(計算時間: 0.003秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 1001 到 1100 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Catching cold; Chilling; Chill; Subcalorism 受寒; 感冒
Catenating ague; Hybrid malaria 混合瘧
Caterpillar rash 毛蟲皮疹; 蛾蟲皮疹
Caudation; Elongation of clitoris 陰蒂展長
Cauliflower cancer 菜花性癌
Cauliflower tumor; Cauliflower excrescence 菜花狀瘤
Causal nexus; Causality 病因所關
Cause of disease; Causation of disease 病因; 病原
Caustic soda poisoning 鈉鹼中毒
Cavalryman's osteoma 股肌骨瘤; 騎士骨瘤
Cavernous angioma; Cavernous tumor; Erectile tumor; Circumscribed angioma 海綿狀血管瘤; 海綿瘤; 海綿狀痣; 限局性血管瘤; 先天痣
Cavernous fibroma 海綿狀纖維瘤
Cavernous lipoma 海綿狀脂瘤
Cavernous lymphangioma 海綿狀淋巴管瘤
Cavernous myoma 海綿狀肌瘤
Cavernous nevus 海綿狀痣; 空洞性血管瘤
Cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis 空洞性肺結核
Ceasmic teratism 裂隙畸形
Cebocephalic monster 猴頭畸胎
Cebocephaly; Cebocephalic monstrosity 猴頭畸形
Cebotic monstrosity 猿耳畸形
Cecolithiasis; Presence of typhloliths 盲腸石病
Celandine poisoning; Chelidonine poisoning 白屈菜中毒; 白屈菜鹼中毒
Cell tumor; Cellular newgrowth 細胞瘤
Cellular infiltration 細胞浸潤
Cellular neuroma 細胞性神經瘤; 神經細胞瘤
Cellular pathology 細胞病理學; Virchow氏細胞病原論
Cellular proliferation; Proliferation of cells 細胞增殖
Cellulosocystic hygroma 海綿狀水囊腫
Cellulous cysticercosis 豬囊尾蟲病; 細胞狀囊尾蟲病
Cellulous nevus 多細胞痣
Celology; Herniology 突逸學
Celosoma; Celosomus; Celosomatic monster 露臟畸胎
Celosomia; Celosomatic monstrosity 露臟畸形
Celsus's kerion; Suppurating ringworm 化膿禿髮?; 髮?菌?; Celsus氏禿瘡
Cementification 堊質化
Cementoclasy 齒骨質破壞
Cementum hyperplasia; Cemental hyperplasia 齒骨質增殖; 堊質增殖
Cenadelphus 完全對稱深雙畸胎
Central callus 中央骨痂
Central osteosarcoma 中央骨肉瘤
Central pneumonia 中央肺炎
Central rupture 中央裂
Cephalic ateliosis; Atelocephaly 頭發育不全
Cephalic cleft; Cleft-headed monster 裂頭(畸胎)
Cephalic emphysema; Emphysema of head; Physocephaly; Cranial pneumatocele 頭氣腫; 顱氣腫; 氣腫性大頭
Cephalic malformation 頭部畸形
Cephalic tetanus; Cerebral tetanus; Hydrophobic tetanus; Head tetanus; Rose's tetanus; Klemm's tetanus; Janin's tetanus 頭部破傷風; 瘈咬病破傷風; 腦破傷風
Cephaloma of bone 骨部髓樣肉瘤; 骨髓質瘤
Cephalomelic monster 頭部寄生肢; 頭肢畸胎
Cephalopathy 頭病
Cephalosporium disease 頭芽胞菌病
Cerebellar gliosis 小腦神經膠瘤病
Cerebellar tumor 小腦腫瘤
Cerebral carcinomatous sarcoma 腦癌肉瘤
Cerebral conquassation 腦挫碎; 腦壓潰
Cerebral contusion 腦挫傷
Cerebral cyst 腦囊腫
Cerebral disease; Cerebropathy; Encephalopathy; Cerebral affection 腦病
Cerebral dystrophy 腦榮養障礙
Cerebral echinococcal disease; Cerebral echinococcosis 腦包蟲病
Cerebral endothelioma 腦內皮瘤
Cerebral grip 腦炎型流行感冒
Cerebral gumma 腦梅毒腫
Cerebral injury; Injury to brain 腦損傷
Cerebral malformation 腦畸形
Cerebral mushroom poisoning; Cerbral mycetism 神經性蕈中毒; 腦性蕈中毒
Cerebral pneumonia 腦型肺炎
Cerebral pseudotumor 腦假瘤
Cerebral rheumatism; Hyperpyretic rheumatism 高熱性關節風濕; 腦性關節風濕
Cerebral sarcoma 腦肉瘤
Cerebral spongioma; Fungus of brain 大腦海綿腫; 大腦突逸; 腦瘤
Cerebral syphilis 腦梅毒
Cerebral tuberculosis 腦結核
Cerebral tumor; Tumor of brain; Brain tumor 腦腫瘤; 腦瘤
Cerebral type 腦發達型; 腦型
Cerebral wound; Wound of brain 腦創傷
Cerebrospinal syphilis 腦脊髓梅毒
Cervical actinomycosis 頸放線菌病
Cervical atresia 子宮頸閉鎖
Cervical cancer of gravid uterus 妊娠子宮頸癌
Cervical cancer; Cervical carcinoma; Cancer of cervix uteri 子宮頸癌
Cervical cleft; Fissured neck 裂頸(畸形)
Cervical cyst 頸囊腫
Cervical emphysema 頸氣腫
Cervical fracture 頸柱骨折
Cervical gonorrhea 子宮頸淋病
Cervical injury; Injury of neck 頸部損傷
Cervical malformation 頸部畸形
Cervical myoma 子宮頸肌瘤
Cervical polypus 子宮頸息肉
Cervical tumor 頸腫瘤
Cestodic tuberculosis 絛蟲性類結核病
Cestodic tuberculosis 絛蟲性假結核病
Chalara disease 橫節黴菌病
Chalcosis of lens; Lenticular chalcosis 晶狀體銅屑沉?病
Chalky calculus; Calcium stone 碳酸鈣結石; 石灰結石
Chambard's xanthomatosis; Bowland's disease 黃瘤病
Chancre of portio vaginalis 陰道部子宮頸下疳
Chancre; Hard sore 下疳