(計算時間: 0.006秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 1601 到 1700 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Cyst of hymen 處女膜囊腫
Cyst of mammary gland 乳腺囊腫
Cyst of pineal gland 松果體囊腫
Cyst of vitelline duct 卵黃管原囊腫
Cyst sac 囊腫囊
Cyst-wall 囊腫壁
Cystadenomatous carcinoma 囊腺癌
Cystencephalic monster 囊化腦畸胎
Cystencephaly; Cystencephalic monstrosity 囊化腦(畸形)
Cystic adenoid acanthoma 囊性腺樣棘皮瘤; 囊性腺樣上皮瘤
Cystic adenoma; Adenomatous cystoma 囊腺瘤; 腺囊瘤
Cystic adenosarcoma; Cystadenomatous sarcoma 囊腺肉瘤
Cystic bifid spine 囊狀裂脊柱(畸形); 囊狀脊柱裂
Cystic bilharziasis 膀胱住血裂體蛭病
Cystic bone tumor 骨囊瘤
Cystic cancer; Cystic carcinoma 囊狀癌
Cystic colpohyperplasia; Emphysematous colpohyperplasy; Vaginal emphysema; Emphysematous colpitis; Vesicular colpitis 囊性陰道組織增殖; 氣泡樣陰組織增殖; 陰道氣腫; 氣腫性陰道炎; 小泡性陰道炎
Cystic diathesis 囊腫素質
Cystic diphthery 膀胱白喉
Cystic elephantiasis 囊腫象皮病
Cystic epithelioma 囊性上皮瘤
Cystic fibroma 囊性纖維瘤
Cystic fibroma of nares 鼻孔囊性纖維瘤
Cystic fibromyxoma 囊性纖維黏液瘤
Cystic glioma 囊性神經膠瘤
Cystic goiter; Cystic bronchocele 囊性甲狀腺腫
Cystic hygroma 囊狀水囊腫
Cystic lipoma 囊性脂瘤
Cystic lithiasis 膀胱石病
Cystic lymphangioma 囊狀淋巴管瘤
Cystic myoma 囊狀肌瘤
Cystic myxoma; Cystoid myxoma 囊性黏液瘤
Cystic neuroma 囊性神經瘤
Cystic osteodystrophy; Recklinghausen's disease 囊腫性骨榮養障礙; 囊腫性纖維性骨炎; Reckling-hausen氏病
Cystic sarcoma 囊狀肉瘤
Cystic syphilis 膀胱梅毒
Cystic teratoma 囊腫性畸胎瘤
Cystic tuberculosis 膀胱結核
Cystic tumor; Hollow tumor 囊瘤
Cysticercus disease 囊尾蟲病; 絛蟲幼蟲病; 幼絛蟲病
Cystiform dilatation of kidney; Cystic disease of kidney 腎臟囊腫病
Cystin calculus; Cystin stone; Cystic-oxide calculus 膀胱酸結石
Cystogenic renal tuberculosis 膀胱原腎結核
Cystoid cicatrix 囊狀瘢痕
Cystomatous chondroma 囊性軟骨瘤; 軟骨囊瘤
Cystomyxomatous adenoma 囊性黏液腺瘤
Cytisin poisoning; Poisoning by cytisus laburnum 金雀花鹼中毒; 金雀花中毒
Cytopathology; Pathology of cells 細胞病理學
Cytopathy 細胞病
Darier's disease; Follicular psorospermosis 增殖性魚漿子蟲病; 毛囊角化病; Darier氏病; 毛囊鱗癬
Darnel poisoning; Poisoning with lolium temulentum 毒麥中毒
Daughter cyst 子包蟲囊; 子包
Decemcostalism 十肋(畸形)
Deciduocellular sarcoma 蛻膜細胞肉瘤
Decomposition of cartilage 關節軟骨脫離
Decompression injury 壓力缺乏性創傷
Decompression lesion 減壓性損害
Deep blastomycosis 深性釀母菌病
Deep cutaneous cancer 深入性皮癌
Deep incised wound 深切創
Deep perineal rupture 深會陰破裂
Deep wound 深傷口
Defective development; Imperfect development; Incomplete formation; Hypoplasy; Hypoplasty 發育不全; 成形不全
Defervescing plague 退熱性鼠疫
Deficient callus formation 骨痂形成不足
Definitive callus; Permanent callus 永久骨痂
Deformed dwarf 變形性矮小
Deformity of limb; Ectromely 四肢不全(畸形); 毀肢畸形
Degeneracy 衰頹病
Degeneration cyst; Evolution cyst 變性性囊腫
Degenerative lesion 變性性損害
Degenerative pannus 變性性血管翳
Degenerative tuberculosis 變性結核病
Dehydration of tissues 組織體液缺乏
Delayed congenital syphilis 晚發性先天梅毒; 晚發遺傳梅毒
Delayed malaria; Postponing malaria; Postponing intermittent 移後瘧
Delayed poisoning 遲發中毒
Delayed tetanus; Late tetanus 遲發性破傷風
Demimonstrosity 半畸形; 官能無害性畸形
Demodectic acariasis 皮脂腺蟲病
Dendritic osteophyte 樹根狀骨贅
Dendritic tumor 枝狀瘤
Dengue (fever); Breakbone fever; Dandy fever; Aden fever; Aden ague; Bucket fever; Three-days' fever; Sun fever; Solar fever; African fever 登革熱; 關節疹熱; 風濕猩紅熱; 地方性薔薇疹熱
Dental aplasia 齒成形不全
Dental calculus; Serumal calculus; Tartar of teeth; Odontolith; Dental tophus 齒根石; 血?石
Dental cyst; Radicular cyst; Root cyst 齒根囊腫
Dental exostosis; Cementicle 齒部外生骨贅; 牙骨贅
Dental injury; Injury to tooth 齒損傷
Dental osteoma; Dental exostosis; Ivory exostosis; Odontoblastic tumor 齒瘤; 齒外生骨瘤; 齒胚細胞瘤; 齒骨瘤
Dental root cyste 齒根囊瘤
Dental sarcoma; Odontogenic sarcoma 齒齦肉瘤
Dentate fracture 相嵌骨折
Dentigerous cyst 含齒囊腫
Dentinal tumor 齒質瘤
Dentitional disorder 生齒期病
Dentritic calculus; Coral calculus; Dendritic stone 分枝形結石
Dentritic cancer 枝狀癌; 乳頭狀瘤
Deplumation; Loss of eyelashes; Falling out of eyelashes 睫毛脫落; 禿睫病; 睫毛癬
Deposition; Deposit 沉積; 沈?
Depressed fracture 凹陷骨折; 壓入骨折