevention and control technique 污染防治技術
pollution reduction 減輕污染
pollution source 污染源
pollution status 污染狀況;污染等級
pollution studies 污染研究
pollution survey 污染調查
pollution tax 污染稅
pollution toxicity 污染毒性
pollution type 污染類型
pollution warning system 污染報警系統
pollution zone 污染帶
pollution-carrying resource 有污染的資源
pollution-creating source 污染產生源
pollution-related victim 污染受害者
polochthium 泥灘生物群落
polyandry 一妻多夫制
Polychaeta 多毛綱
polychaetes 多毛類
polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) 多氯聯苯
polychlorinated biphenyls; PCB 多氯聯苯
Polycladida 多歧腸目