(計算時間: 0.004秒, 共找到 7307 筆資料,顯示第 1801 到 1900 筆)
英文名稱 中文名稱
Dipygal gastropagy 雙臀腹聯胎
Dipygal gastrothoracopagus 雙臀腹胸聯胎
Dipygal thoracopagus 雙臀胸聯胎
Dipygic monster 雙臀畸胎
Dipylidium disease 雙口犬絛蟲病
Direct fracture 直接骨折
Direct heredity; Immediate heredity; Parental heredity 直接遺傳; 父母遺傳
Direct infection; Contact infection 直接傳染
Direct lesion 直接傷
Disc-shaped kidney 盤形併腎; 盤形腎
Discharging lesion 突變性損害; 驟換性損害
Discoid syphilide 平圓梅毒疹
Discomycotic disease 盤樣菌病
Discrete measles 稀疏麻疹
Discrete smallpox 稀?痘; 稀天花
Disease 病; 疾患
Disease caused by heat; Caloric disease 熱原病; 高?性病
Disease caused by living agencies 生物原病
Disease due to chill 受寒病; 感冒病
Disease due to normal senile changes 衰老病
Disease due to overcrowding 擁擠病
Disease due to proverty; Proletarian disease 貧窮病; 不衛生病
Disease of anus 肛門病
Disease of auditory tube; Disease of eustachian tube 咽鼓管病
Disease of bladdor; Urocystopathy; Cystopathy 膀胱病
Disease of blood vessel; Angiopathy; Vascular disease 血管病
Disease of bone marrow 骨髓病
Disease of bone; Osteopathy; Bone disease 骨病
Disease of capsular ligament 關節囊病
Disease of cardiac orifice; Affection of cardiac orifice 心口病
Disease of cartilage; Chondropathy 軟骨病
Disease of cauda equina 脊椎尾病
Disease of cerebellum 小腦病
Disease of connective-tissue 皮下結締織病
Disease of cornea; Corneal disease 角膜病
Disease of cutaneous gland 皮膚腺病
Disease of digestive system 消化系病
Disease of eyelid 眼臉病; 臉病
Disease of fallopian tube 輸卵管病
Disease of hair follicle 毛囊病
Disease of hair; Trichopathy (毛)髮病
Disease of heart muscle; Myocardiopathy 心肌病
Disease of infancy; Pedonosos; Pedonosus; Disease of childhood 嬰兒病; 兒童病; 小兒病
Disease of kidney; Nephropathy; Renal trouble; Renopathy; Kidney disease 腎病
Disease of labyrinth 迷路病
Disease of lip 脣病
Disease of liver; Liver trouble; Liver complaint; Hepatopathy 肝病
Disease of motor organs 運動器官病
Disease of mouth; Affection of mouth; Stomatopathy 口病; 口腔病
Disease of mucous gland 黏液腺病
Disease of mucous membrane; Myxopathy 黏膜病
Disease of muscle; Myopathy 肌病
Disease of nail-root 爪根病
Disease of nail; Onychopathy 爪甲病
Disease of optic thalmus 丘腦病
Disease of patella 膝蓋病; 髕病
Disease of pericardium; Pericardiopathy 心包病
Disease of rectum; Affection of rectum; Proctopathy 直腸病
Disease of rib; Costopathy 肋骨病
Disease of shoulder joint 肩關節病
Disease of sinus; Sinusopathy 竇病
Disease of spleen; Affection of spleen; Lienopathy; Splenopathy; Splenic disorder 脾病
Disease of striatal system 紋狀體病
Disease of sweat gland 汗腺病
Disease of tendon sheath 腱鞘病
Disease of tendon; Tendopathy 腱病
Disease of uretbra 尿道病
Disease of wrist joint 腕關節病
Disease peculiar to old age; Senile disorder; Senile disease 老人病; 老年病
Disease-process 病演; 病之演變; 病之展進
Disease; Sickness; Sickening; Ailment; Disorder; Illness; Distemper; Suffering; Malady 病; 疾病
Diseased condition of hair 毛髮病態
Diseased condition of nail 爪甲病態
Diseased condition of organ 器官病態
Disinsertion 腱止端破裂
Disintegration of bone 骨碎裂; 骨分解
Disorder of eye functions 視官能病
Disorder of menstruation; Emmeniopathy 月經病
Disorder of pregnancy 妊娠病
Disordered anabolism 養料吸收障礙; 物質構成障礙
Disorganisation 器官組織紊亂
Dispersed favus ?黃癬
Disposition; Tendency toward certain disease; Perdisposition 素因
Dissected fever 間斷瘧; 久歇瘧
Dissection wound; Dissecting room wound 解剖創傷
Disseminated lupus; Discrete lupus 播散性狼瘡; 稀疏狼瘡
Disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis 播散性肺結核
Disseminated tuberculosis 廣散性結核病; 稀疏結核病
Disseminative follicular lupus; Acneiform lupus; Miliary lupus; Lupus-like acne; Teleangiected acne 播散性毛囊狼瘡; 痤瘡性狼瘡; 狼瘡痤瘡; 毛細管擴張性痤瘡; 粟粒狼瘡
Dissolution of vertebra 脊椎骨脫離
Distention cyst; Dilatation cyst 擴張囊腫
Distoma infestation; Distoma disease 雙口蛭病
Distomous diprosopus 雙口雙面畸胎; 雙口畸胎
Disturbance of development; Interruption of development; Maldevelopment 發育障礙; 發育不良
Disturbance of nutrition by albumin 蛋白質致害
Disturbance of nutrition by fat 脂肪致害;
Disturbance of nutrition by milk 乳汁致害
Disturbance of nutrition in new-born infant 養料致害; 初生兒養料不宜病
Disunited fracture 複雜骨折
Disymmetric cephalothoracopagus 雙對稱頭胸聯胎; 雙面聯胎