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英文名稱 中文名稱
Chilblain-lupus 凍瘡樣狼瘡
Chill of abdomen 下腹受寒
Chill of joint 關節受寒
Chill of rectum 直腸受寒
Chilling of foot 足受寒
Chilobuccal cleft 裂脣頰(畸形)
Chilognathic fissure 裂脣頜(畸形)
Chilognathofacial cleft; Primary lateral facial cleft 裂脣頜面(畸形)
Chiromegaly; Hypertrophy of hand 手肥大
Chisel fracture 鑿離樣橈頭骨折
Chloracetophenone poisoning 苯氯乙酮中毒
Chloral poisoning; Chloralization 三氯乙醛中毒
Chloral rash 三氯乙醛疹
Chlorine poisoning 氯氣中毒; 氯中毒
Chlorine poisoning 氯中毒
Chloroform poisoning; Chloroformism 氯仿中毒
Chloromatous erythroblastoma 綠瘤性有核赤血球瘤
Chloromatous lymphosarcoma; Lymphoid chloroma; Chlorosarcolymphadeny 綠色淋巴肉瘤; 萎黃淋巴腺病; 萎黃淋巴肉瘤病; 萎黃白血病性肉瘤病
Chloromatous myelosarcoma; Myeloid chloroma; Sarcomatous chloromyeloma 綠色骨髓肉瘤; 骨髓綠瘤; 綠色骨髓瘤
Chloromatous sarcoma; Chloroleukemia; Balfour's disease; Green cancer 綠色肉瘤; 萎黃白血病; Balfour氏病
Chloropicrin poisoning; Vomiting gas poisoning 氯苦劑中毒; 催吐毒氣中毒
Chlorotic constitution 萎黃病體質
Chlorotic goiter 萎黃病甲狀腺腫
Chlorotic pulmonary tuberculosis 萎黃病肺結核
Choanal atresia 鼻後孔閉鎖
Choanal polypus 鼻後孔息肉
Choeradology; Science of scrofula 腺病質學
Choilopoda disease 脣足蟲病
Cholangial tumor 乳糜管瘤
Cholangial tumor; Tumor of bile-duct 膽管腫瘤
Cholecystic injury; Injury to gall-bladder 膽囊損傷
Cholecystic tumor; Tumor of gall-bladder 膽囊腫瘤
Cholecystopathy; Disease of gallbladder 膽囊病
Cholecystotyphoid 膽囊炎性傷寒
Choledochus cyst 總膽管囊腫
Cholemic intoxication 膽血性自體中毒; 膽血症
Cholera-exanthema 霍亂疹
Choleratyphoid; Cholera fever; Typhoid cholera 傷寒型霍亂; 霍亂熱
Cholereiform mushroom poisoning; Cholereiform mycetism 霍亂型蕈中毒
Choleric temperament; Bilious temperament 膽汁質
Choleriform malaria 霍亂型瘧
Choleriform pernicious malaria; Choleric remittent 霍亂型惡瘧
Cholesteatoma of auditary canal 外耳道膽脂瘤
Cholesteatoma of renal pelvis 腎盂膽脂瘤
Cholesterin stone 膽醇結石
Cholesterin-pigment-calcium 膽醇色素石灰結石
Cholesterine deposition 膽醇沉?
Chondrification 軟骨化
Chondrification of spleen 脾軟骨化
Chondrodysplasy; Abnormal cartilage formation 軟骨發育異常; 軟骨發育不良; 軟骨發育障礙
Chondrodystrophy; Ollier's disease; Achondroplasty; Asymmetrical chondrodystrophy (胎兒)軟骨榮養障礙; (胎兒)軟骨發生不全; Ollier氏病; 胎兒佝僂病; 不稱性軟骨榮養障礙
Chondroid cancer 軟骨樣癌
Chondromatous adenoma 軟骨腺瘤
Chondromatous angioma 軟骨血管瘤
Chondromatous endothelioma 軟骨內皮瘤
Chondromatous lipoma 軟骨脂瘤
Chondromatous myoma 軟骨肌瘤
Chondromatous myxosarcoma 軟骨黏液肉瘤
Chondromatous periosteoma 軟骨骨膜瘤
Chondromatous sarcoma 軟骨肉瘤; 軟骨瘤性肉瘤
Chondropathology; Pathology of cartilage 軟骨病理學
Chordal cancer 背索癌
Chordal celled tumor 背索胚細胞瘤
Chordal tumor; Tumor of notochord 背索瘤
Chordee 勃起性淋病; 陰莖屈曲尿道炎; 花柳性勃起陰莖
Chordomatous epithelioma 背索上皮瘤
Chorioid coloboma 裂脈絡膜(畸形)
Chorioid solution 脈絡膜脫離
Chorioidal carcinoma 脈絡膜癌
Chorioideal tumor 脈絡膜腫瘤
Chorioideremy 無脈絡膜(畸形)
Chorioikal tubercle; Choroid tubercle 脈胳膜結核節
Chorion hyperplasy; Overgrowth of chorion 絨毛膜增殖
Chorionic adenoma; Malignant mole; Destructive placental mole 絨毛膜腺瘤
Chorionic angiofibroma 絨毛膜血管纖維瘤
Chorionic angioma 絨毛膜血管瘤
Chorionic carcinoma 絨毛膜癌
Chorionic epithelioma; Chorion-epithelioma; Syncytial tumor 絨毛膜上皮瘤; 榮養胚細胞瘤; 蛻膜瘤; 融合細胞瘤
Choroidal ossification 脈絡膜骨化
Choroideal tuberculosis 脈胳膜結核
Chromaffin tumor; Pheochromocytoma; Pheochromocytic tumor 副神經節瘤; 嗜鉻細胞瘤; 嗜鉻織瘤
Chromaffinopathy 嗜鉻組織病
Chromate poisoning 鉻酸鹽中毒
Chromatic phytosis 著色性寄生植物原病
Chromatopathy; Chromopathy 色素性皮病
Chromatophorous tumor 色素小胞瘤
Chromic poisoning 鉻中毒
Chromophobe adenoma 忌鉻織腺瘤
Chronic acid poisoning 鉻酸中毒
Chronic articular rheumatism; Beauvais' disease 慢性關節風濕; Beauvais氏病
Chronic carbolism 慢性石碳酸中毒
Chronic disease 慢性病
Chronic dysentery 慢性痢疾
Chronic emphysema 慢性氣腫
Chronic exanthem 慢性疹
Chronic fluorine poisoning; Fluorine cachexia 慢性氟中毒
Chronic glanders 慢性鼻疽
Chronic gonorrhea; Gleet 慢性淋病
Chronic lead poisoning; Saturnine cachexia 慢性鉛中毒; 鉛毒惡病質
Chronic malaria; Malarial cachexia; Paludal cachexia; Malarial malaise; Impaludism; Marsh poisoning 慢性瘧; 瘧疾惡病質