(計算時間: 0.005秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 1701 到 1800 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Dermocymic monster 皮下寄生胎
Dermoid cancer 皮樣癌
Dermoid cyst; Cutaneous cyst; Cuticular cyst; Dermoid tumor 皮樣囊瘤; 皮囊瘤
Dermology; Dermatology 皮膚學; 皮膚科學
Dermonosology; Dermatonosology 皮膚病學
Dermosyphilography 皮膚梅毒論
Descending nephropathy; Hematogenic nephropathy 下行性腎病; 血原腎病
Descending renal tuberculosis 下行性腎結核
Descending tetanus 下行性破傷風
Desmiognathic parasite 頜韌帶寄生胎
Desmology ?帶學
Desmonosology ?帶病學
Desmopathology ?帶病理學
Desmopathy; Syndesmopathy; Disease of articular ligament ?帶病; 關節?帶病
Desquamation of epidermis; Exfoliation 鱗片樣脫屑
Desquamation; Peeling; Scaling 脫屑; 脫皮
Desquamative conjunctival epitheliosis; Conjunctival epithelial hyperplasy 脫屑性結合膜上皮增殖; 結合膜上皮增殖
Destructive adenoma 毀壞性腺瘤
Destructive bone tuberculosis 毀壞性骨結核
Detachment of artery 動脈分離
Detachment of axis-cylinder 神經軸分離
Detachment of ciliary body 睫狀體脫離
Detachment of ligament 韌帶脫離
Detachment of nerve 神經分離
Detachment of retina; Retinal sublation 視網膜脫離; 視網膜溶解
Detachment of vessel 血管分離
Detachment of vitreous humor 玻璃狀體脫離
Detachment; Delamination 脫離; 分離
Determining cause 決定因
Deuteropathy; Secondary disease; Secondary affection; Consecutive disease 續發病; 次要症
Development of phthisis 癆之形成; 成癆
Developmental disease; Disorder of development 發育病
Developmental hypertrophy 發育性肥大
Dhobie itch; Manila itch; Marginal eczema; Crural trichophytosis; Baerensprung's erythrasma; Jock itch 股部髮癬菌病; 股部表皮癬菌病; 股圓癬; 熱帶錢癬; Dhobie(地方)癬; 邊緣性濕疹; 邊緣性皮黴病; 寄生性濕疹
Diabetic autointoxication 糖尿性自體中毒
Diabetic eruption 糖尿病疹; 糖尿性皮病
Diabetic habit 糖尿病體型
Diabetic xanthoma 糖尿病黃瘤
Diagnostic names 診斷學名詞
Diaphoretic pernicious fever 出汗型惡瘧
Diaphragm injury; Injury to diaphragm 膈損傷
Diaphyseal aclasis 骨幹骨軟骨分劃不?
Diaphyseal fracture 骨幹骨折
Diaphyseal osteosarcoma; Ewing's sarcoma; Ewing's tumor 骨幹骨肉瘤; Ewing氏肉瘤
Diaphyseal tuberculosis 骨幹結核
Diastematencephaly; Encephalic diastematy 縱裂腦(畸形); 腦縱裂
Diastomyely; Myelic diastematia 縱裂脊(畸形); 脊髓縱裂
Diathesy; Natural predisposition; Congenital predisposition 素質; (先天素因)
Dibrachial acephalus 雙臂無頭畸胎
Dibrachial dicephalus 雙臂雙頭畸胎
Dibrachial dipygus 雙臂雙臀畸胎
Dibrachial ileothoracopagus 雙臂腸骨胸骨聯胎
Dicervical dicephalus 雙頸雙頭畸胎
Dicodide poisoning; Dicodidism 二氫可待因酮中毒; (地可地脫中毒)
Dicroceliasis 叉腹蛭病
Dictyinosteophyte 網纖維狀骨贅
Didactylism 兩指(趾)(畸形)
Didermic teratoma 雙胚葉畸胎瘤
Difficult dentition 生齒困難
Diffuse adenoma 瀰漫性腺瘤
Diffuse alveolar dystrophy; Diffuse dystrophy 瀰漫性齒槽榮養障礙
Diffuse epithelioma 瀰漫性上皮瘤
Diffuse erysipelas 瀰漫性丹毒
Diffuse gliosis 瀰漫性神經膠瘤病
Diffuse goiter 瀰漫性甲狀腺腫
Diffuse hyperostosis 瀰漫性骨肥厚
Diffuse lesion; Disseminated lesion 瀰漫性損傷; 播散性損傷
Diffuse lipoma 普遍性脂瘤
Diffuse meteorism 瀰漫性鼓脹
Diffuse myoma 瀰漫性肌瘤
Diffuse papilloma 瀰漫性乳頭狀瘤
Diffuse scrofulophyma 瀰漫性皮膚瘰?; 瘰?性象皮病
Diffuse trachoma 瀰漫性沙眼; 膠樣沙眼
Diffuse tuberculosis 瀰漫性結核病
Digestive type 消化系發達型; 消化型
Digitalis poisoning; Digitalism 毛地黃?中毒; 毛地黃中毒
Dilaudide poisoning; Dilaudidism 二氫嗎啡酮中毒; (地勞地脫中毒)
Dinitrobenzol poisoning 二硝基苯中毒
Diomphalic monster 雙臍畸胎
Diophthalmic diprosopus 雙眼雙面畸胎
Diphenylaminarsin poisoning; Adamsite poisoning 亞當氏氣中毒
Diphenylchlorarsin poisoning; Sneezing gas poisoning; Sternutator poisoning 催嚏毒氣中毒; 二苯氯胂中毒
Diphosgene poisoning 雙光氣中毒
Diphtheric granulation 固膜性肉芽
Diphtheritic enteritis; Stercoral diphthery 便祕性腸白喉
Diphtheroid 類白喉
Diphthery; Syriac ulcer 白喉; (埃及病)
Diplococcemia 雙球菌血症
Diplococcic disease 雙球菌病
Diplopody 四足(畸形)
Diplosomatic montrosity 雙軀畸形
Diploteratology; Diploteratography 聯胎學
Dipodal acephalus 雙足無頭畸胎
Dipodalic dipygus 雙足雙臀畸胎
Dipodalic ileothoracopagus 雙足腸骨胸骨聯胎
Dipodial dicephalus 雙足雙頭畸胎
Diprosopic cephalothoracopagus 面胸聯胎; 雙面頭胸聯胎
Diprosopic monster 雙面畸胎
Diprosopic monstrosity 雙面畸形
Dipsorrhexy 初期醇中毒